Monday, February 1, 2010

Did I Eat Dinner?

Manic Monday---A short recap

5:00 Am Justice awoke

6:45 Made Coffee (extra strong), gave my hubby a kiss good-bye and started the day

7:10 Cameron awakes screaming for a bottle, Justice shooting baskets--I know, never stops!

7:45 My Mother arrived to watch the kids

8:00-12 Web Class on the wonderful world of Allergic Rhinitis---Makes my brains hurt, not to mention my nose itch..

12-1:30 Lunch and Cameron screamed the entire time, until I stripped him naked and put him in the tub...happy then

1:45 Wrote out Bills---D-E-P-R-E-S-S-I-N

2:00-4:30 More Web Class---ahhh Allergies

4:30 Get Justice ready for YMCA basketball and get myself ready for Muscle mix class

4:35 Off to US Cellular--my phone didn't survive the bath Justice gave it on Sunday, had to go to TWO US Cellulars to get a loaner phone...rrrrr

5:00 Arrive at YMCA, Justice plays basketball, Grandpa Dana takes him home, I stay for class

6:30 Arrive home from Muscle mix, Cameron yet again screaming

7:15 Cameron gets a bath again to stop screaming...

8:00 Called Mother In Law about Tuesday agenda

8:15 tried to get game on Internet, wouldn't work...^$#^**%#@

8:30 Read books with Justice while Cameron eats bottle

9:10 Both kids asleep

10:30 Anticipated arrival of Coach Keene

I still have to read 3 journals for tomorrow's class, write a paper, I didn't have time to take Coach Keene's Suits to the dry cleaners and hummmm......... I FORGOT to eat dinner.....

One Day Down---6 more to go!! A shout out to all the single mommas...