In the heat of the game or the heart of a snowstorm, we all have a purpose. Today, after the roads were cleared, my "charger mentality" headed down the road to serve my customers. (Even though my boys were at home for a fun filled Snow Day!) Just like players are made in the off season, big sales are made when most reps are hibernating! I thought of these quotes today, while squinting from the white-out, and concentrating on my driving, of course....
"The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, others willing to let them..."
"Think BIG, Believe BIG, and Act BIG, and the results will be BIG!"
"There are only two options regarding commitment, your either IN or OUT.."
"Focus is important, if you chase two rabbits both will escape."
"If opportunity knocks, Build a door..."
"Success is getting what you want...Happiness is liking what you have..."
"Success isn't measured by what you do compared to someone else. Its measured by what you do compared to what your capable of doing."
Well, other duties call tonight... I leave you with this thought---I have often heard in life, to succeed, you must sometimes take the road less traveled, but not after 8 inches of snow...You might get stuck :)