Thursday, December 29, 2011


Today while on a gum search in Coach's bag I found this old email I sent him folded up. The paper was wrinkled. The corners were torn. Not to mention the once white paper was dingy. The email was dated February 19, 2011. The significance of the date was the sectional title IW played against QND. This short note has multiple meanings. I was touched he had kept it. I was moved he has read it more times than one by the dirty prints left behind. I thought it was time to share my note to the blog world....

Coach Keene,

When tonight’s game starts--give it your best. The opportunities are there to be anything you want it to be. But wanting to be something isn’t enough; dreaming about it isn’t enough; thinking about it isn’t enough. You have to study for it, work for it, fight for it with all your might and all your heart and all your soul, because nobody is going to hand it to you.

Success does not come to you---you go to it. I am proud of your swagger, I am impressed with your leadership, I am intimated in your will to win, and I am overcome by your love of the game. Passion makes every detail important. Tonight, take some time to enjoy the “small detail” of everything you, as a coach, have overcome this year. Not to mention the success you have molded. It took years to get to this point. Now take it in, and evaluate where your heart tells you to go next on your journey…

Your biggest fan,

Mrs. Coach Keene

.......How often do we actually stop and reflect on all our hard work? Do we wait until New Years Eve to evaluate the last 12 months? Or do we wait until tip off of a 8 year run? I think Keene's push and push; really never stop to think how far I have moved the needle. This needs to change.

I asked our whole family what their New Years Resolution was....

Justice, "Spent more time with Dana." Just a side bar--my dad comes every night to see the boys...How much MORE could the kid possibly get. Anyhoo--

Cameron, "Candy..." Just what the low key kid needs, more sugar.

Andrea, "Find Healthy, physically and mentally." I plan to continue to work hard with my trainer in 2012 and take a day every month to do something for me.

Zach, I will just plead the 5th on his....

As for our Family's New Years resolution....“Now take it in, and evaluate where your heart tells you to go next on your journey…”

Happy New Year!!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Twas The Night Before Christmas....Keene Style

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, well, except for Coach Keene...
As the game film was playing on the flat screen he stare,
In hopes that the basketball elves would soon offer care..

The Keene children were nestled all snug in their beds,
with visions of jean jackets dancing in their heads....
While mom at her computer and I getting a snack,
Had just settle our minds for a short winters nap...

When out at West Adams there rose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter...
Away to my window tons of snow in a flash,
I tore open my phone and gave it a lash ...

This year was almost over, now new fallen snow,
gave yet another day to prepare before meeting our opponents below....
But what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a new "competitive attitude" from our family we hold dear...

With our foursome press as the driver, so lively-so quick,
I know at this moment what made our family tick..
More rapid than eagles the closer they came,
I whistled and shouted and called my vision by name...

Go Zach, Go Andrea, Go Justice, Go Cameron,
You only need each other and the rest will roll...
To the Top of the Leader board, To The Top of the Poll
Now Dash Away, Dash Away, Dash Away All...

They spoke not a word and went straight to work,
Filled the board of life with points and turned with a jerk..
Coach Keene laying a finger aside of his head,
and giving a nod, they dropped another opponent like lead..

Coach sprang back to West Adams and gave them a whistle,
and away the family flew like a down of a thistle...
But I heard coach exclaim, as the they dribbled out of sight,
"Your heart has the answer, now follow that light!"

Merry Christmas from Our Family To Yours.....

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

BIG THANK YOU to Ashleigh Burgess Photography---She did a great job on our family pictures! More to come...

My Boys and Basketball---Our Life!

Sign Language

As a person who believes that the glass is half-full, would you believe that I have days when I don’t know how I am going to make it. There are days when I wonder if I am making a difference here on earth or at best just being an annoying echo.

It is in these rare moments, and I do mean rare, when someone will e-mail me or call out the blue with the greatest words of encouragement. How did they know that their words were just what I needed to hear at that exact moment? Did they have ESP or were dialed into a higher power? Well, whatever caused them to take a minute and make a positive contribution deposit into the soul of another is powerful, I am forever grateful.

The Keene’s received a gift this holiday season. The present was strategically wrapped and left on our driveway. The symbol had more significance than just three words carefully painted. The card handwritten by the author was genuine. The writer thanked us for kind gestures, meaningful tweets and blogs of inspiration. It could not have come at a more divine time.

Being a coaching family is never easy. It’s not all about the W’s and L’s; it’s how you play the game of life. In two thousand eleven this family has played more run and gun defense than Grinnell ever intended when this style was created. Our legs are worn-out but our effort is solid and our heart bleeds school pride. A life lesson we teach the boys--finish everything you start. As parents we must live those values at work and home too.

A couple of take-a-ways from our special present---

1-STOP---One of the weaknesses of being controlling and urgent you want to go 100 miles an hour 24 hours a day. One speed….urgent. We must remember in our dwelling to STOP and smell the roses. Change is the only thing constant in this world and when we are going so fast how can we enjoy the experiences.

2-RED---Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear. No matter what you see on the side lines or in the office our family cares more than you could ever imagine. Coach and I give everything to facilitate our teams to be successful, on and off the court. We teach and hold people accountable. I urge you to look deeper than the plays being called on the sideline. I insist you to look at the full picture of what happens in the office. Nine times out of ten you will find both of us going the extra mile behind the scenes. Don't be so quick to judge our heart when its gives off high energy heat everyday. Who doesn't want to warm up by a high energy personality?

3-OCTAGON—This eight sided sign represents the eight parts to our Keene values; Faith-Marriage-Children-Family-Careers-Household-Opportunities-Risks. Just like everyone in the world these eight values are always shifting in importance. Sometimes hourly. One thing will never change is our commitment to each other. No matter how nutty it gets, the day always ends at home with the people who matter most. I have a goal—never let "it" steal OUR family time. Basketball can turn our octagon into a circle of madness. Often I have to be the advocate for the kids or myself—-and I can be quite persuasive! No one will ever value time like we do at home. Ever. Managing our octagon is a full time job.

4-DON’T STOP BELIEVING—This motto has been adopted as our family mission statement for a few years. Opportunities are always present. Occasionally it’s hard to recognize the sun for all the clouds. Then---God sends a sign.

Yep, Did you hear that? God sent a sign...Don't stop believing--Ever. The clouds are beginning to part because opportunity is already calling.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Not feeling the Christmas love this season. I am trying to over compensate my anger with spending to much dinero on the boys. And yes I have. I think they will have more Christmas gifts to open on Jesus's birthday than all the years combined. And guess what? I don't really care. Very UN-Keene like. Mind you I have not been in a store yet. Just me and the computer. Coach has been so wrapped up with basketball I realistically only have one day to hit the mall. This Sunday--I will probably be so tired from single parenthood from the entire week, including Saturday, I will just throw in the towel. I need to clarify, not angry with Coach. You will just have to wait until my book comes out in August next year to find out....

Speaking of angry, to the man who yelled after the game tonight he, "wanted to kick in that coaches teeth and teach him a thing or two"....your 0-11. Get a life buddy. WOW, and we wonder why the youth of America is screwed up. People like this Einstein are raising them. Not to mention the man from Galesburg that tried to start a fight with my two year old. I am not kidding. What is the world coming to?

On a note from Albert Einstein he once said, "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." No matter what you do in life someone will try to steal your joy. Although a very hard lesson when we lead from the heart we must remember the valuable rule of what YOU can control. No one can take your passion, your drive, your heart, your desire, your love of the game, your smile, your motivation, your goals, your ability, your competitive edge, your student of life attitude, your connections, your risk taking path, your professionalism, NO ONE--and I mean NO ONE, can take those things from you. Lead great spirit, don't change for the mediocer. One day you will lead greatness and this is just a stop along your path.

Well--gonna hit the bed. I am exhausted. Until we see a light at the end of this tunnel I will just continue to spend to much money on Christmas....from my computer.

P.S. Asking Santa for an attitude adjustment for 2012.