Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ode To A Marriage, From Ashley

What is a marriage?
It's vacuuming carpets
and hammering nails.
It's saving a dollar
by shopping at sales.
It's balancing checkbooks
and paying off bills.
It's cleaning the windows
and mopping up spills.
It's doing the laundry
and matching up socks.
It's a washer that dies
when the car needs new shocks.
It's two busy schedules
but one happy life.
With each moment you share
as husband and wife.
Happy 7th Anniversary,
Love, Ashley

Sunday, July 25, 2010

7 Year Itch

Lucky number 7. July 26, 2003 Coach Keene and I said "I do" at the alter of the Wesley Methodist Church in Macomb. Coach's grandfather was the minister at our wedding. It was a very touching ceremony, many laughs and a few tears. After the serious stuff was over, what a party!

I don't know how many times in the last 7 years people have said to me, "How do you live with him?" Yep, that screamer and stomp er on the sidelines is NOT the guy I know at home! If you have ever experienced Coach Keene's practice itinerary or his game day previews, you know Coach is a planner, everything is organized down to the last detail with him. (Almost needs therapy "organized") Well, my first experience of his "attention to detail" was our proposal story...

I was coaching golf at WIU. The day he proposed, not only was I hosting my home tournament with 12 teams, but it was the eve of my birthday. My stress level was MEGGA! After the tournament, He drove me home to get ready for a fun filled evening. Yeah, I am not going to lie, I was exhausted, alittle grouchy, and didn't really want to do anything except go to sleep...

He gave me my first "gift" of the evening before he left to give me some much needed downtime. It was a foot spa to rest my feet and relax after two LONG days on the links. He shared with me he would be back in a few hours to continue my evening of surprises.

Upon his arrival, we left in the car together. He asked, "can you pull down the visor"…and a golf cart key fell out. He said we had to make a stop before dinner. Yes, me being the outspoken gal I am, began gripping we were going out there. I had lived at the golf course that week..blah blah blah...We arrived at the golf course, only to find a cart that matched the key sitting next to the pro shop. In much confusion, we rode out to my favorite hole over looking the WIU campus. There was a blanket, a dozen white roses, and a bottle of wine with two glasses laid out on the green. I told my Zach, “this is a great thought, but people are golfing. We cant really have a drink on the green.” He reassured me it was fine, he had arranged for the golf course to close early. We laughed for a few minutes and it started to sprinkle. He then directed me to pull out the flag. Inside the cup was a little bag with a WIU logo ball inside. Under my breath I thought, “nice, I have 3000 logo balls.” In confusion he told me to turn the ball over. It was imprinted with the words, “Will you marry me?” After my SHOCK and then answer of YES…we went to dinner at Magnolia's. Yep, we had a special table waiting for us to celebrate.

Just when I thought the evening was coming to a close, it was time for my last surprise. Coach Keene had planned a surprise party with all our friend to finish the celebration....Yes, he got on one knee and proposed and yes, he met with my dad weeks before and asked for his permission...

I hear people get a 7 year itch when it comes to careers, marriages, houses and cars. Coach Keene and I have a relationship, that I guess to say the least, I just need to keep on scratching! When I am at my worst, he is at his best. When I am sad, he is happy. When I am worried, he is calm. When I was a giving birth, he was on his cell phone. Ha-just had to throw that in there...Coach is the best. He helps around the house and never complains. He helps with the kids and never complains. He does all the little jobs most men don't and never complains. Never a dull moment in the last 7 years and I only anticipate more excitement to come in the next 7.

Happy Anniversary! XOXO

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Life Lived In Service

Barbara Jean Hamilton, 77, of Rushville passed away at her home on Tuesday, July 20, 2010 at 3:45 p.m. She was born on August 17, 1932 near Birmingham, IL a daughter of Wanda and Chester Beckerdite. She married Alvin Hamilton on April 15, 1951 in the Rushville United Methodist Church. He survives along with four children, 7 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. Barbara had a loving marriage with Alvin for 59 years and 4 months and always had a strong love of children, so she ran a home daycare for 30 years. She was always a good neighbor and friend. She was an avid Gardener and showed flowers and vegetables at the Schuyler County Fair where she won many top prizes. Barbara volunteered at the HELP Center and served on the 4H Board, when her children were members, for many years. She was selected Schuyler County Mother of the Year and was happiest when her family came to visit. She was a member of Ebenezer Methodist Church. Barbara dearly loved her dogs, gardening, chickens, raising children, going to church and especially her grandchildren and great grandchildren.

These are my grandmother's words. When she was diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease on February 20, 2010, she wrote her own obituary. My mother found this short life story inside my grandmothers bible, at 9:00 PM the day she passed away.

We could all take a lesson from my grandmother. She led a simple life filled with giving to others, never asking anything for herself. She always spoke kind words, never gossiped. Volunteered for everything. Never judged. Always insisted on hosting holidays, even though her house was to small for our overgrown family now. She also gave everyone a gift, even though she probably couldn't afford it. She was the first person to bring me flowers when I was sick, to compliment me on a new outfit or tell me what a good mother I was. Actually, she is the only person, besides my husband, who has ever told me how proud she was of the mother I had become. Kindness spilled from this lady, even in the darkest hour of this terrible disease.

Cameron and I went to visit last week. She was so weak. In the quiet, that afternoon, I spent one hour holding her hand. Actually, used lotion to massage her crumpled up fingers to try to work the terrible knots out. She gave me, thumbs up--since ALS took her voice about 1 month ago she was signing, that it felt good. Cameron would pull himself up on her chair, and bite her foot with his two little fangs. She laughed and laughed while I held her hands. Cameron thought it was funny, so he did it again, kinda became a game. I fed her ice chips, she couldn't eat because this horrid disease even took her ability to swallow away. She was such a trooper. Hospice made her comfortable, living angels I compare this service to. My sister and my mom were with her when she passed. They both tried to find a pulse....she was with the Lord at 3:45 that day. She will be greatly missed, by many.

I start a new journey on Monday. I plan to take my grandmothers spirit with me to work. My Aunt Alice sent me this beautiful little angel, I plan to put her on my desk. Whenever I am having a bad day, or maybe need to find the bright side of life, I will look at this angel and remember my grandmother's joy. How she serviced the helpful, the helpless and the hopeless with enthusiasm. Just like Christ. And, just in case anyone needs a safe place to put a family member that needs to be cared for and loved, I am the new Administrator of the Grand Prairie Assisted Living Community in Macomb. After losing my grandmother this week, the Lord gave me 49 new grandma's to love and learn from...and just maybe, they can learn alittle something from me! ...till we meet again Grandma Barb, but until then, I will honor your spirit in my new career...

Started His Own Band At the Chicago Children's Museum Block Party!

The Chicago Children's Museum was a blast...and Justice was serving an older woman at the block party!

Holy Cow...From Harry Carey Himself!

The View From Our Hotel...

Filming Transformers 3 Downtown Chicago, We Got To Watch a Few stunts...It was like being at Universal Stuidios!

Take Me Out To The Ballgame, Take Me Out To The Crowd. Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks...OMG Food cost is highway robbery at Wrigley!

Wrigley Field...Cubs vs Astros

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Dog Days Of Summer!

July 10th I made a pact, with myself, that I would not post on facebook for 30 days. I vowed to spend my days with less creeping and more taking time-out for others. I am happy to report, I have not posted. I am alittle embarrassed to report, I have looked on my blackberry while waiting at various locations a few times.

SO, shall I say, I am challenging myself to be more aware of my actions. In the last ten days the Keene's have cleaned someones house from top to bottom, paid for someones lunch, brought flowers to someone sick, packed a dinner meal for a senior citizen, read 4 books, took our kids to a museum, spent time outside playing, went to the library, and handed out cold drinks on two hot summer days. Guess what? We survived not having a spotless house too! Clean houses are over-rated! Gotta tell ya, the "free water" got me thinking.

"Love one another...especially on a HOT day..Free Water!" Justice and I made this sign to put next to the grey cooler. He colored on it, and added letters. It was fun. We went inside and watched as the first "walker" approached. He looked at the sign, looked at the house, and kept going. "Mommy, why doesn't he take our water?" Justice asked. The next three people walked by, even stopped-read the sign, and kept walking. A young boy on a bike went flying by. "RRRRR", his wheels skidded. He hoped off his bike, grabbed a drink, and off he went. Big Smiles from Justice peeking out the window! "Jack-pot", he said!

I compare this simple scenario to Christ. Salvation is free. It's easy. All you have to do is--open the cooler lid and reach in--but why doesn't everyone take it? Are some to embarrassed someone else might be looking? Do some feel ashamed they might be thirsty on a hot summer day and they were not more prepared for their walk? I am not sure. Probably will always ponder that question. But more importantly, how many of us Christians actually "set the cooler out on their yard?" I am just as guilty as the rest.

Just like life, out of 24 bottles of water, only 11 were gone at the end of the day. Justice asked me as we pulled the cooler back up the driveway at dusk, "mommy, why didn't everyone take the water? I told Justice, "the only thing we can do, is put it out again tomorrow!" That seemed to excite the child within him. "Another challenge", he said.

Make everyday a challenge and don't forget to wheel the cooler out!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Na.. Na.. Na Na, Hey, Hey, Hey..Good-bye!

Its Official! The Golden handcuffs of the Pharmaceutical industry are gone. Made the drop on Friday! Can't say I have shed ONE tear saying GOODBYE to Warner Chilcott! Since April 26th I have been stressed to the max, everyday. On a side bar, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to my husband for being horrible to live with. For better or worse, eh?

Top 10 Reasons why I won't miss the industry.

10-Driving 5000 miles a month

9-Listening to the lady in Decatur say, "It's the Actonel Rep, ya know, the girl who doesn't live with her family."

8-We only see reps on Tuesday and Friday from 10-2, unless we are busy, then we see reps on Wednesdays from 3-5, but if the doctor is out on Wednesdays you can come on Mondays every other week from 9-11. AKA-We hate reps, so just don't come back.

7-Being labeled "the fun-maker" from your manager because WC does not follow pharma guidelines which means in non-industry terms they want us to have 3 dinners out per week. NOT REALISTIC and last time I checked I could care less about happy hour.

6-GPS tracking devices on our computers so you can be watched from 8-5 from the comfortable location of your managers office computer.

5-Mean gatekeepers. Ya know, the ones that have no authority in their entire life except, the will to make reps beg like dogs, to get back to see the doctor. I have witnessed being asked for a DQ ice cream cake to get a "glimpse" of what the sample closet looks like to candy bars and Starbucks to get on a waiting list for a lunch.

4-POA Meetings--very similar to Amway Conventions..3 days of living hell and you get to share a room with a total stranger in some far away place.

3-Faking I love my manager, and faking alot of things :(

2-Hi, we have you scheduled for lunch today. We want pizza from Pizza hut, salads from the Olive Garden and Cookies from Perkins. We only like diet coke or mt. dew-don't bring bottled water, we can get that from the faucet--and by the way, no where delivers so you will have to pick it all up. One more thing, make sure the drinks are cold, if not bring ice and cups.

1-Patients dirty looks

19 Sanofi-Aventis Reps being sold to Warner Chilcott--

1- Face to face breakfast with my new manager for him to introduce himself as, "Yeah, I didn't really want you. Just so you know. Now do you think you can handle this?"--

Busting my butt for 83 days, 2 weeks in New Jersey, 8 overnights, 32 Med Ed Dinners, 22 lunches, 12 breakfasts, 4 programs all to move my business to the TOP in the district in just 8 weeks--
$23,000 target bonus--all of which I will never see

Calling my boss and telling him I quit while he literally CRIES on the other end of the phone--

Now, who doesn't want who? :)

Brotherly Love

Cameron LOVES this Little Car...He drives all over the house all by himself!

He's Gonna Make A Great Husband Someday!

Craft Corner at the Museum

My Heart Belongs to the Keene Boys...

Farmer JC workin in the Crops....

Who's This Lil' Neighbor? Love your flowers....

Family Museum Dinosaur Exhibit

Paging Dr. Justice....Quad Cities Children Museum was great!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Service Station

Where has the art of customer service gone? Buzz and Woody say to the Cameron Crazies...

I can recall recent events in my life where the customer service has been great and then on the flip side, terrible. Can you think back to a recent transaction made between you and someone in the sales industry? How did they make you feel? Or maybe you are in a position that deals with customers, day in and day out. Can you think back to a interaction that maybe YOU were not on top of your game? I bet we all can. I have reflected today in some quiet time, yep no facebook--lovin it, on my ten years of post-college careers and can honestly say, I have not been on my game more times than I am proud of. The positive thing, I can look back and learn from it!

Here I am, getting ready to embark on a new career where management and communication is a must. I want to GIVE good customer service to my employees, as well as my customers, all the while moving the bottom line. I have read three books in the last 3 days, short books, and took some real pearls out of each one. I have married together four thoughts that can help enhance customer service as well as serving the customer. Here goes...

ATTITUDE--This concept is first. Why, because without a good attitude, the rest is a waste of time. Guess who is in charge of their attitude? You! The task you do everyday may not change, may even become boring, but you can alter your attitude and see your circumstance in a different light.

COMMUNICATION--Communication always over rides experience. People want to be communicated to positively and, believe it or not, address the areas of opportunity. We as humans want to be praised and want to be heard! We want to be coached and we want to lead people. If you are not connecting, then whats the point?

MAKE THEIR DAY--For example, the workers at Hy-Vee are always scanning. Have you ever noticed that? They are always looking for a way to interact with a customer. "Can I help you?" This question was asked to me 6 times in my 40 mins shopping recently. How's that for making my day? Make people WANT to shop in your store. There are alot of choices in our world where to buy milk.

HAVE FUN--We spend most of our life at work. Why not have some fun. Be creative. Challenge co-workers in a positive way with sales strategies or even customer feedback. I have had a few jobs where, honestly, I just didn't enjoy it. And guess what? It showed.

I challange you to step out of your comfort zone, with a good attitude, have some fun and make someone's day. And, if all else fails, sometimes just a simple smile speaks a thousand words too :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Early Bird Catches The Worm

My favorite time during the entire day, bedtime. Wait, before you think I am just being selfish, let me share with you why. Our routine is bath, snack, bedtime. Normally, I give Cameron a bottle around 8, while Justice and Coach head upstairs to settle in and read books. You can hear a pin drop, well except for the load of laundry started in the washing machine, and our cat Emma prowling around. It's cool and quiet in the living room. I get to hold Cameron close, hes usually tired and is relaxed as we rock back and fourth. He falls asleep to me singing my favorite church hymns to him, every night. I continue to rock him in the cool quiet darkness of the living room. I can hear Coach upstairs reading Justice stories. Justice usually gets very philosophical about bedtime. I often have to laugh at the questions he is asking or the "pitch" he is trying to sell for one more story before lights out. I always know when story time has almost progressed into sleepy time. Coach reads Shel Silverstein's poem's to him, usually the last book of the night. Justice's favorite is Early Bird....and a Keene family favorite!

Oh, if you’re a bird, be an early bird

And catch the worm for your breakfast plate.

If you’re a bird, be an early bird—

But if you’re a worm, sleep late.

If you know ANYTHING about Coach Keene, promptness is a must. I think this is his fatherly way of sending Justice subliminal messages that ten minutes early is on time, on time is late. My father en-stilled this in me too. My biggest pet peeve, tardiness. Time is valuable, even if you are the worm. Sleep tight!

P.S. Day 1 without facebook...read 61 pages in a book while relaxing on my front porch.

Hit Counter In The Last 3 Days...Normally I keep this private, but thought I would share today.

technical schools

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Love One Another

To facebook or not to facebook, that is the question? I am honestly thinking about putting my account to rest. I was looking at my old posts recently, other friends posts and random conversations. These two declarations I found on the net have been on my mind all day...

"Christians only love the "lovable"
"If you want to improve your team, improve yourself"

I believe that these two random posts, from two friends, meant two different things, but actually go hand in hand. Jesus spent his earthly days with the worst of the worst in society. He spent time with beggars, drunks, the poor, the greedy, the lustful, and many more. Jesus guides his followers to love the unlovable. Even when it does not make sense. Even when they hold a grudge for something that was innocently communicated. As Christians, why do we often only gather with other Christians? Also, why are Christians sometimes not very christian like? From the money scandals of the church to child predators, the church will always have its problems. Why? That is why the Lord is the Lord, and we are merely human. God does not weigh sin. We as humans, measure everything from murder or a lie.

Pondering on those two facebook posts, I thought to myself, the best way to improve my families christian walk is to improve myself. I am not sure facebook makes me a better person, honestly. It takes time away from my family. I read peoples posts and think about my life. I read peoples posts that are making fun of me? Kinda trying to figure out why? I even find myself having a bad attitude. Yikes.

From now on, I only want to be the Christian that LOVES everyone. Even the unlovable. I want to be the light to that person who thinks that Christianity is only for the easy. Its not. I have had so many trials and tribulations in my life, but keeping my eyes on him and letting God work ,in his perfect time, here I am today. Did you hear that? In GOD'S PERFECT time. That is where I have missed the boat quite often. We are an instantaneous society. We want it now, and pay later. Not with the Lord. We all have a purpose. Ya know, I cant tell you how many times I wondered "WHY Lord" am I a pharmaceutical rep? Its not easy, the learning is continuous, its aggressive, it requires ALL my brain cells...but a handful of times, I got my answer. Once at a hospital display in Peru, IL at 6am I held a lady and prayed with her--never even got her name--her husband had just died up stairs of a sudden heart attack. Or the man that cried to me in a waiting room about his new founded illness..seriously, I could go on for hours. God's perfect timing. My new job is definitely supernaturally designed.

Starting tomorrow, I am going to give up facebook posting for 30 days. Take that time I would spend creeping or posting and focus on my kids. Or maybe read a few pages in a book. Or maybe even hand out bottles of water to the 30+ people that walk by my house everyday to exercise. Teach something to my son about how to treat others and the joys of giving to people, even the unlovable. I am going to challenge myself to smile at everyone and say hello. Maybe pay for someones dinner anonymously. Might even go plant some flowers in someones yard that cant get out and do it them-self. Yep, gonna challenge myself to love...even the unlovable, pass it on.

Friday, July 9, 2010

One Person's TREASURE, Is Another Person's TRASH!

Man, if I would have known the guy we sold our home to on Calhoun Street, was going to destroy the place, I would have passed.
I can't tell you how many people have stopped by our house, called, wrote notes, vented in the Wal-Mart parking lot and other random locations the same message, "Can you believe what that guy has did to your old house?" No kiding!
What four familes--The Harris's, The Stites's, The Roche's and The Keene's--took pride in owning and loving the Macomb historical timeline, the fifth owner let it all go. Proudly, in 1932 the Harris family, who was the doctor of Macomb, build this spanish style living quarters. He then sold the house to Jack Stites, pharmacist of Macomb. Who then sold to Dwaine Roche, WIU legand. Who then sold to our family. There was a wedding in the living room. Dr. Harris's daughter walked down the beautiful cherry open staircase and said "I DO" in front of the fire place. Every year at the Stites reunion the family would come back and walk around the yard, smell the flowers that came up, every summer, and reminisce. I would sit inside and watch out the window as the ladies would hug and chat under the apple tree in the back yard. Zach and I loved this house. We loved the rich history. We loved the old crown molding and the screened in porch in the fall. We took pride in keeping the yard perfect and the inside immaculate. I tell you, we loved this home!

Why did we sell? Well, the neighbor across the street was selling drugs, which I called the Macomb police numberous times. Nothing was ever done. Ironically, he is in jail in Chicago...for selling drugs?! Wow, big surprise. Not the best neighborhood to raise children. Between the two fraternity houses having paint ball fights, and our house was the "neutral yard", vandalism more times than I can count, drunk college students waking up on our front lawn, the young boy across the street sharing he saw his first naked girl with his binoculars, and the rotation of new renters on all sides of us every year, it was time to go. Wait, I have to mention the permanent owner across the street. He was 48ish, lived with 3 other women around the same age. Every summer they would purchase a plasic kiddy pool, sit in the front yard in a Speed-O, and sing at the top of his lungs, "I'm FREEEEE, FREEE Fallling..." Awlful, I tell you. We nicknamed him Nut-hugger, I am sure you can figure that out on your own. The guy would seriously sit in his lawn chair from Friday at 4-Sunday night at 9. Watch us work in our yard. Even would position his chair different angles to get a good view. Messed up!

One persons trash is another persons treasure. Unfortunately, this new owner trashed our treasure. (Deep Breath) I was driving by the other day, which I do quite often. Sometimes I squint my eyes and pray the yard is cleaned up and the nightmare on Calhoun was over. We pulled up to the stop sign. Justice screamed in the back seat, "DISGUSTING, I TELL YOU!!" DISGUSTING!" See, even a four year old gets it.....I cant even imagine the inside. One hint, he has 2-100 pound dogs. I want to throw up just thinking about all that hard wood...

Dear New Owner, Martha Stewart called. She wants the carved bear back you now have learking on your front step, ya know next to the wild weeds and 6 small trees you have growing in, what was once, a flower bed. Love, Your Worst Nightmare P.S. I dont think you will make the Macomb Tour of Homes anymore, try to contain yourself.

Happy 200th Blog!

Golly fireworks and sparklers. 200, huh. Just thought I would celebrate this mile stone in posting.

July 4th meant more than just the country's Independence Day for Mrs. Coach Keene this year. Not to mention the entire Team Keene too. I officially get to remove the "golden handcuffs" of the pharmaceutical industry and throw away the keys. I am looking forward to a new start July 26th. Such an important day. Also, my 7 year anniversary. I know God has a plan for our lives. From small town Rushville girl to Mississippi bound, to WIU Golf Coach to Drug rep to.....inquiring minds want to know? Stay tuned. I have verbally committed to not share my new found profession, under the direction of the corporation, until my start date. Guess they are getting their ducks in a row too...Anyhoo.
Thanks for listening to me, over 200 times now, rant and rave about motherhood and basketball. I hope the next 200 are just as fun to bring to life...XOXO!

Riding The Train At The Zoo...SO BIG!

Pretty Sure Justice threw over 500 pop-it's on July 4th. Can you tell by his pile?

I can learn a valuable lesson from Justice here, "Mom, sometimes, you just have to enjoy the ride or at least look like it."

Great Balls Of Fire...Well, Cheese Balls. Nothing Like A Sams Trip!

Justice driving the train in Bushnell...or at least HE thought so!

Road Trip to Bushnell--Best kept secret, Delaney's Seafood Buffet! It was a family affair...let me tell you!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Goin On A Bear Hunt

How do I get myself into these situations? I read something yesterday that said, "The road to a successful career is always under construction." I honestly think I have a large yellow sign in my driveway. Yet, again, only 68 days from my last development, I am on the verge of another important career day for Mrs. Coach Keene. I am waiting, very impatiently, on a call from my tentative next employer. I plan to take the "golden handcuffs" of the pharmaceutical industry off and start a new path. As I fidget around, I am reflecting on the book I read to Justice ever so often, "Goin on a Bear Hunt."

Goin on a bear hunt...I'm not afraid....Got a real good friend.....By my side.....Oh, Oh, What do I see? Oh look! It's some tall grass! Can't go over it....Can't go under it...Can't go around it....Got to go through it....Goin on a bear hunt..

Seems like life is just like this book. Can't go over it, can't go under it, gotta go through it. Is your career path "under construction"? If not, maybe you should call in the detour signs and heavy machinery today. What are you waiting on?