Saturday, November 29, 2014

Heart Centered Leaders...

You Might be a Heart-Centered Leader if...

You tell the truth.
You trust your associates to do the right thing.
You are able to relinquish control.
You know your impact and are mindful of how your words and actions may be interpreted in formal and informal ways.
You aim to serve the people that you are leading, not the other way around.
You are open-minded and do not judge or assume, but come to understand a situation or behavior.
You take care of your "whole-self"--physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
You have the willingness to look in the mirror and come to terms with your own character flaws.
You are committed to personal and professional growth.
You strive to mentor others and surround yourself with people that have skills, talents and styles different from your own.
You are empathetic and strive to maintain the self-esteem of others.
You have an "open-door" policy.
You believe that, given the right support, people rise to the occasion on their own and actually feel good about being held accountable.
You develop strategies that involve, promote, call upon, and inspire associates to participate fully.
You have compassion for yourself and others.
You replace blame with responsibility.
You believe that people have positive intentions, even if associates' behavior appears to illustrate the opposite.
You are committed to making a difference not only in your own life, but in the lives of your associates and society as a whole.
You listen before speaking.
You create an environment where feedback is expected and appreciated.
You are not afraid to admit your mistakes.

Special Day

After the early game last Saturday Justice went to Quincy with grandpa before the evening game started. I think it was a golf shop run, but shhhh don't tell! Ha. After the game Cameron looks at me with his sad eyes and says, "I want a special day!" That was AKA for---I just want some time with mom and dad all alone. How can you ever say no to his big sparkly brown eyes? We had a great afternoon. Ice Cream and he wanted to put up the Christmas tree. Cheers Cameron to your "special day"....

Justice getting warmed up before the game with his buddy Kip Jones!

Mexican Night in Keeneville inspired us to wear our special attire!

Justice's school project was to create a turkey and write a story. His turkey was a "coaching' turkey and his story was about trying not to get a "T" for Thanksgiving! Coaches Kids...