Sunday, March 28, 2010

I have been driving the kids to Astoria during the work week to play, for a change of scenery. Its like going to WAR for 1 day! 3 bags, SERIOUSLY..

Justice is NOT a morning person. He held this umbrella up all the way to Astoria and told me NOT to talk...

Is It Friday Yet?

This week is killing me, and now I am back to five sleeps away, again, until I get another break. This operational mother is overworked and underpaid. I am normally, pretty positive and a little on the hyper side. This week, I find myself in a “funk”. I am not sure if it’s because I am so weary I am losing my mind or the fact that the health care bill is lingering? I won’t go off on that tangent. I drove more than 4000 miles in my car in just 26 days of work. My job is kicking my butt; but Coach Keene said to me, “maybe YOU are kicking butt at your job?” And the answer to that question, as you hang on the edge of your computer, yep, I am!

The kids refuse to sleep at the same time during the night right now. Coach and I are like two ships in the night, we just high five each other, going back and forth. Cameron is eating two bottles during the night and Justice, well; Justice will probably never sleep through the entire night. I guess I should treasure this time, it will be over before I can blink my eyes.

I was hoping for a quiet weekend, but that is not happening. Saturday evening our family ate dinner at DJ's Steakhouse with my parents and Aunt Ashley plus her new love. Well, kinda first love, but that is a story for a different blog. Justice asks at the table, yes, during a quiet moment, "Are you getting married?" Pretty much the icebreaker for the evening...
Here we are on Sunday. I am home with the kids and Coach Keene has migrated to Carrollton for a coach’s round table. Let’s not kid ourselves; it’s a "fun fest day" away from the family to talk about basketball and stroke peoples egos. I am not bitter, can you tell? I have a meeting this week to prepare for, I am presenting. Seems like the harder you work and the better you get at your profession, you get more responsibility within the organization. I get to present about my favorite topic, sales success, leadership and teamwork. Mrs. Coach Keene gets to be the “life coach” of the meeting. Should be fun and right up my alley…

Since mommy is going to a meeting this week, my goal is to sprint around the house preparing for my absence here on this Sunday. Clothes ready, sorta. Fridge full of food, check. House clean, NOT! Justice was playing outside today and brought me in this "magic leaf." (Its sitting on the shelf) He said, "This leaf is magic. Make a wish mom." I closed my eyes and said, "I wish for a clean house and more time to play on the weekends!" Justice replies, "Its a leaf mom, not a miracle maker!" To much TV for his young boy I think...Is it Friday yet?

Monday, March 22, 2010

No Place Like Home...

The Keene's hit Menard's, not long ago, in search of a new door bell. FYI-Justice broke ours last September playing Handy Manny at the front door with his child size hammer.
Life lesson #212 Don't take your four year old to the door bell aisle. Menard's offers 20 or more door bells, in working order, so the average customer can hear the chime. Well, Justice is NOT the average customer and I am pretty sure shoppers left the door bell aisle because we were so annoying. Chime, Ding dong, Diiinnnnggg, Ching Ching, and an array of songs from Christmas carols to....the Star Spangled Banner!? Justice talked the family into the bell that played 15 songs, INCLUDING the Star Spangled Banner. Honestly, don't you think its only appropriate for a basketball junkie family to have that song played to "tip off" any visitors to our home? Yes, ladies and gentleman I have hit an all time low. I was out numbered on the family vote for the simplest of purchases. The doorbell...I am sure this is the first of many votes I will lose. Oh well, kinda makes me laugh when it rings. Reminds me in this crazy world of being Mrs. Coach Keene, there's NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!
Speaking of Bling..Bling...guess who is winning the NCAA pool at Illini West? Justice Carter Keene! Coach was giving him a bath last week and brought the bracket to his evening duty. Coach Keene gave Justice each choice of teams, while Justice played with his Sponge bob Shaving Kit in the tub. He gave some thought to many of the games, but came up with the winners on his own! No "coaching" from daddy. And on another note, the Sponge bob Set comes with shaving cream, a mirror, a pretend razor and of course, after shave. Hilarious...would love to post those pics, but might get in trouble with the law...
Speaking of the law, had to lay the law down this week when Coach Keene came home with a LIST of camps and coaching clinics he wanted to attend this summer. I had to remind him that LAST summer, while I was ginormously prego (I don't think that is even a word) he was only home 4 weeks...of the entire summer. I always thought the saying was become a teacher for June, July and August? What happened to that? I guess they didn't factor in "driven coach" looking for hot summers in the gym, long walks across college campuses, fundraising dinero from everything from golf tournaments to bake sales and riding in style on a charter bus. Will Coach for food.....

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tis the Season....FIRE UP THE GRILL...YEAH!!! ...and this year Coach has a helper...

The Golden Arches

You know your a coach's kid when you can document the McDonalds breakfast hours by heart. Justice says last Saturday morning, "Yeah, I'm gonna need a McGriddle, but we need to hurry up, is it 10:30 yet?" That's when I knew....the golden arches need to fall!
Coach and I, every season, say, "we MUST plan our meals ahead because our kid is NOT going to eat McDonalds before every game this year!" Yeah, I was rushed a few times and JC ate a Happy Meal or two on the way to Carthage, but for the most part, we did well. The Keeneville "best practice" I have officially adopted came from Coach himself. FYI-Coach Keene is the organizer of our family. He is the only man in America that sorts his socks from black to blue to tan to white in perfect order.....geeze. Who has the time for that? I am lucky to even find a pair that match in the morning. Back to my best practice...After every trip to the grocery store, as we put everything away, we cut all the veggies, fruit, and snacks up, place them each into their own rubber maid tub for easy access. We Keene's complain about no time, I swear this has saved me hours per week. If I am cooking a meal or fixing an "on the go" snack for Justice...boom...already done! L-o-v-e it....
So back to McDonald's, have you seen the movie Super Size me? Coach shows it every year to his health classes. What a movie, but we Americana's continue to Drive through....or what about the Sweet Tea? Have you tried that?? Did you know THAT drink is the WORST thing for a diabetic. I swear after one sip I went into high fructose corn syrup overload...
So speaking of McDonalds...I also feel compelled to share the new bill the State of Illinois is trying to pass. Eliminating Physical Education from the Illinois school curriculum. Did you know that currently, Illinois is the ONLY state that requires k-12 PE? Very sad. Could be a reason American children are overweight. Obama's got a BIG push for Health care, his wife has a platform for childhood obesity, but lets take the early prevention of physical education OUT of our schools. If you run into Senator John Sullivan, give him a shout about voting against this bill...
Well, not much bloggin this week but LOTS of sellin'....I have been super busy with my job and I hope to get some more time this weekend to share the in's and out's of the Keene Clan...I have some FUNNY stories banked up....stay tuned my friends...Good night for now ...

Justice, re-creating his birthday, in his PJ's.....It was his "un-birthday" party...

Not only did Justice get a pic with this friendly creature, but a nice man gave him an arrowhead too...

Who needs teething rings when can just give your kid a plastic spoon?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Magic Fairy Dust

Coach and I have been running two different directions this week. Hence, very little time to blog. We both have had night meetings, afterschool meetings and in-between meetings. I am exhausted. Between busting my butt at home and work, I am just thankful the season is over. I need a magic fairy to sprinkle some dust over my life right now. We have yet to have a down weekend since October.

So in light of the stress, I am PRETENDING to grant myself 26 WISHES this week…Yes, kinda a quick mommy fantasy-land. And not the one in Peoria...

A—an AVALANCHE of extra time with my kids

B—BETTER customer service, given and recieved

C—emma our CAT some extra lovin—and a haircut

D—pre-made DINNER'S ready when I get home from work

E—EXERCISE, everyday

F—a FACEBOOK photo I actually want to share

G—the GUTS to say what I think

H—one HOUR of peace and quiet

I---IMMORTALITY of fresh painted nails, a sassy color for spring

J--love my JOB, but for how long is the question

K—good KARMA

L—already married to the LOVE of my life

M—MONEY and a MAID, its my wish, right

N--NO-MORE dirty clothes, ever

O—the OUTSIDE temperature stayed 65 degrees

P—Wish I had my PRE-PREGNANCY body

Q--more QUALITY time with friends

R—a ROMANTIC getaway

S—SIESTAS after lunch for everyone, mexico's on to something there

T—love, love, love TALK radio in the car

U— an UMBRELLA in my car ready for a rainy day

V—a prepaid VACATION to disney—the happiest place on earth!

W—WOOD floors that gleam, my always look dull

X—no X-RATED diapers to clean


Z—uninterrupted ZZZZZ’s

Tick Tock

So what makes Coach Keene tick, you ask? It's not the fame. It's definitely not the money. But these three areas might sum up what I see from behind the bench this time of year...

LOVE OF THE GAME......I hear about people quitting coaching because it takes too much time from their families and life. I always reply, "They don't love the game like Coach Keene does". To coach basketball, a person has to have the true love of the game. This isn't a passing interest to watch on Saturday night. Basketball coaches don't show up on game day and everything is magically done. I know just from the high school level, my husband is home at 10 or after most nights. Monday's, Thursday's and Saturday's are game days and Sunday is watching game film and a few college games for inspiration. The week starts over again on Monday with practice until who knows when. That is just during the season. A person that doesn't love the game couldn't do it. Coach Keene aspires to coach in the college ranks sometime in the next five to seven years. The demands at that level will definitely put this coaches wife in therapy....

LOVE FOR THE PLAYERS....... A coach has to really love his players. A coach spends more time with the gals on his team than with his own family. If a coach doesn't care for his players, he will not care what happens to them. He will not make the best choices for them as players and students to insure their health. He will expect their best on and off the court. He will want them to succeed in all their future endeavors too.

A STUDENT OF THE GAME......Basketball is not just something a person is born knowing. Talent for running and an instinct on the court is just part of the game. A coach has to be smart enough to know he doesn't know everything. He has to be a student of the game as long as he is a coach of the game. This is the off season work most of the time. He is studying film from other teams, reading books by other coaches, and visiting basketball clinics. A coach is more than just a coach. He has a passion for something that many of us can't understand. He spends all of his time learning and getting ready for the next game. Even when they win, he is trying to figure out how to do it better for not just his team, but for the fans.

So, as the Keene Family heads into the heart of the off season, you can bet Coach Keene is in BUILDING mode. Watch out ladies, hes got some new tricks up his sleeve starting June 1st.....We, and I mean that in more ways than one, are on the road to Redbird, yet again...

Justice Carter Quotes of the Week

Found this cartoon...I swear it is me at least 10 times this week. ...why is it after perfect execution of getting Cameron to fall asleep, tip toe up the stairs to his crib, that Justice always seems to announce in his outside voice, the moment I lay down the baby....I need a snack....and then in the fear of the moment.....wwaaaaaa.

"Dad, did you know the lead singer of Journey now is Arnell?"
"Focus, I tell you. Focus" (while screaming at game film)

"Dad, you are going to Camp Point to your meeting. I pulled up the gym for you, if you want to take a look at the highlights from Camp Point and Illini West before you go!" (Justice just heard the word Camp Point, ran over to the computer and said here it is, and no, it was not labeled, he recognized the gym)

"Mom, I told Grandma Bev you have a baby in your belly again, and this time its a girl!" (OMG, I DONT think soooo...)

"Well, good morning little cookie monster. How did you sleep. Lets see that beautiful smile of yours. Yeah, tell me all about your dreams Cammi..Did any dogs bark at you?" I overheard Justice saying to Cameron one morning over the monitor when he woke up.

"Cameron, can you be quiet like a mouse, You are killing me...I am trying to hear what Spongebob wants Patrick to do...geeze!"

"Mom, so really, how do you pee? I just don't get it!"

"Mom, whats a Cemetery. Oh, I remember what it is...its where people take their dead flowers when they aren't pretty anymore."

"Mom, girls aren't allowed in Wrigley field, well, that's what daddy said."

"Is that what your wearing....(thumbs down)." Happened to be the day I was riding with my boss...great self esteem boost.

"Mom, if dads a coach, what are you, the janitor" ---My favorite from the week

"Mom now that I am 4, I can probably pump your gas. Well, only if I can run in and get some M&M's"

Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Birthday Letter

Dear Justice,

Happy 4th Birthday. Seems like yesterday I was cuddle buggin you in my arms, now I can verily lift you. This year has been one of mile stones. You learned to use the potty, got rid of that pappy, learned to sleep in your bed all night, grew through 3 sizes of clothes, moved to a new house, can count and recognize numbers, can spell your name and recite your phone/address, but most importantly you learned to share your life with a new brother. I am so proud of the boy I am watching grow in front of my eyes. The moment that almost made mommy cry today, was not the happy birthday song--like usual-but when all your gifts were opened you stood up and addressed the crowd of family and friends with great confidence, "Thank you all very much for the wonderful gifts. I really appreciate them." You are not only learning to be polite, but you genuinely mean it and it showed. This year is going to be the best year yet! Think of all the things you will teach Cameron this year. You will be his hero, weather you like it or not. I love you with all my heart. Happy Birthday my love...
XOXO Mommy

Lost In A Sea of Birthday Gifts

Make A Wish....FYI--he decided he needed more than JUST four candles to blow I caught him sticking more in the cake...

Two TIRED parents!

Duke Fever compliments of Gan-pa Dana, and he even plays for "Coach K"

Lil' Brother Helping To Sing The Birthday Song...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cameron Crazies....while waiting on tip off...Can you see it in his eyes, "go to sleep lil baller!"

Cameron Crazies

It's the eve of the fourth birthday day. Four years ago today, Coach was making me dinner. Pasta with Lazarotti's sauce, it was an Italian Feast for a prego lady. My water broke at 5a.m.. I have never looked at pasta sauce the same since that life changing moment. Nor do I look at McDonald's the same. Can you believe Coach Keene even tried to stop at McDonalds in Monmouth for a quick egg Mcmuffin. He says, "I was going to go through the drive through, whats the big deal." ....19 hours later, Justice Carter Keene entered at a woopin 7 Ibs. Life has never been the same. Can't hardly believe we were not having kids. Ha! Now look at us...two and counting. Just kidding. Wanted to see if you were paying attention. Two and DONE!!
Well, we shipped the kids out today so we could clean Keeneville. No longer is my dining room a half court gymnasium, but we have room to actually walk around. I can't believe how many dust bunnies can collect during the winter. I am constantly cleaning, but those lil suckers just build up. Coach spent his day cleaning Justice's room, re-arranging and putting together the new basketball shoot out game. While I spent the day cleaning the other 9 rooms. Justice came home and screamed, "its just like Bonkers!" (FYI-If you have never been to Bonkers, you are missing out!) Anyway, Justice shot so long that he broke into a massive sweat; Sat down and said, "I am so hot, I am officially calling a time out on myself!" I think Coach likes the hoop game just as much as Justice Carter. Secretly, I think that's why he strategically picked one with two hoops...

The kids spent the day celebrating Great-Grandma Ann's 79th birthday. Grandpa and Grandma Keene picked them up at ten and drove to Abingdon. I was told that right before they left the party Justice told Great-Grandma, "Happy Birthday ya pussy-cat, have a great day!" Once again, my child leaving a lasting impression...

House is clean, check. Cake and decoration ready, check. Kids asleep, check. Duke vs. North Carolina--Double check!! Coach has been cleaning all day with visions of this game dancing in his head. No, Seriously. It's March. March Madness is a National Holiday at the Keene house. Coach will do anything this time of year, as long as the TV belongs to him at tip off. Gotta love him. I guess it could be worse. He could love hockey, and I don't know anything about that game. Speaking of games, the Olympics. I about died the other day when Justice asked for a mop and his hockey puck. I honestly figured this would end in someone crying. He then proceeded to make a path in the living room to the fireplace. He was furiously mopping and trying to move the ball. I asked him, "Justice, what are you doing?" "Mom, it was on the Olympics, I'm curling..." That is yet, another game, I don't understand...but Justice assured me, "He got it." Followed by rolling his eyes...

Did I mention presents, check! I guess we are officially ready to party. Just waiting for a bundle of four year old energy to join this chair! YIKES.......I can hear Cameron upstairs stirring around. He must know his people are playing and cheering, "the Cameron Crazies" are calling his name! (He was....yes... named after Duke's gym, Cameron Indoor Stadium." If God would have gave us a girl, Kameron Bristol Keene....Motherhood calls. Nows it a full fledged cry....Night

YMCA Ball....taking directions from his coach

Cameron watching Justice shoot....

Justice CHEESIN out on his new game....think daddy is enjoyin the gift just as much!

One more sleep away from turning 4 tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Grandpa Dana took Keene Nation to dinner at Rocky's after the last Pre-K Ball, Justice said it was his AWARDS BANQUET!

Nothing But Net Cameron!!

Cameron and Great Grandpa Terry...He always comes over with a Reeses Cup in his front pocket for Justice, before long we will need 2!


Where is the time going???
Today is the last TUESDAY Justice will be 3 years old. He's getting so big. Seems like yesterday the Keene duo was at the Girls State Basketball Tournament. I was large and in charge prego climbing up and down those steep stadium stairs, while daddy was trying to win a championship trophy. Coach Keene had his first real huddle with Justice, inutero of course, to please not arrive these three days while in Bloomington. Thank God he listened! I can only imagine if my water would have broke on that fateful day, I might have been pushing alone. Note to self--Great job not going through another pregnancy during season....FYI---Chris Duerr of KHQA did name me player of the game at the Super Sectional for NOT going into labor. And yes, I was having contractions that entire game...but Mrs. Coach Keene sucked it up! :)
So, Justice called his family this week and invited them to his basketball birthday party. His radio voice on the phone was a little, shall we say, PG-13 for the people on the other end....I was not real proud.
First Call--GREAT Grandma Ann..."well, hellllooo Pussycat. Wanna come to my birthday party pusssyycat?" WHERE the pussycat thing came from, I will never know...
Second Call--Grandma Beverly..."This is hound-dog. Wanna come eat cake on Sunday, dont forget my gift! I already know what it is...Dana said it was a secret." My dad could never keep a secret and, again, hound dog??
Third Call--Grandma Marsha--"Hey Pussy Cat...You Pussy Cat.....come to my party on Sunday...aaawwww (hang up)"
Its to bad that at age 3, Justice has noooo personality......WHAT will 4 bring? Lord Help us.....