Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Twas the night before Regionals...

Twas the night before Regionals and all through the house,

Not a creature was stirring, well, except for Coach Keene...
As the game film was playing on the flat screen he stare,

In hopes that the basketball gods would soon offer care..

The Keene children were nestled all snug in their beds,
with visions of trophies dancing in their heads....
While mom at her computer and I getting a snack,
Had just settle our minds for a short winters nap...

When out at Illini West Nation there rose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter...
Away to my window tons of snow in a flash,
I tore open my phone and gave it a lash ...

The game had been postponed from the new fallen snow,
gave yet another day to prepare for our opponent below....
But what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a new "competitive attitude" from my team we hold dear...

With our press as the driver, so lively-so quick,
I know at this moment what made our ladies tick..
More rapid than eagles the closer they came,
I whistled and shouted and called them by name...

Go Dana, Go Dannie, Go Bali, Go Cait,
Go Lea, Go Lauren, Go Katelyn, Go Tiff, Go Carter...
Go Emily, Go Taylor, Go Rachel, Go Halie...
To the Top of the Leader board, To The Top of the Poll
Now Dash Away, Dash Away, Dash Away All...

They spoke not a word and went straight to work,
Filled the board with points and turned with a jerk..
Coach Keene laying a finger aside of his head,
and giving a nod, they dropped another opponent like lead..

Coach sprang to the locker room and gave them a whistle,
and away girls flew like a down of a thistle...
But I heard coach exclaim, as the team drove out of sight,
"Your heart has the answer, now follow that light!"