Saturday, January 30, 2010

You Might Be A Coach's Wife If....

Like Jeff Foxworthy says.....But a twist.....You MIGHT BE A COACHES WIFE IF......

1-Your husband has more clothes than you do...

2-93% Of your Conversations are over Text....

3-During the season your husband leaves for work so early and comes home so late, that when you get up in the morning you really have to think if you saw him or not...

4-You rarely see your husband in anything but Dry-Fit Clothes or suits...

5-When your husband is home, you tell everyone you have company and you will need to call them back...

6-ESPN is your main source of News...

7-The idea of having a workweek and a weekend are Beyond Comprehension...

8-You use "seasons" as a measurement of time...

9-Your wardrobe only consists of your school colors...

10-March Madness is celebrated in your home like a National Holiday...

11-Disciplining the kids is done over the phone OR "wait till your dad gets home" and you honestly have no idea when that will be or if you will even remember why the kid was in trouble...

12-People want to share ideas for a press breaker via the wife...

13-You NEVER sit with the crowd at a game...

Hey--I am out, if you have any more ideas....send me a post!! Have a nice Saturday! Today is my "Suprise Day" I heard I am being blindfolded to a secret location...Hope I need my passport, OR a movie would be nice too...tootles!