10-You have weekly board meeting..... to discuss the status of each player, their progress and update your husband on EVERYTHING you have been doing while he is in the gym :) This is where my blog therapy kicks in...love ya
9-Your the subject of a hostile takeover--REALLY ...why should I be able to have a full nights rest without a 3 year old showing up to take my covers and pillow in the middle of the night just about the time I get the baby to sleep...
8-Your sentenced to several years in a maximum security facility. Its funny how I thought I would NEVER miss a game, even when I had kids...Now I feel its easier to be on lock down at home than get my tribe ready for a game...not to mention how wild my three year old is upon return from the gym...Usually takes till midnight to get him to sleep..
7-You hand out sweet bonuses---Hey Justice, if you go to bed before daddy gets home, I will give you a Reese's..He will do anything for a Reese's ...Yeah..bad mommy
6-Your on constant market watch---Newsflash....Coaches don't get paid what they are worth...We spend so much $ on two kids now I am actually reading the grocery sales to stock up on all our favorites....and coupons, I know, you think coupons...I saved over $1000 in three months...I am SOLD!
5-You will GLADLY accept a bailout--Grandma!
4-Your about all the perks....Since you can verily get through the day without 4 cups of coffee
3-You keep a sharp eye on interest rates... green veggies, educational TV, exercise and chores
2-Always wanted a girl---now I have like 23 in my life---love my boys, but I need some girl talk every once in a while. Kinda got disconnected last year due to a small incident. Lets just say, no more teambuliders at our home....or at least for awhile...
1-Your bonds are extremely rewarding...quality time, not quantity...I work as hard as I can at work...and play as hard as I can at home...Coach Keene is the same way! I would not survive without those moments...