Since my return to work from maternity leave, I have opted out for a reduced schedule for 12 weeks. (Gotta Love those French Companies!) I dont work on Friday until the middle of March. Honestly, I work harder on Friday at home than any day of the week. By Friday, the house is a mess, laundry needs to be done and I am exhausted from the work week. And to think, I actually thought, ohhh I dont work Friday..I will be able to go to every Thursday night game..NOT! I would need a caffeine drip to make it through this first half with two kids!
Justice and I officially named today "P day". We are wearing PJ's all day, had pancakes for breakfast, plan to have a picnic in front of the fireplace for lunch equipped with Peanut Butter and Jelly. Justice is P-laying basketball, big surprise. After lunch we are making brownies with Pink icing. I hunted up some puzzles to put together...and only time will tell what "P" activity we will do next. Oh, Justice did say today, "mom, dont touch my computer...I have to Poop...Its "P" day. duuhh...and I will be listening to see if touch my game film!" Can you say, "obsessed!"
Daddy has late practice tonight. Already called in some back up about 4:30 so I can take a 45 min walk on the treadmill. My other stress reliever. Ashley and I are taking a muscle pump class at the YMCA and today, I am feeling it...ahhhh go away baby weight, and I P-romise not to eat the pink iced brownies today.... :)