While searching for my joy; God spoke. In trusting his timing I learned he is not the author of confusion but the leader of peace and rest. Today, I am compelled to share my story. Offer hope in troubled times. We must be courageous in Christ and realize their is a "set time" for everything. God is my joy and IN-COURAGE is my legacy. How will I lead with joy in Christ? IN-COURAGE others. It took a career earthquake for me to stop and listen.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much
Saturday, January 30, 2010
You Might Be A Coach's Wife If....

1-Your husband has more clothes than you do...
2-93% Of your Conversations are over Text....
3-During the season your husband leaves for work so early and comes home so late, that when you get up in the morning you really have to think if you saw him or not...
4-You rarely see your husband in anything but Dry-Fit Clothes or suits...
5-When your husband is home, you tell everyone you have company and you will need to call them back...
6-ESPN is your main source of News...
7-The idea of having a workweek and a weekend are Beyond Comprehension...
8-You use "seasons" as a measurement of time...
9-Your wardrobe only consists of your school colors...
10-March Madness is celebrated in your home like a National Holiday...
11-Disciplining the kids is done over the phone OR "wait till your dad gets home" and you honestly have no idea when that will be or if you will even remember why the kid was in trouble...
12-People want to share ideas for a press breaker via the wife...
13-You NEVER sit with the crowd at a game...
Hey--I am out, if you have any more ideas....send me a post!! Have a nice Saturday! Today is my "Suprise Day" I heard I am being blindfolded to a secret location...Hope I need my passport, OR a movie would be nice too...tootles!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Bottom Line

Today Is Brought To You By The Letter "P"

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Leadership Can Be Lonely

Yep, I am struggling with the one word today---BALANCE. I cant figure out how to balance my own interests and careers with that of Coach Keene. In most cases the bulk of domestic responsibilities for a coach's wife -- especially raising children -- fall on our shoulders. It does not matter how much you like it, it's still lonely...
You can hear a pin drop right now at the Keene compound! I just got both kids to sleep, praise God, and I am listening to end of the game on the radio....wishing I could have attended. I often wonder if people think I have lost my commitment for supporting the Chargers, nope, never...motherhood got in the way.
While coaches' wives in big cities may be able to go about their business normally, those in small towns often find there's no escape. At the grocery store, the gas pump and even the doctor's office, everyone it seems wants to offer some bit of advice to the coach through his wife. I was actually pumping gas today in Macomb and a guy asked me, "Aren't you Coach Keene's wife?" I said, "depends" He said, "whats happened to Carthage basketball" My answer, as I paid at the pump, "It became Illini West" He looked at me like....wow, she didn't get the question, but I got it buddy....
By far the toughest part of being a coach's wife is dealing with negative comments by "fans" in the stands, radio and sports columnists. Nearly every coach's wife has developed personal strategies for coping with these idiots. My thoughts, sit behind the bench and stay to yourself. Don't worry, I hear it...everywhere! I hear it from people I can't believe are even saying it! I was in Carthage working recently and I overheard a nasty conversation in the doctor's office between two old men, the topic, my husband. SUPER-- I finished my business at the office. Walked over to the two, in the heat of the conversation. Handed them both a business card and told them, if they wanted to complain directly to Coach Keene's personal assistant my cell phone number is at the bottom. They both were beat red and obviously embarrassed.
Thought of the night...Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.” Maybe I need to take my own advice...
Good Night, Sleep Tight...I am going to pass out!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Date Night---Sorta?

Monday, January 25, 2010
JC Takes Bitty Ball
Before we left home Justice handed Grandpa Dana his stat book and a blue crayon. "Dana, your keeping my stats, right?" As you can see in the picture, he is checking them out.
He did great...daddy was sad he missed it! The program goes until March 6th, so there will be plenty of performances left for Daddy to see...
I have to say, I think Justice was born to lead, just like his daddy...I am a true believe that you cant be taught to lead and this kids got what it takes to move mountains! The sky is the limit little man...
Sunday, January 24, 2010
First Things First

Saturday, January 23, 2010
Keene Team Goals...
What would a team be like without goals? If you don't get into the habit of writing your dreams down, then how will you hold yourself accountable? We have, a very cheesy, GOALS bulletin board by our garage door. Everyday we must walk out into the world and hold our self to a higher standard knowing we have to walk back by the board when we get home. The goals board has family goals and individual goals.
Little do some people know when Zach and I met, I was the coach. (I am definitely the less dramatic Keene on the sidelines!) I coached golf at Western Illinois University for five years. For two years of our marriage, we both coached. I was gone in the fall and spring, he was gone in the winter...not the best arrangement, but we made it work. In 2005, I took a major career change into the Pharmaceutical Industry. Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals is the 3rd largest pharma company in the world. I LOVE IT!! I have taken my coaching attitude and my love for leading people into that career as well.
Rules about Goal Setting
1-Be Decisive 2-Stay Focused 3-Write your Goals 4-Plan Thoroughly 5-Involve Others 6-We come Failure 7-Take Action 8-Inspect what you Expect 9-Reward yourself 10-Maintain Personal Integrity
Like Mike...If JC Could be LIKE MIKE....
Our Stat Keeper...
Top 10 Reasons Why Being A Coach's Wife is like A Running a Small Company

The Homefront Huddle