While searching for my joy; God spoke. In trusting his timing I learned he is not the author of confusion but the leader of peace and rest. Today, I am compelled to share my story. Offer hope in troubled times. We must be courageous in Christ and realize their is a "set time" for everything. God is my joy and IN-COURAGE is my legacy. How will I lead with joy in Christ? IN-COURAGE others. It took a career earthquake for me to stop and listen.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Gyms are for Basketball and Cheering
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Allergic To The Cold...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Brownies, Of All Kinds...

I treated myself to lunch with a girl friend today. No Zach, a girl that is a friend. Men! We laughed about old times and cried about new challenges of motherhood. Her husband works the swing shift. FINALLY, someone who can relate to being alone with the kids most of the time. I discovered that coach’s wives not only miss their husbands, but they also miss out on any kind of a social life! If it’s not kids, work or basketball, then I am home preparing the domicile for another week of kids, work and basketball.
I posted a quote recently that stated, “Don’t compare what you’re doing to that of other people. Only compare what you are doing with what you are capable of.” I think this is going to by my “new motto” in life. This brings me back to my song from the good ole days of Brownies. It’s important to grow as an individual along with the role of parent and a wife. Today was great, girl time! I needed the moment to just chill and converse about something besides a press breaker or IHSA and their STUPID 4 class system---off soapbox! Coach and I feel that 75% of our free time should be dedicated to our kids. We both work and have so many other commitments it’s mind-boggling. I get GMS quite often…guilty mommy syndrome. So when we play, we play hard! The other 25% we must make an effort of doing something enjoyable once a month as a couple. Reminder, Mrs. Keene—you walk past that goal of “date night” everyday, have you had one yet? ....speaking of the goals board, we have already reached 2 goals and its only February! Sorry, if you can’t cheer for yourself, then what’s the point!
So back to doing something fun…By the time basketball is over, most of your friends stop calling because you have said “NO” so many times. Consequently, no social life, I think I mentioned this already…Anyhoo… I guess in that case, forget the song, we will just stay home, make some brownies and EAT them too!
Speaking of making new friends, Justice has an imaginary friend. His name is Ziggy. He goes to Wal-Mart with us, plays in his room and even gets a snack at bedtime with Justice! We are going to a birthday party on Sunday and Justice asked, “Ziggy only wants to come if there will be brownies with chocolate icing!” What is it with Brownies today???
Monday, February 22, 2010
In the heat of the game or the heart of a snowstorm, we all have a purpose. Today, after the roads were cleared, my "charger mentality" headed down the road to serve my customers. (Even though my boys were at home for a fun filled Snow Day!) Just like players are made in the off season, big sales are made when most reps are hibernating! I thought of these quotes today, while squinting from the white-out, and concentrating on my driving, of course....
"The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, others willing to let them..."
"Think BIG, Believe BIG, and Act BIG, and the results will be BIG!"
"There are only two options regarding commitment, your either IN or OUT.."
"Focus is important, if you chase two rabbits both will escape."
"If opportunity knocks, Build a door..."
"Success is getting what you want...Happiness is liking what you have..."
"Success isn't measured by what you do compared to someone else. Its measured by what you do compared to what your capable of doing."
Well, other duties call tonight... I leave you with this thought---I have often heard in life, to succeed, you must sometimes take the road less traveled, but not after 8 inches of snow...You might get stuck :)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Keene's KEYS To The Game
Honestly, I have not been real inspired this week......
This is the first week with no basketball practice or games. If you read my prior post, this week is usually a roller coaster of the 7 stages of grief in Keene-ville! I also find MYSELF coming off a high of madness and a whirl of emotions once that last buzzer sounded. Usually takes a week or two to find a routine, especially with Coach at home now after school...
Before every game Coach Keene does a segment on the radio, "Coach Keene's Keys To The Game." This is a short outline of all the things the team needs to do for a strategic win. Well, today I was thinking, "The KEYS to surviving the first week AFTER basketball!"
DAY 1---Don't lock the KEYS to actually LETTING THE GAMES begin in the car....yeah, this picture was taken through a very dirty window, hence the blur. My keys are quietly waiting for me in the driver's seat. $80 later, they were in ignition...Yep, Coach will be home right after school, yippee...an extra set of hands for the entire evening!
Day 2---Absolutely, positively, NO Post Season talk...You can secretly check scores, but don't mention anything about the sectional championship or the Supers...not to mention REDBIRD....I personally LOVE it when people say, "so and so says we need to get better, but do you really have to have a summer program? That is just asking alot.." OMG people...players are MADE in the off season..Go BIG or GO HOME...
Day 3---Coach Keene has left the building, the school building that is...Yep, Coach's parental responsibilities have officially kicked in, again. I think he might be a little overwhelmed. I noticed today he was trying to use the steamer mop to clean up one of Justice's spills--he said, "Does this thing need water?" He may be able to draw up the most strategic last minute play, but yes.....steam does come from water, dear...note to self--Coach needs a project ASAP, but not floors....
Day 4--Coach Keene has gotten up with Cameron a few times since birth--and yes, I have been counting. Now that basketball is over, I find it much easier to nudge him when little Mr. Peepers needs a bottle :) ....also, remember when I said I was really excited about having an extra pair of hands at home, by day 4....I am ready to send him back to the gym. We have a routine and bringing him back into our huddle is like two-a-days this week... (these words, "send him back to the gym", are brought to you today with the utmost love and compassion...)
Day 5--TGIF---Today is my off day, from the job I get paid for that is... The kids were wild. Cameron cried all day, darn those teeth. The house looks like a war zone, please God send NO visitors to my house tonight. I am cranky. Did I mention I have yet to comb my hair today and its now almost 9PM. Coach has spent his day taking calls from coaches who want advice about their opponent in the super-sectionals. Kinda ironic, we beat most of the teams in the supers, but here were are, done with the season....which brings me back to WHY SUMMER IS IMPORTANT...okay, off my soapbox.
Friday Night--Coach took Justice to the YMCA tonight to work on his shot for Monday.... and blow off some steam from being on lock down all day at home. Justice made a friend in the gym. Coach said he was about 6 years old. (reminder, Justice is 3)
New Friend-- "Hi, I made like 3 shots"
Justice--"I made 9"
New Friend-- "I made 10"
Justice--"Well, I already made like 90 today, beat that..."
New Friend---quiet
Justice--"Just shoot already"
Once again, not feelin witty tonight. Just exhausted. Well, tomorrow my agenda is clean the battle ground of today's war crimes, and help Coach Keene come up with 101 ways to fund raise for a trip to UNC this June.....So, I guess the KEYS to the first week after basketball in Keene-ville....is just..... survival!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Two Of A Kind...
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Will You Marry Me?
Friday, February 12, 2010
Orange Ball
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Twas the night before Regionals...
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Everything Counts
Friday, February 5, 2010
Going to War...and other Battles
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
It's Gettin Hot In Here...
Monday, February 1, 2010
Did I Eat Dinner?