To facebook or not to facebook, that is the question? I am honestly thinking about putting my account to rest. I was looking at my old posts recently, other friends posts and random conversations. These two declarations I found on the net have been on my mind all day...
"Christians only love the "lovable"
"If you want to improve your team, improve yourself"
I believe that these two random posts, from two friends, meant two different things, but actually go hand in hand. Jesus spent his earthly days with the worst of the worst in society. He spent time with beggars, drunks, the poor, the greedy, the lustful, and many more. Jesus guides his followers to love the unlovable. Even when it does not make sense. Even when they hold a grudge for something that was innocently communicated. As Christians, why do we often only gather with other Christians? Also, why are Christians sometimes not very christian like? From the money scandals of the church to child predators, the church will always have its problems. Why? That is why the Lord is the Lord, and we are merely human. God does not weigh sin. We as humans, measure everything from murder or a lie.
Pondering on those two facebook posts, I thought to myself, the best way to improve my families christian walk is to improve myself. I am not sure facebook makes me a better person, honestly. It takes time away from my family. I read peoples posts and think about my life. I read peoples posts that are making fun of me? Kinda trying to figure out why? I even find myself having a bad attitude. Yikes.
From now on, I only want to be the Christian that LOVES everyone. Even the unlovable. I want to be the light to that person who thinks that Christianity is only for the easy. Its not. I have had so many trials and tribulations in my life, but keeping my eyes on him and letting God work ,in his perfect time, here I am today. Did you hear that? In GOD'S PERFECT time. That is where I have missed the boat quite often. We are an instantaneous society. We want it now, and pay later. Not with the Lord. We all have a purpose. Ya know, I cant tell you how many times I wondered "WHY Lord" am I a pharmaceutical rep? Its not easy, the learning is continuous, its aggressive, it requires ALL my brain cells...but a handful of times, I got my answer. Once at a hospital display in Peru, IL at 6am I held a lady and prayed with her--never even got her name--her husband had just died up stairs of a sudden heart attack. Or the man that cried to me in a waiting room about his new founded illness..seriously, I could go on for hours. God's perfect timing. My new job is definitely supernaturally designed.
Starting tomorrow, I am going to give up facebook posting for 30 days. Take that time I would spend creeping or posting and focus on my kids. Or maybe read a few pages in a book. Or maybe even hand out bottles of water to the 30+ people that walk by my house everyday to exercise. Teach something to my son about how to treat others and the joys of giving to people, even the unlovable. I am going to challenge myself to smile at everyone and say hello. Maybe pay for someones dinner anonymously. Might even go plant some flowers in someones yard that cant get out and do it them-self. Yep, gonna challenge myself to love...even the unlovable, pass it on.