July 10th I made a pact, with myself, that I would not post on facebook for 30 days. I vowed to spend my days with less creeping and more taking time-out for others. I am happy to report, I have not posted. I am alittle embarrassed to report, I have looked on my blackberry while waiting at various locations a few times.
SO, shall I say, I am challenging myself to be more aware of my actions. In the last ten days the Keene's have cleaned someones house from top to bottom, paid for someones lunch, brought flowers to someone sick, packed a dinner meal for a senior citizen, read 4 books, took our kids to a museum, spent time outside playing, went to the library, and handed out cold drinks on two hot summer days. Guess what? We survived not having a spotless house too! Clean houses are over-rated! Gotta tell ya, the "free water" got me thinking.
"Love one another...especially on a HOT day..Free Water!" Justice and I made this sign to put next to the grey cooler. He colored on it, and added letters. It was fun. We went inside and watched as the first "walker" approached. He looked at the sign, looked at the house, and kept going. "Mommy, why doesn't he take our water?" Justice asked. The next three people walked by, even stopped-read the sign, and kept walking. A young boy on a bike went flying by. "RRRRR", his wheels skidded. He hoped off his bike, grabbed a drink, and off he went. Big Smiles from Justice peeking out the window! "Jack-pot", he said!
I compare this simple scenario to Christ. Salvation is free. It's easy. All you have to do is--open the cooler lid and reach in--but why doesn't everyone take it? Are some to embarrassed someone else might be looking? Do some feel ashamed they might be thirsty on a hot summer day and they were not more prepared for their walk? I am not sure. Probably will always ponder that question. But more importantly, how many of us Christians actually "set the cooler out on their yard?" I am just as guilty as the rest.
Just like life, out of 24 bottles of water, only 11 were gone at the end of the day. Justice asked me as we pulled the cooler back up the driveway at dusk, "mommy, why didn't everyone take the water? I told Justice, "the only thing we can do, is put it out again tomorrow!" That seemed to excite the child within him. "Another challenge", he said.
Make everyday a challenge and don't forget to wheel the cooler out!