If you are going to all the trouble of learning the song and performing it, then SING IT! Sing it loud and with feeling and like you mean it. Deliver it, don't just hand it over like a bank teller. When you answer the phone or greet someone in a office or guard someone on defense, don't bother to come if all you are going to do is do it. Sing it or stay home. Adding more cowbell, even to a bad situation, is pretty much your only choice. Play the cowbell....and play it loud.
If you happen to be passed by a beat up mini-van with Virgina plates and the driver is giving herself a mini-pep talk, its probably Mrs. Coach Keene. I have some serious cowbell going in my work life right now. I have very little work/life balance and for that situation I wont even go there, other than....I am giving all the cowbell I can possibly give without passing out on a daily basis. Seriously.
As for Coach Keene's cowbell of life, he is wearing many hats right now. Between basketball camps and shootouts and his very involved role as daddy he is stretched to the max too. I am so lucky not to have one of those husbands who likes the idea of being a dad, but when it comes to the daily grind of daddy-hood heads to the golf course or the wood shed. Coach Keene does everything from cooking to clean up to bedtime, and still finds time to research the latest drill for tomorrows practice. I am ringing some serious cowbell for Coach today!!
Justice, well, Justice needed a cowbell the other night when he accidentally shut himself in a locker at school. Where was Coach Keene you ask? Yea, I asked that too. He was in the gym with the Jr. High girls and Justice was riding a trike down the hallway. Coach said they heard a faint scream coming from the hall and there was the empty trike. Yep, it was traumatic. Justice tells me the story like it was a battle tale. Poor guy.
Cameron, yes Cameron, needs his own little cowbell right now. Cameron has a new babysitter coming two nights a week for three hours while daddy goes to camp with Justice and mommy is overnight in Springfield. It always breaks my heart when I hear, "well, Cameron didn't cry the WHOLE time today." Poor baby...
I actually went into Farm King and bought a cowbell. I have it in my vehicle. When I think I am going to pass out I will just give it a ring.....remember, no matter what the situation, if you are going to show up....show up with COWBELL!!