Gotta love Hertiage Days, brings out the BEST of Macomb. From the bottom feeders of society to the people who "think" they are the elite. Kinda funny in a way. Almost as good of an evening at the Schuyler County Fair. While walking around in this sweat-fest, I was thinking, here are a few promises you can take to the bank with the Keenes.....
1-No matter how successful or unsuccessful we are, we are going to look you in the eye and speak, even if you don't like us. Its amazing to me how many people in Macomb, who walk around with a swagger of snotty. Its MACOMB people, not Beverly Hills. I dont care where you live, what you do, how many vacation pictures you have posted on facebook or how much money you make...be friendly to people. Believe it or not, it's even good for business! Karma comes back!
2-We are going to travel in a herd. Yes, Aunt Ashley, Gan-pa Dana, Grandma Bev, myself, Cameron and Justice took this years carnival rides. Justice was scared at first, then decided he was born to ride. He loved the little kids roller coaster. And even the slide. Cameron just waved at him each time he would go around. 20 riding tickets, corn dogs, cotton candy, lemonade shake up and a sno-cone it was time to say good-bye till 2011.
3-We are gonna cause a commotion. We decided to cool off in the Sports Corner. Justice learned to play shuffle board. VERY LOUD shuffleboard. He was causing a little scene with this clanking of the pieces and eating his dinner under the table?! Needed his dad there, I think..
4-Lastly, we are always going to miss daddy the last week of June. Yep, until the college coaching days begin, I am sure Coach Keene will always travel the last week of June, somewhere in the country, to a basketball camp. I had to laugh. Him and Coach Hughes were in bed asleep at 7:50 last night and didnt wake up till the alarm went off at 7am. Poor guys. 23 girls are exhausting...
Well, Cameron is taking a little cat nap and Justice is jumping from one piece of furniture to another. I better get myself set up for tonight while I have "some" piece. Come QUICK Tuesday...for more reasons than one!