What a ritualistic society we live in. Today, I had to stop my mighty-minivan on four, yes four, funeral processions. Being the nosey little monster I am--I was looking into all the car seats as the grievers passed by. Some were sitting silent, some were throwing their hands up in the air surly telling a story of, “Can you believe she did that at the funeral?”, and some had a tissue looking into the mirror. I had to wonder who the deceased were and how were they connected to life. Ironically, I worked in the Oncology unit today in Springfield. That’s a place that will make you think! In my hour and nineteen minutes of waiting--but who’s counting right—I witnessed one lady given a clean bill of health who cried and jumped up and down with the nurse, a family bringing a dozen pink roses to sit with their loved one while she had Chemo, and two patients that embraced and said, “I am so glad to see you, how are you?” Glad to see you can mean a thousand words on 6th street. It means you are beating that monster. I must also mention that one lady in a pink sundress leaned over to her husband and said, “she’s the reason why drugs are so high!” On a side bar..I get lots of feedback via dirty looks and “friendly” comments while sitting in the lobby. I have guts of steel I tell you! After oncology, I rode the elevator with two little boys, probably 2 and 4, that had their tonsils out a few hours earlier. One was holding Buzz Light Year and Woody. I patted him on the back and said, “To Infinity and Beyond!” He smiled, but I think his parents needed the laugh of relief the most. Met a retired nurse on the 4th floor who is now taking the role of patient. She told me—vividly—about all 6 of her last surgeries. Yikes, I feel sick now. The second floor introduced me to a Health Care Lawyer. We chatted about his recent 3 week trip to China and how health care in the US is going to change our lives, not for the better. (Super interesting man--38 years of practicing law, he specialized in neurological issues with babies born while their mother was on a pharmaceutical product. Yeah, he has went after many pharma companies and WON--good for him) Walking back out to the parking lot, I saw two familiar faces from Rushville. She is starting her fight on 6th street. I put the key into ignition and it hit me. Big tears and all. (Beginning to think I need some drugs) Seeing the people from Rushville put names to the faces waiting in the lobby and even the four white limos. Life is short. Even if you are being a defensive driver, sometimes cars run the red light and hit you with an evil monster like cancer. I am just a Pharmaceutical Rep who cares about people, cares about family and thinks everyday is precious. Even the bad ones. Just like Tim McGraw sings, “live like you were dying.” What would you change? I am making a list today, on my next hour and nineteen minute wait….
Just a day in the life of a rep....or at least Andrea Keene, who pretty much has a sign on her head that says, "Hey, talk to me, because I will listen."