4 Giveaways you’re driving a Mom Car…
1-Every Cup holder is occupied by a Sippy cup or juice box
2-You have told your friends it not a minivan, it’s an SUV with sliding doors
3-If pressed; you could feed, diaper and clothe your entire family from head to toe with the contents of your floor board.
4-There are sticky finger prints all over the inside windows.
We are in the market to buy a new family car. As much as my cool factor SUCKS in the minivan, boy is it ever handy. I went to see my favorite car man, Justice Elbe—little plug there—told him my budget, and he went to work. I am looking forward to see what he finds. Yeah, you ask, “don’t you have a company car?” Those days are numbered!
I have been following Dave Ramsey for years now. If you don’t know who that is, he’s a Christian financial guru. I took his advice last year on low job security in these economic times. I stockpiled the cash, rather than pay down the debt. Then in times of job security again, pay down the debt and use your safety net. Well, secure times are not far away, Praise God, and I play to buy an inexpensive vehicle in cash and use the rest to pay down the debt. (I want to make clear emphasis on the inexpensive transportation vehicle--the pile is not very big to work with-dont want to sound braggy) I hate to owe people. Honestly, we have never lived beyond our means, but we have made some real dumb decisions. Someday, SOMEDAY, I am going to call Dave Ramsey’s radio show and scream, “We’re Debt Free!!” I would love to teach the Financial Peace University he offers. Wonder if anyone in Macomb offers that? I know The Crossing did at the Quincy location. Speaking of The Crossing..we have to get back into the routine of going to church. Seems like life gets in the way and we always find some reason why we don’t go. I get “fed” my Christian fire on the radio. I love Family Life Today and the Mid-Day Connections. When you drive as much as I do, you know exactly when and where to tune the radio, depending on what part of the territory your working. Still, need to worship at church. Bottom line.
Well, taking the boys to the doctor today. Yeah, Cameron is 3 months late for his 6 month visit. Not busy, eh? And Justice has his pre-school physical. He asked me today, “Do I have to get a shot?” I told him, yeah, I think you do. He said, “Does every kid whose name is from A to Z have to get a pre-school shot?” I told him, yep. Justice looks at me and says, “Well, I guess J is in there…so I am screwed!” HAHA! Little does he know we are going to this dentist this week too.
Lastly, a Fun Fact—A new study showed that helpful dads may hurt a working mothers self esteem. That so funny, because an unhelpful dad make moms want to hurt the dad, period! I will leave that up to you to decide which is worse! XOXO Coach, keep up the help, it takes a team to clean up after our boys..
1-Every Cup holder is occupied by a Sippy cup or juice box
2-You have told your friends it not a minivan, it’s an SUV with sliding doors
3-If pressed; you could feed, diaper and clothe your entire family from head to toe with the contents of your floor board.
4-There are sticky finger prints all over the inside windows.
We are in the market to buy a new family car. As much as my cool factor SUCKS in the minivan, boy is it ever handy. I went to see my favorite car man, Justice Elbe—little plug there—told him my budget, and he went to work. I am looking forward to see what he finds. Yeah, you ask, “don’t you have a company car?” Those days are numbered!
I have been following Dave Ramsey for years now. If you don’t know who that is, he’s a Christian financial guru. I took his advice last year on low job security in these economic times. I stockpiled the cash, rather than pay down the debt. Then in times of job security again, pay down the debt and use your safety net. Well, secure times are not far away, Praise God, and I play to buy an inexpensive vehicle in cash and use the rest to pay down the debt. (I want to make clear emphasis on the inexpensive transportation vehicle--the pile is not very big to work with-dont want to sound braggy) I hate to owe people. Honestly, we have never lived beyond our means, but we have made some real dumb decisions. Someday, SOMEDAY, I am going to call Dave Ramsey’s radio show and scream, “We’re Debt Free!!” I would love to teach the Financial Peace University he offers. Wonder if anyone in Macomb offers that? I know The Crossing did at the Quincy location. Speaking of The Crossing..we have to get back into the routine of going to church. Seems like life gets in the way and we always find some reason why we don’t go. I get “fed” my Christian fire on the radio. I love Family Life Today and the Mid-Day Connections. When you drive as much as I do, you know exactly when and where to tune the radio, depending on what part of the territory your working. Still, need to worship at church. Bottom line.
Well, taking the boys to the doctor today. Yeah, Cameron is 3 months late for his 6 month visit. Not busy, eh? And Justice has his pre-school physical. He asked me today, “Do I have to get a shot?” I told him, yeah, I think you do. He said, “Does every kid whose name is from A to Z have to get a pre-school shot?” I told him, yep. Justice looks at me and says, “Well, I guess J is in there…so I am screwed!” HAHA! Little does he know we are going to this dentist this week too.
Lastly, a Fun Fact—A new study showed that helpful dads may hurt a working mothers self esteem. That so funny, because an unhelpful dad make moms want to hurt the dad, period! I will leave that up to you to decide which is worse! XOXO Coach, keep up the help, it takes a team to clean up after our boys..