While searching for my joy; God spoke. In trusting his timing I learned he is not the author of confusion but the leader of peace and rest. Today, I am compelled to share my story. Offer hope in troubled times. We must be courageous in Christ and realize their is a "set time" for everything. God is my joy and IN-COURAGE is my legacy. How will I lead with joy in Christ? IN-COURAGE others. It took a career earthquake for me to stop and listen.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Speech, Speech
So here I am a few weeks late posting again. Darn this overscheduled life. Ah, where do I begin? After ten years of leadership, a few hundred speaking engagements later, Coach FINALLY decided to let me take a stab at speaking to his team. Before we left Justice said, “mom, I have a few words to say too.” For those of you who have not been following us long, Justice always has a few words. He told me what he wanted to say and I approved. Fast forward to the pregame meal; Coach introduced me. I gave Justice the floor first. I did tell them it was uncensored just in case he veered away from his original topic. He walked to the front of the room and put his sweaty little hands together. Shhhh, it was quiet. In the most serious voice he began, “Ladies, THIS is the not the trophy we are worried about. We only care about Redbird Arena and the STATE trophy.” The magnitude of his intensity made me tear up. He cares so deeply about the game. His passion was unleashed and the girls all cheered. It was a proud moment. Yeah—then I spoke, but Justice stole the show. I have to think we are teaching life lessons to our boys and raising the next leaders for our future.
One of my rules is to eat dinner as a family every night. Even when basketball season is here, I and the boys continue this ritual. We have a sharing time while we eat. We each share something positive about our day. Cameron always goes first. He likes to share what he had for lunch or what he played with and then he says, “I spy, with my eye.” Then Justice screams, “That’s not the deal. We are not spying, we are sharing!” So then its Justice’s turn. “We had a sub today in art.” I asked, “Was she nice?” He gives me this googly eyed look and says, “Mom, she was old. I walked up to the desk and asked her if she wanted to live at Grand Prairie. She said no. She had a house. So I sat back down.” I might just have to hire Justice for the new addition. Cameron and I spent the entire day today decorating for Chrismas and cooking. We had a great time, just the two of us. Cameron is so much more relaxed than Justice. Cameron is detailed. He finishes everything he starts and has a happy little attitude.
I love cheering on the Bombers, but I sure enjoyed spending the day with Cam....
Friday, November 9, 2012
Here We Go Bombers--Here We Go!
Just a quiet Friday night in Keeneville. Yep, doing what most families do in their quiet time; pick out starting lineup songs for Monday night’s home opener. Hard decisions. The last two weeks have been a little hectic around Adams Street. Coach had two a day practices; gotta get those ladies into defensive shape. Keeping Mrs. Coach Keene in defense shape is tackling my career and my two little men in uniform. Raising Justice and Cameron is like two-a-days, twenty four hours a day. Between spelling words and SpongeBob it’s enough to make any sane mother cry for a few quiet minutes of alone time. Speaking of alone time, I grant myself a short vacation every weekend to the grocery store. Glamorous, I know. I was in Wal-mart, checking out the toy aisle--on my way to the light bulbs--and found myself in a very interesting conversation. Well I should clarify—eavesdropping on a conversation. I heard the clerk say to this gentleman, “This is a great hoop and you want two?” Immediately my ears perked up. Hey, hey, somebody is getting a full court for Christmas. Awesome! As the conversation continues, I am now looking at bikes, and still listening. “How many feet is a basketball court?” The clerk says, “Honestly, no clue.” So me--being the quiet coaches wife I am nonchalantly wheeled my grocery packed cart by and said, “84 Feet, coach’s wife.” I wish I could have had a camera. These two men looked at me like I was an extraterrestrial. I wanted to pull a Justice Keene and yell “Boo-Ya” as I strolled by, but I kept my beam under control. My second encounter this week showing off my “10 years as a coach’s wife resume” was explaining to an 84 year old man what Grinnell style offense meant. People--I truly think I am ready for my own talk show. Anyhoo, have I mentioned how excited we are to be orange and black? Coach and I have a super awesome surprise for the players next week. We had some amazing signs made to decorate the locker room. (Pictures to follow) It’s going to rock our Washington Street Hanger. Not to mention the entire theme of havoc Coach has created around the Bomber name. From Wingman awards to the Red Bird Arena poster being made. Changing culture is hard work. I like to think of myself as a “change agent.” Not only do I get to lead my way of life at work, but I get to come home and consult Coach on the culture he is establishing for girls basketball. You couldn’t find a more passionate consultant about the cause and my price is just right! Well, this Monday night will be the first time in ten years I have not sat behind the bench. Our gym is set up with bleachers on one side and the players in chairs on the other. I guess if my biggest dilemma going into game one is where me and the kids will sit, I think we are going to be just fine! Go Bombers---See you at the game!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Inside Out
Begin with the end in mind. Or at least that is what Stephen Covey preaches. Tonight I am reflecting about me. Yes, just me. No Coach. No kids. I am only two short weeks away from my one year anniversary. One year you ask? One year ago November 1st I told myself I needed a change. A healthy change. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth and started working with a trainer. (the poor lady, had no idea what a head case I would be) This road has been full of flat tires, detours, crashes, and more bumps in the road than this girl could have imagined. Although the road has been filled with problems, somewhere along each stop of the journey I started to heal. The first six months I trained for a 5K that I ran with my sister. Ashley got this crazy idea. We would honor my Grandma, who passed away from ALS, by running a race in her honor. Over 6,000 runners suited up for this U of I event. I vividly remember a cold night in December running all of 30 seconds in my most honest voice asking, "How will I ever do this?" Well, six months later I did. Ashley and I wore a special broach on our shirt from my Grandma's jewelry box. I recited in my head the entire 3.2 miles, don’t forget the .2, I can do all things through Christ that strengths me. I know she was with us as we crossed the finish line. I pointed at that moment to heaven when we crossed together hand in hand. What an awesome feeling. After the race, phase two was put into action. At this point the trainer became a life coach. (I told you she didnt know what she signed up for) March till June was pretty rough in Keeneville. I needed that lady to beat the sweat out of me a couple nights a week because I was so close to a breakdown. The workout helped me keep my sanity, not to mention kick my butt. During the summer I spoke at Navy Pier at a conference on leadership. I had the opportunity to fly to Dallas and develop myself deeper. It was still me, but the outside was starting to change. On the brink of 12 months I have now ran a 5K, lost 13 3/4 inches, lost 4 sizes, has lowered my resting heart rate by more than 20 beats, and have changed the way I look at food forever. The day in 2011 I gave myself permission to leave my kids a few hours a week to work on myself was a gift. We as mother put ourselves last. Anyone can do this if Andrea Keene is succeeding. You must be willing to take out your personal map and set up the journey. Yes, begin with the end in mind. I remember saying I want my outside to match my inside. That is my end in mind. Just like as a college golfer I could visually see my ball landing on the green, I can see myself another year from now. I still have a very long way to go, very long. I need to remind myself how very far I have come. I love leading people. I cant wait to stand on a big stage someday and convey that passion I have inside of me. The best part, my outside will then match my inside. Begin with the end in mind. How do you see your end and what are you doing to get there?
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Third Day Is The Charm...
Well, day three he made it! Better yet, I made it too. He was alittle weak, but he made it. I am so proud of him. Even though he is three and we still let him use a pappy. He is a school boy. A BIG school boy now. Before we left the house today I drew a heart on his hand. He drew one on mine. I told him everytime he got sad to look at his heart and remember school would be over soon and Grams would pick him up. He laughed. He thought it was funny I let him draw on me. Whatever it takes...Anyhoo. I am sure next week will be another adventure. (pre-k only 3 days a week) I am just proud we made it to friday. BIG exhale.....
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Oh Cam...
I just don’t get it. Justice was the exact same way. First day of school, great. Second day of school, not so much. Ugh. I just feel sick after Cameron’s episode today. He was strong until I said good-bye. This kid latched on to my shirt and screamed for a good 30 mins. Yeppers, I was in the full on ugly cry. On a side bar I have now cried in front of both my kids’ teachers. Oh Joy. I could hear his ear-piercing scream as I left the school with a wad of toilet paper in my hand. What a great feeling. Sarcasm, anyone? I had a mega meltdown on my way to work. And at work. And in my office. And in the bathroom. Nothing like feeling like you were busted in the heart. I second guess myself constantly in motherhood. I don’t know if it’s guilty working mother syndrome. Or many other un-blog appropriate thoughts. I appreciate the random mother who said, “You are a good mom, hang in there” with a hug as I walked out of school. I AM a good mom. I don’t care if no one ever tells me. I am telling myself! Take that. I will be my own positive voice. I am doing my best. Sure I screw up, but I am doing my best. I guess I will try this again tomorrow. I hope it gets better or I am going to need more mascara sooner than later. Justice cried for 8 weeks, oh Lord, give me strength.
Cameron Takes Pre-K
Today was Cameron's first day of pre-school. He was so brave. Walked right into the class like he owned it. No tears when I said good-bye. I loved it! I am still keeping make-up stashes in my car with Justice, but not little brother. He kept saying this morning, "hurry up, hurry up. Did I do my homework?" It was hilarious. He was being silly all the way to the front door. He even posed before we walked out for a few pictures. Very proud of my little man today. Big day in motherhood. Two backpacks to set out at night now. Two sets of clothes and shoes for the morning. Time is going fast. Too fast. Almost scary.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Cameron Turns THREE
Dear Cameron,
Happy 3rd birthday. You wanted to have a cowboy party. You are my sweet little lamb. You are quiet and slow to wake up each morning. You love your pappy and travel everywhere with pepper and blue blankie. We dont dare leave home without it! You want to be just like Justice. You are starting school next week. You are smart. You love to paint and color. You are detail orienated and finish every task until the end. You love to be a helper. You like to cook and bake. You examine bugs on your hands and knees. You will do just about anything for chocolate. You are offically potty trained! Yah! You send everyone off with a, "see ya later sucker." Followed by a, "bye bye lollypop." John Deere green is always in your wardrobe as well as Bomber orange. You hate getting your haircut. Apple juice is a staple in your diet. Nothing else will do. Your favorite food is hotdogs and ice cream. You are the perfect ending to a stressful day. You love to snuggle bug and read books each night. I cant wait to watch you change and grow this year. I love you lolly-pop...
Love, Mom
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Follow The Yellow Brick Road
LIONS and TIGERS and BEARS, oh my. No, serious—I mean it. Here we are almost two months later from my last post. And on a side bar-- I just had to walk away from my computer for ten mins to tell golfer #1 in the yard he could not swing when golfer #2 was in front of him. Is there really NO PLACE LIKE HOME? Probably not when you are trying to relax. I shall bring you up to date on what you have missed in KANSAS over the last 60 days. Justice is still working on the COURAGE to get out of the car and walk into first grade. For one of the most outgoing kids in MUNCHKIN LAND he sure is tearful in the morning. Last year I was stashing makeup kits in my car and desk for that morning drop off mess, but not this year. I have Coach here in Macomb to endure those weepy moments. I vividly remember calling Coach at school last year, about week 3 into the “peal Justice off my leg bawling don’t leave me mode” crying myself. I said, “I can’t take it anymore.” I got a very unsympathetic suck it up speech. This year—Coach gets it! Did I mention I HEART Macomb? I realize we are in the honeymoon stage of being orange and black, but wow it feels right! Hard to believe how much time has been saved by not making that drive on 336 everyday. Speaking of drive, my husband’s attitude about work culture and coworkers is fan-tab-u-lous. Yes, I just made that word up! I would love to go into details, but I know some of the WICKED WITCHES OF THE WEST read this blog just looking for a reason to complain. I would like to send them a formal “GLENDA” thank you note for the termination. As for BRAINS that award is going to mommy for not losing her marbles. My job is on the brink of a very large construction project. I am busier than I have ever been in two years. (Have blood pressure med, will prove it.) My kids are a real handful. My house always needs cleaned or something needs cooked. When my body tells me to take a big exhale my brain just keeps pushing me to do more. I have a few large speaking engagements in the burner, not to mention some travel here and there. I think I am being lead down a path right now, but FLYING MONKEYS often slow me down. Are we all in search of the perfect EMERALD CITY? Well I am convinced I am going to have to live through more than one TORNDAO to find the keys. I also sure hope I am not disappointed with all the sacrifices I have made along the way to only find the MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN is just a joke. Well, the best advice I know is just to FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD…..
Thursday, July 26, 2012
For Better or Worse
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, or so the song goes. I must declare that Team Keene is rock solid after this year of marriage. Just when you think you have life under control a major change alters all your thoughts and feelings. I am very proud of the way Coach and I developed an even deeper companionship over heart ache. Looking back, and yes hind sight is always more vivid, I wouldn’t change it. The time we spent in crisis, in the privacy of our own home, was a reflection of our connection. The late night consultations and early morning tears were there, but we had each other. Someone who knew exactly how you felt. Out of the darkness and into the light of hope we had a new answer. God knew we needed a change. Now we get to start another story right here in our own town, together. How lucky are we? The kids are happy. The grandparents are happy. My job is happy. It’s a perfect match, in so many ways. A happy marriage is what happens while two good people are busy trying to make it through another year of paying their bills, raising their kids, doing their chores, keeping sight of their dreams, and somehow, always finding the time to show how much they care. The Keene way is always busy, and though we may not show our heart each day, what really matters is the secret to our success, teamwork. Happy BIG NINE to my best friend.
Monday, July 23, 2012
First week of basketball camp down. Wow, I had no idea how much easier life would be coaching and living in the same town. Incredible. Justice was a gym junkie this week and spent his AM’s doing drills with the younger kids. His love for basketball is so Coach Keene. Coach asked the girls what some of their goals were for this year. On a side bar this exercise was a little like deer in headlights to the players. Not sure they have ever thought about their hopes and dreams beyond the pregame warm up. Justice was real quick to say HIS goal was redbird area! He’s six and he gets it. Now I am sure some people look at our family and think—yep, fanatical—but I beg to differ. We are living life lessons right in front of our children. Coach and I are not interested in being our kids best friend, we are in tune to teaching them life IS their best friend! If you push yourself, even sometimes when it’s not popular-- the end result will always be worth the struggle.
Speaking of the wedding end in mind—my sister is getting married in 13 days. I have spent the last six months holding the title of Matron of Honor. She is going to be a stunning bride. Long Blonde hair with the prefect amount of curl, dress fits like it was made for her, blue eyes with the perfect amount of makeup, and her adorable blue shoes. I have been searching for just the right words to toast her and her new husband at the wedding for weeks. Every time I put my pen to paper, I change my angle. I guess time will tell; I work best under pressure. Not to mention the pressure of the wedding day getting my six, two and thirty two year old “ceremony ready”. That will be a blog of its own; I am convinced. I am exhausted just thinking about it…quick, somebody get the smelling salt.
Speaking of pressure, I get the pleasure of being audited by the state this week. Ready or not, but I am ready. Nothing freaks a person out most then being scoped and probed with a fine tooth comb. I am very fortunate to have a top notch staff that makes me look good on a daily basis. I only anticipate this week for us to shine like the Dominican Sun. Man, I miss that sun.
Busy next two weeks, the wedding, a baby shower, basketball camp, and our anniversary. Nine years of wedded bliss and basketball. Wonder how many star spangled banners I have heard in nine years? The BIG question is, how many in a lifetime?
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Fifty Shades
I am not sure if you have heard the hype of Fifty Shades of Grey, but wowzers! I am pretty sure every woman at the resort was reading this steamy book. Upon recommendation of my colleagues; I also caved and purchased. I was blushing the entire trip. I decided the certified book of the Dominican Republic was none other than this sweltering trilogy. Perfect read for 100 degree days by the pool. Anyhoo--Fifty shades of sunshine did the Keene's very well. The Dominican Republic is a beautiful place to have some quiet time. It did take me 24 full hours to melt into vacation mode, but once I got there...wow, was it nice. Coach and I read, relaxed, took a five mile walk everyday on the beach, had a slushy drink in our hand almost hourly, napped, read some more, had deep conversations and congratulated ourselves on making it the last six months. Let me say this again, Coach and I needed this time away more than ever before. Big kudos to our family for watching the boys. The kids had a full few days too equipped with swimming, campouts, more swimming, parks, cookouts and endless snuggles. Speaking of Fifty Shades, I am pretty sure Coach Keene hit all fifty drinks offered in the tropical menu this trip. Every year he declares a challenge upon arrival at our tropical destination. On another note, this is the first trip in nine seasons that was not consumed with Fifty Shades of basketball. Yes, I know--shocker! He did spend some time reading and writing like a stenographer, but not the entire trip. We set some professional and personal goals and did a lot of snoring poolside. Well, maybe I was the one snoring, He rested quietly. It’s often hard for me to not feel I am in Fifty Shades of competition with Coach. Sometimes I feel my success is invisible to his. Being recognized nationally in my profession was not enough this year to overcome questions about “what’s next for your husband?” Yes, I realize inquiring minds want to know, but there are two Keene’s trying to change the world. Often I am juggling so many aspects of life; I forget to enjoy my own. The bible says a wife should be a compliment to her husband, not in competition. I do my best to make his weakness, my strengths. I can honestly say his strengths are my weaknesses. Match made in heaven. Lastly, I am looking forward to Fifty Shades of Bomber Basketball that will start our Season 10 next week. Season 10--where does the time go? Its gonna be a great year. I'll bet Fifty Shades of sunshine on it...
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Two Tickets to Paradise....
Yes, we are packing our bags and leaving today....whooo hooo!
Just finished four great days in St. Louis with the boys. Went went to the City Museum, Fitz's root beer, hit the casino for dinner, Magic house, mall, Cheesecake Factory, Water park, watched a movie and much more. It was a blast and the boys were excellent. I am pretty proud of myself for coming home with a mound of laundry and having it all washed and repacked in less than a few hours. Thats efficent! The boys are going in three directions for the next few days. Yes, I made a map in case they get lost!
Coach and I are putting together our reading material for our four day adventure to Punta Cana pool/beach side. This trip is different. Normally we are comming off a 30 days of basketball madness. This trip is the calm before the storm. He's got an agenda on this getaway to create some hype around Macomb basketball. Yes--Believe the Hype people, its gonna be BIG!
I am looking forward to quiet rest, not to mention not cutting little peoples food up or wiping faces for a few days. My biggest treat is escaping technology. Cell Phones, facebook, twitter, text---exhausting. Coach is a slave to that stuff--his phone buzzes and whistles all night long, everynight.
Officially unplugging---see you in a few days.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
One Sleep Away...
I am on the brink of a two week vacation. We are taking the boys to St. Louis for three days. The agenda is jammed packed with a water park, the city museums, Fitz’s Root Beer Factory, the zoo, and much more. The boys are pumped. On a side bar, this has been the best summer. The boys have been in heaven having Coach around. Practices, camps and shootouts seem like nothing when it’s only a four minute ride the gym. Last Sunday, we all jumped in Air force One, took a ride to the gym and brainstormed ideas to enhance the atmosphere. Here we are, all four of us, laying on the gym floor throwing out ideas. Justice said, “We should put in a spot light.” Cameron’s idea was, “Snacks.” Coach thought it would be really cool to paint the bleachers and I was looking at motivational ideas for the locker room. Believe me; we came up with a list. For the first time, in a long time, we are all genuinely excited. You can’t put a price on that.
After we play hard with the boys for a few days—and recover—Coach and I will board a plane to the Dominican Republic. Yes, All inclusive-- Adults only--six golden apples--tropical paradise getaway! We went to the Dominican for our honeymoon nine short years ago and thought it would be a great place to venture back to for refection. Not to mention the crystal blue water and the sandy white beach. We both need this vacation more than any other trip we have taken. There is something about getting fired publically that makes days seem like years. Honestly, I am on empty. One a positive note, it only made Team Keene stronger. Sure seems like all these attempts to hurt our family really backfired.
Anyhoo—Now, to work on my book selection for the beach and the pool….
Monday, June 25, 2012
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is about Joseph. Joseph had eleven brothers. Joseph was very special to his father Jacob and he spent a great deal of time with him. So Jacob had a special robe made for Joseph. It was very beautiful and had every color you could imagine in it. All of Joseph's older brothers saw this and they got very jealous. They got so jealous they couldn't even say a kind word to him.
One day Joseph had a dream, and he went to go tell his brothers. He said, "Guess what? Last night I had a strange dream. We were tying up bunches of grain out in the field when suddenly my bunch stood up, while all of yours gathered around and bowed to me." The brothers looked at each other in disgust, but Joseph continued. "Then I had another dream that the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowed down to me."
"Who do you think you are?" The brothers said. "Do you think that you are better than all of us? Do you think that we would ever bow down to you?" This made the brothers dislike Joseph even more.
The brothers made a plan to kill Joseph. So when Joseph came to them, they took off his beautiful robe and they threw him in an empty well. A little while later a group of people came by that were wanting to sell some things in Egypt. One of the brothers spoke up, "Why don't we sell him to these people, this way we never have to see him again, and we don't have to kill him."
The rest of the brothers took Joseph's beautiful robe and dipped it in animal blood and took it back to their father. When the father saw this he cried, "Some animal has killed my son." And he cried for many days, so much that nobody could comfort him.
In our darkest hour, God has a plan. He had a plan for the Keene's. Look at Joseph--jealousy, enslaved, backstabbing, evilness, and jail--pretty grim circumstances for a child of God. Just like Joseph, the Keene's continued to pray.
The last few months have been very difficult in our very public battle. I have tried to keep my emotions quiet, but I have publically cried more than most people understand. Mourning the loss of
orange and blue has been touch and go daily, sometimes hourly. My 6 year old lost sleep, my two year old went from potty trained to diapers again--it was like a death in our family with a never ending public funeral. As for Coach, he’s been a rock---on the outside.
This year has made us all stronger. Justice asks, "Mom, we will always love the IW girls, right?" Yes, Justice. "Mom, the girl’s didn’t fire daddy, right?" No, Justice. "I am going to miss them..." with big tears down his face.
As for the four board members and a few other nameless souls, just like Joseph's brothers--they too had personal vendetta’s against a loyal family member. As Joseph continued to lean on God in times of hardship he was rewarded and eventually, as the story goes--BECAME KING! Like Joseph, we Keene's will continue to follow our dreams. I only hope that someday when IW needs something, like Joseph, Coach Keene will show you mercy unlike you did for him. God has JOSEPH-SIZE plans for the Keene's. Tick Tock......Looks like we have a new coat of many colors--ORANGE AND BLACK! P.S. Its better then we had ever imagined!

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thank you for the hundreds of notes, letters, posts, tweets, calls, highlights, interviews and articles of support to our family. So Very touched!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Got Heart?
Heart, can't live without out it.
After all the love songs have been played and chocolate candy has been eaten; it’s time to call it a day. Even though my Valentine is experiencing all stages of grief this week he managed to dig down deep and make it unique. Not a lot of details ladies--but diamonds ARE a girl’s best friend, not to mention flowers, a special note, a stolen moment with deep conversations and time with the boys. We have an “inside out” theory as a coaching family. We take care of the people inside our circle. As a couple we do find balance--we have one hobby, and that's our kids. We rarely do date nights. We don't go on boys or girls weekends. We don't go out with other couples. We do things with our kids. Call it crazy. Call it whatever you want, it works for us. And our kids reap the reward of precious time. Our family Valentine’s evening ended with one sick and one with a fever, romantic.
The heart of one five year I know is pretty special. After the loss on Monday night he was broken. In the moment of a soft embrace with big crocodile tears rolling down his face he said, “I just don’t want to cry, but it hurts to lose.” Losing is never easy Justice Keene, but think of all the lessons we learn along the way. In the morning light post-loss on our way to school he proclaims in the back seat of Air Force One, “Mom, we are young. We did our best last night. That’s all that matters. And mom…what time will daddy be home”. (With a BIG GRIN)
Everything counts when it comes to the heart. I asked Cameron, how do you make everything count when you spend time with daddy? He says, "Wrestle, books, ball, and swim in the bath and wet the floor..like a flood, don't tell mommy!" Note to self—This must be why they use four towels for such a small child.
Speaking of heart, Keene’s have experienced three Gronewold girls move up the ranks to Seniorhood. All three have special places in our family’s recollection. The fourth daughter was the earliest adapter to embrace the Keene’s six years ago. My little starburst buddy. Biggest heart of the lineup, Lauren Gronewold. Do you know who the last person to leave the gym Monday night was? Lauren. Who was also the player that took heat from Coach; only pushed to be better? Lauren. Who shared a moment of tears and thank you’s after the game to all the coaches, the book keeper, and their families? Lauren. Big things are in your future. You have developed as a player and a person over the last four years. Your heart is a champion. Now, dream big. Find your place in this world. Take the life lessons and embrace adversity. Chin up. And if you ever need a good chewing, I know Coach will always have the heart to lead you in the right direction.
The heart of the matter in Keeneville is something changed this year. I don’t know if its related to maturity or a found inner peace. I don't want to say it’s a mind-set change -- I'm not sure that's the word – Coach has an incredible faith in God that only he can know his heart. Basketball does not define Keene. God defines him. This year I have witnessed Coach worry so much that it almost engulfs his spirit. It’s hard to watch someone you love go through. Technology, the Internet, message boards, texts-People feel they have an entitlement to rip everything. After the loss on Monday night in the quiet of the passenger seat he tweeted this message.
“To all the supporters this year, thanks for believing. For all the haters and doubters, thanks for pushing to make me a better coach.”
This packages up season nine nicely with a orange and blue bow. As for unwrapping season ten, that box is a mystery.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
..WOW, what a game!
It’s never too late to start heading in the right direction. Post season is a beautiful thing. Clear the past. One game at a time. Survive and advance. There is a valuable life lesson somewhere in tournament time. How often do we slow down and celebrate the victories—be in the moment—before preparing the next day of life?
Winning is important to our family, but what brings us real joy is the experience of being fully engaged in whatever we are doing. It's not human nature to be great. It's human nature to survive, to be average and do what you have to do to get by. That is normal. When you have something good happen, it's the special people that can stay focused and keep paying attention to detail, working to get better and not being satisfied with what they have accomplished.
Top 10 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious moments from behind the bench during the regional championship game—
10-Scouring after work to feed, bath, and pack my two kids, my mother, and mother-in-law in Air Force One (also known as our SUV) BIG EXHALE-I rallied back once I hit the four lane.
9-Cameron screaming “DIRTY--DIRTY” at the top of his lungs when the gentleman at the pass gate made a black mark on his hand to enter in the game. Note to self—tell the sectional gatekeeper we will pass on Cameron’s stamp.
8-When my mother said, “Wow, have we ever had the lead an entire game this year?” And the two superstitious coaches wives—also known as me and my mother-in-law—reprimanded her for saying that out loud.
7-Wrestling Cameron behind the bench. He just wanted to sit by Justice. Every time Justice would move, Cameron would move. It was like being wallered by 30 pounds of determination.
6-Getting hit in the head by a 12 wheeled John Deere tractor with 4:12 left in the 4th quarter because someone wanted a fruit chewy NOW.
5-Justice constantly creeping closer to the score table knowing he had orders from daddy he was not to sit there tonight. He ended up on the bench and in the huddle. Go figure…
4-Getting the “wink” at half time. Our secret code for relax—we got this win.
3-The celebration when the buzzer ignited the crowd for the victory. Love how hard the players have worked for this one. Bitter Sweet.
2-Again, the celebration when the buzzer ignited. Silence the critics and the doubters for that one moment in time. Super Sweet.
1-Full post game celebration, everyone wanted the attention of Coach Keene. He came directly to the bench for an emotional hug that lasted for a solid 30 seconds. We lose together and we win together.
In the wee hours of the victory Coach and I were in full celebration mode talking about our favorite basketball memories. This win tonight ranks right up there in the top three. The players have been great this year. They did everything asked of them. Tonight was their reward. It’s often the adults that can take the breath out of the experience. Moments like this renew the competitive fire within for anyone, including naysayers. Walk with pride and hold your chin high chargers. Slow down and celebrate the victory. Be in the moment, for these moments are special for everyone.
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