Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Oh Cam...

I just don’t get it. Justice was the exact same way. First day of school, great. Second day of school, not so much. Ugh. I just feel sick after Cameron’s episode today. He was strong until I said good-bye. This kid latched on to my shirt and screamed for a good 30 mins. Yeppers, I was in the full on ugly cry. On a side bar I have now cried in front of both my kids’ teachers. Oh Joy. I could hear his ear-piercing scream as I left the school with a wad of toilet paper in my hand. What a great feeling. Sarcasm, anyone? I had a mega meltdown on my way to work. And at work. And in my office. And in the bathroom. Nothing like feeling like you were busted in the heart. I second guess myself constantly in motherhood. I don’t know if it’s guilty working mother syndrome. Or many other un-blog appropriate thoughts. I appreciate the random mother who said, “You are a good mom, hang in there” with a hug as I walked out of school. I AM a good mom. I don’t care if no one ever tells me. I am telling myself! Take that. I will be my own positive voice. I am doing my best. Sure I screw up, but I am doing my best. I guess I will try this again tomorrow. I hope it gets better or I am going to need more mascara sooner than later. Justice cried for 8 weeks, oh Lord, give me strength.