..WOW, what a game!
It’s never too late to start heading in the right direction. Post season is a beautiful thing. Clear the past. One game at a time. Survive and advance. There is a valuable life lesson somewhere in tournament time. How often do we slow down and celebrate the victories—be in the moment—before preparing the next day of life?
Winning is important to our family, but what brings us real joy is the experience of being fully engaged in whatever we are doing. It's not human nature to be great. It's human nature to survive, to be average and do what you have to do to get by. That is normal. When you have something good happen, it's the special people that can stay focused and keep paying attention to detail, working to get better and not being satisfied with what they have accomplished.
Top 10 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious moments from behind the bench during the regional championship game—
10-Scouring after work to feed, bath, and pack my two kids, my mother, and mother-in-law in Air Force One (also known as our SUV) BIG EXHALE-I rallied back once I hit the four lane.
9-Cameron screaming “DIRTY--DIRTY” at the top of his lungs when the gentleman at the pass gate made a black mark on his hand to enter in the game. Note to self—tell the sectional gatekeeper we will pass on Cameron’s stamp.
8-When my mother said, “Wow, have we ever had the lead an entire game this year?” And the two superstitious coaches wives—also known as me and my mother-in-law—reprimanded her for saying that out loud.
7-Wrestling Cameron behind the bench. He just wanted to sit by Justice. Every time Justice would move, Cameron would move. It was like being wallered by 30 pounds of determination.
6-Getting hit in the head by a 12 wheeled John Deere tractor with 4:12 left in the 4th quarter because someone wanted a fruit chewy NOW.
5-Justice constantly creeping closer to the score table knowing he had orders from daddy he was not to sit there tonight. He ended up on the bench and in the huddle. Go figure…
4-Getting the “wink” at half time. Our secret code for relax—we got this win.
3-The celebration when the buzzer ignited the crowd for the victory. Love how hard the players have worked for this one. Bitter Sweet.
2-Again, the celebration when the buzzer ignited. Silence the critics and the doubters for that one moment in time. Super Sweet.
1-Full post game celebration, everyone wanted the attention of Coach Keene. He came directly to the bench for an emotional hug that lasted for a solid 30 seconds. We lose together and we win together.
In the wee hours of the victory Coach and I were in full celebration mode talking about our favorite basketball memories. This win tonight ranks right up there in the top three. The players have been great this year. They did everything asked of them. Tonight was their reward. It’s often the adults that can take the breath out of the experience. Moments like this renew the competitive fire within for anyone, including naysayers. Walk with pride and hold your chin high chargers. Slow down and celebrate the victory. Be in the moment, for these moments are special for everyone.