While searching for my joy; God spoke. In trusting his timing I learned he is not the author of confusion but the leader of peace and rest. Today, I am compelled to share my story. Offer hope in troubled times. We must be courageous in Christ and realize their is a "set time" for everything. God is my joy and IN-COURAGE is my legacy. How will I lead with joy in Christ? IN-COURAGE others. It took a career earthquake for me to stop and listen.
Monday, June 25, 2012
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is about Joseph. Joseph had eleven brothers. Joseph was very special to his father Jacob and he spent a great deal of time with him. So Jacob had a special robe made for Joseph. It was very beautiful and had every color you could imagine in it. All of Joseph's older brothers saw this and they got very jealous. They got so jealous they couldn't even say a kind word to him.
One day Joseph had a dream, and he went to go tell his brothers. He said, "Guess what? Last night I had a strange dream. We were tying up bunches of grain out in the field when suddenly my bunch stood up, while all of yours gathered around and bowed to me." The brothers looked at each other in disgust, but Joseph continued. "Then I had another dream that the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowed down to me."
"Who do you think you are?" The brothers said. "Do you think that you are better than all of us? Do you think that we would ever bow down to you?" This made the brothers dislike Joseph even more.
The brothers made a plan to kill Joseph. So when Joseph came to them, they took off his beautiful robe and they threw him in an empty well. A little while later a group of people came by that were wanting to sell some things in Egypt. One of the brothers spoke up, "Why don't we sell him to these people, this way we never have to see him again, and we don't have to kill him."
The rest of the brothers took Joseph's beautiful robe and dipped it in animal blood and took it back to their father. When the father saw this he cried, "Some animal has killed my son." And he cried for many days, so much that nobody could comfort him.
In our darkest hour, God has a plan. He had a plan for the Keene's. Look at Joseph--jealousy, enslaved, backstabbing, evilness, and jail--pretty grim circumstances for a child of God. Just like Joseph, the Keene's continued to pray.
The last few months have been very difficult in our very public battle. I have tried to keep my emotions quiet, but I have publically cried more than most people understand. Mourning the loss of
orange and blue has been touch and go daily, sometimes hourly. My 6 year old lost sleep, my two year old went from potty trained to diapers again--it was like a death in our family with a never ending public funeral. As for Coach, he’s been a rock---on the outside.
This year has made us all stronger. Justice asks, "Mom, we will always love the IW girls, right?" Yes, Justice. "Mom, the girl’s didn’t fire daddy, right?" No, Justice. "I am going to miss them..." with big tears down his face.
As for the four board members and a few other nameless souls, just like Joseph's brothers--they too had personal vendetta’s against a loyal family member. As Joseph continued to lean on God in times of hardship he was rewarded and eventually, as the story goes--BECAME KING! Like Joseph, we Keene's will continue to follow our dreams. I only hope that someday when IW needs something, like Joseph, Coach Keene will show you mercy unlike you did for him. God has JOSEPH-SIZE plans for the Keene's. Tick Tock......Looks like we have a new coat of many colors--ORANGE AND BLACK! P.S. Its better then we had ever imagined!