Sunday, September 9, 2012

Follow The Yellow Brick Road

LIONS and TIGERS and BEARS, oh my. No, serious—I mean it. Here we are almost two months later from my last post. And on a side bar-- I just had to walk away from my computer for ten mins to tell golfer #1 in the yard he could not swing when golfer #2 was in front of him. Is there really NO PLACE LIKE HOME? Probably not when you are trying to relax. I shall bring you up to date on what you have missed in KANSAS over the last 60 days. Justice is still working on the COURAGE to get out of the car and walk into first grade. For one of the most outgoing kids in MUNCHKIN LAND he sure is tearful in the morning. Last year I was stashing makeup kits in my car and desk for that morning drop off mess, but not this year. I have Coach here in Macomb to endure those weepy moments. I vividly remember calling Coach at school last year, about week 3 into the “peal Justice off my leg bawling don’t leave me mode” crying myself. I said, “I can’t take it anymore.” I got a very unsympathetic suck it up speech. This year—Coach gets it! Did I mention I HEART Macomb? I realize we are in the honeymoon stage of being orange and black, but wow it feels right! Hard to believe how much time has been saved by not making that drive on 336 everyday. Speaking of drive, my husband’s attitude about work culture and coworkers is fan-tab-u-lous. Yes, I just made that word up! I would love to go into details, but I know some of the WICKED WITCHES OF THE WEST read this blog just looking for a reason to complain. I would like to send them a formal “GLENDA” thank you note for the termination. As for BRAINS that award is going to mommy for not losing her marbles. My job is on the brink of a very large construction project. I am busier than I have ever been in two years. (Have blood pressure med, will prove it.) My kids are a real handful. My house always needs cleaned or something needs cooked. When my body tells me to take a big exhale my brain just keeps pushing me to do more. I have a few large speaking engagements in the burner, not to mention some travel here and there. I think I am being lead down a path right now, but FLYING MONKEYS often slow me down. Are we all in search of the perfect EMERALD CITY? Well I am convinced I am going to have to live through more than one TORNDAO to find the keys. I also sure hope I am not disappointed with all the sacrifices I have made along the way to only find the MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN is just a joke. Well, the best advice I know is just to FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD…..