Thursday, July 26, 2012

For Better or Worse

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, or so the song goes. I must declare that Team Keene is rock solid after this year of marriage. Just when you think you have life under control a major change alters all your thoughts and feelings. I am very proud of the way Coach and I developed an even deeper companionship over heart ache. Looking back, and yes hind sight is always more vivid, I wouldn’t change it. The time we spent in crisis, in the privacy of our own home, was a reflection of our connection. The late night consultations and early morning tears were there, but we had each other. Someone who knew exactly how you felt. Out of the darkness and into the light of hope we had a new answer. God knew we needed a change. Now we get to start another story right here in our own town, together. How lucky are we? The kids are happy. The grandparents are happy. My job is happy. It’s a perfect match, in so many ways. A happy marriage is what happens while two good people are busy trying to make it through another year of paying their bills, raising their kids, doing their chores, keeping sight of their dreams, and somehow, always finding the time to show how much they care. The Keene way is always busy, and though we may not show our heart each day, what really matters is the secret to our success, teamwork. Happy BIG NINE to my best friend.