Heart, can't live without out it.
After all the love songs have been played and chocolate candy has been eaten; it’s time to call it a day. Even though my Valentine is experiencing all stages of grief this week he managed to dig down deep and make it unique. Not a lot of details ladies--but diamonds ARE a girl’s best friend, not to mention flowers, a special note, a stolen moment with deep conversations and time with the boys. We have an “inside out” theory as a coaching family. We take care of the people inside our circle. As a couple we do find balance--we have one hobby, and that's our kids. We rarely do date nights. We don't go on boys or girls weekends. We don't go out with other couples. We do things with our kids. Call it crazy. Call it whatever you want, it works for us. And our kids reap the reward of precious time. Our family Valentine’s evening ended with one sick and one with a fever, romantic.
The heart of one five year I know is pretty special. After the loss on Monday night he was broken. In the moment of a soft embrace with big crocodile tears rolling down his face he said, “I just don’t want to cry, but it hurts to lose.” Losing is never easy Justice Keene, but think of all the lessons we learn along the way. In the morning light post-loss on our way to school he proclaims in the back seat of Air Force One, “Mom, we are young. We did our best last night. That’s all that matters. And mom…what time will daddy be home”. (With a BIG GRIN)
Everything counts when it comes to the heart. I asked Cameron, how do you make everything count when you spend time with daddy? He says, "Wrestle, books, ball, and swim in the bath and wet the floor..like a flood, don't tell mommy!" Note to self—This must be why they use four towels for such a small child.
Speaking of heart, Keene’s have experienced three Gronewold girls move up the ranks to Seniorhood. All three have special places in our family’s recollection. The fourth daughter was the earliest adapter to embrace the Keene’s six years ago. My little starburst buddy. Biggest heart of the lineup, Lauren Gronewold. Do you know who the last person to leave the gym Monday night was? Lauren. Who was also the player that took heat from Coach; only pushed to be better? Lauren. Who shared a moment of tears and thank you’s after the game to all the coaches, the book keeper, and their families? Lauren. Big things are in your future. You have developed as a player and a person over the last four years. Your heart is a champion. Now, dream big. Find your place in this world. Take the life lessons and embrace adversity. Chin up. And if you ever need a good chewing, I know Coach will always have the heart to lead you in the right direction.
The heart of the matter in Keeneville is something changed this year. I don’t know if its related to maturity or a found inner peace. I don't want to say it’s a mind-set change -- I'm not sure that's the word – Coach has an incredible faith in God that only he can know his heart. Basketball does not define Keene. God defines him. This year I have witnessed Coach worry so much that it almost engulfs his spirit. It’s hard to watch someone you love go through. Technology, the Internet, message boards, texts-People feel they have an entitlement to rip everything. After the loss on Monday night in the quiet of the passenger seat he tweeted this message.
“To all the supporters this year, thanks for believing. For all the haters and doubters, thanks for pushing to make me a better coach.”
This packages up season nine nicely with a orange and blue bow. As for unwrapping season ten, that box is a mystery.