Friday, August 26, 2011

One Little Monkey

Cameron and I spent Friday just monkeying around! We went to the park, made a stop at Mommy's work, ate lunch, played with purple play dough, farmed with our tractors, danced to Mickey Mouse, took a nap and we still have 2 hours left before Justice arrives. This is one of the hand fulls of times I have ever been alone with Cameron. He is a good listener. He is happy. Gives lots of hugs during the day. He has also told me "I wuv ew" more times than I could count. Zach normally puts Cameron to bed. Last night he wanted mommy. I wonder if he has felt alittle left out with all the kindergarten talk. Cameron is special in his own way. He is so much like Justice, yet so different. Hard to believe he will be two in just a few weeks. I am so glad I still have his little toes to tickle and his kisses to steal. Well, off to enjoy playing in the jungle with Cameron while we are still alone today! Before long that yellow bus will be picking him up too...