Some vacationers just write their name in the sand. This is more of a declaration. It's here, season 9!
Its amazing what some quiet time will do for the soul. Coach and I had time to think alone. And time to think together. Some people choose their path in life because it pays the bills and its just something to do. Sure those types of careers allow for free time after 5 and the weekends to go golfing. Our journey in life isn't really for the paycheck, its WHO we are. We both want to lead, yes--in different ways. Even Justice and Cameron at early stages are showing signs of leadership. Don't misunderstand, leading is not easy. Its exhausting. It's 24/7 planning. Its a job that never stops. Its a job that all eyes are looking to see how you react. Its a job where the media and bystanders can be vicious. Its risky. Risk is the t-bone steak and the leader is the tiger. Not sure where we both got it. I don't really see those characterics in our parents.
Needless to say, I want my boys to always be willing to take a chance. You can't control life, don't miss out on experiences because you are comfortable. Be willing to step out. Put your faith in Christ who controls the situation. No matter how hard some might try to keep everything "controled" in life its about the journey God has created for us. Not man has molded.
Next time you get an opportunity to take a new job, invest in a new idea, see a different country or maybe just get on a plane--do it. You might be missing the ride of your life. The vacationer who inscribed this picture has taken a few risks and lived to tell a great story. Turn the pages to the next chapter!