In the bathroom, the living room, the front porch while taking the pictures, in the car on the way to school, in the parking lot, at work in front of my employees and again before bed---yep, this is the list of all the places I lost my composure today. AND ITS NOT THE FIRST FULL DAY YET---wow, I need meds. How does a strong business lady lose it all over McDonough County. I guess I am just a mom.
Justice was raring to go today. Coach and I both took him to Lincoln Elementary to 'meet and greet" his new teacher and classroom. Kindermat and all, we loaded up in the car. Before departing for school Justice ran down the stairs with his train whistle--which he used as a microphone and pulled up his favorite song on you tube. Yes, the 5 year old sang at the TOP of his lungs, into his train whistle/microphone, "Don't STOP BELIEVING...." Seriously. I love this song but the kid has sang it so much this summer I despise Journey. He can tell more facts about Steve Perry than most 55 year olds.
Anyhoo, once we found the class and his cubbie Justice was comfortable. He wanted his picture taken all over the classroom, the library, the gym and the front sign. It was hilarious. I am pretty sure this will be the only time its ever cool for his mother to be snapping those first day of school pics.
Speaking of first day of school pictures Cameron had to have his picture taken with Justice today too. He is really gonna miss Justice. He has been saying, "" No little buddy, time will go fast. I wish I could stop the clock.
Well, my BIG prayer tonight is to keep the full ugly cry inside until I get out of Lincoln Elementary tomorrow. I keep thinking about not being in control of his situations....PE, Lunch trays, Rest time, and of course the bus ride home. Justice told me tonight while laying in bed, "mommy, don't worry, Jesus, Grandma Barb and Dr. Seuss will protect me." Love this kid. Kindergarten or bust. Wish us luck!