Second day, not so much. Coach Keene prides himself on 32 minutes of hell defense. No kidding, I spent a solid 67 minutes of defensive hell getting Justice into Kindergarten today. Holy Cow! This is the first morning of his entire life I have ever had to wake him up. The kid is a real life farmer, gets up at the crack of dawn DAILY. Today, not so much.
Today he was hysterical from the moment his eyes were peeled open. This is not the leader from yesterday. I think he was exhausted. I had to literally dress him. I did everything but chew up his breakfast and spit it into his mouth like a mother bird. I had to cheer him into the car--but funny story about this picture!
As we were walking out of the house, full tears and all, Justice says, "My gosh, aren't you gonna take my picture today?" Thinking, okay--maybe this will get him to feel better. I walked back in the house, grabbed my camera, snapped the picture...AND back to crying. Not so much. We played I Spy all the way to school. When it was my turn he cried, his turn he was fine. Fun game making him happy, not so much.
Justice got braver the closer we got to his classroom door. We said our good-byes....AND Cameron started crying. "Me stay." I had snot on the left shoulder on the way into school from Justice's tears. Once we go back into the car I had Cameron's snot on my right shoulder. OMG--Glad I took Friday off. I am one hot emotional mess!
Just in case you see me in Wal-mart today, no Coach is not beating me--my eyes have been through 48 hours of parental hell this week. Who would have known I needed my defensive stance for kindergarten. (DEEP BREATH) Sure hope the homemade chocolate chip cookies, Orange slices and cheese wedges make for a happy camper snack once the yellow bus arrives today. As for mom pulling her self together today---not so much!