Can you say emotional roller coaster. That's the only way to describe the last 4 weeks of kindergarten. Justice was very confident on day one. After that it was all down hill.
He cried himself to sleep the first three days. The little man would wake up at 5:30am crying until I left his sight at Lincoln school. It was TERRIBLE. Poor Mrs. Clark. I did the working mother unthinkable on day five of kindergarten drop off. You ask WHAT could be so terrible. I went into the full on ugly cry in the middle of the cafeteria as Mrs. Clark ripped my oldest son off my leg and said with a smile on her face, "Have a great day." On a sidebar--Still embarrassed four weeks later. Everyday Justice got braver. Tears would start in the car, the next day not until we got to Casey's gas station, a day later when I turned the car off in the parking lot..and slowly they finally stopped. I got smart. I called Papa to take him to school. My mascara and my employees could not handle the am tears anymore. Justice was fine after that. He still complains its to long, but hes getting braver by the day.
Last Friday, I only had to walk Justice to the Lincoln sign; I got a high five rather than crocodile tears. Such a proud moment. I cried when I got in the car that day only because he has came so far.... Man, I have been crying alot. I turn 35 and my emotions are a handful.
Now, to my life lesson. I am pretty sure the Lord had so many prayers for Justice in the last four weeks about school he needed a secretary. It was emotionally exhausting for all of us. I would pray literally ALL day while he was at school and every time I woke up in the night before school. I was a prayer machine. Not to metion an emotional basketcase.
I heard a sermon one day on the way to a meeting about justice and mercy. Mercy is the compassion toward others and justice is fairness. I was sure pourng my heart out to God on the school situation but JUSTICE was not being served. I was trying not to get angry. If you know anything about my personality, its well controlling and urgent. Exact ally what the personality test I took six months ago revealed, but I don't think we needed a test to already know that. :) I then changed the verbiage of my prayers. I began asking for mercy while my five year old was being David--in what he thought was a school of Goliath's. When I changed my thinking from Justice to mercy, God listened. I cant control everything--shocker. This sermon taught me a very valuable lesson that just because I wanted justice on a situation, I need to think of it as mercy from the Lord.
Four weeks later Justice is adjusting. Adjusting so well I got a note from the teacher he has visited the "time out chair" a time or two. Maybe Justice needs to learn the value of the sermon. ;)