While searching for my joy; God spoke. In trusting his timing I learned he is not the author of confusion but the leader of peace and rest. Today, I am compelled to share my story. Offer hope in troubled times. We must be courageous in Christ and realize their is a "set time" for everything. God is my joy and IN-COURAGE is my legacy. How will I lead with joy in Christ? IN-COURAGE others. It took a career earthquake for me to stop and listen.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
A Mom-Mobile

4 Giveaways you’re driving a Mom Car…
1-Every Cup holder is occupied by a Sippy cup or juice box
2-You have told your friends it not a minivan, it’s an SUV with sliding doors
3-If pressed; you could feed, diaper and clothe your entire family from head to toe with the contents of your floor board.
4-There are sticky finger prints all over the inside windows.
We are in the market to buy a new family car. As much as my cool factor SUCKS in the minivan, boy is it ever handy. I went to see my favorite car man, Justice Elbe—little plug there—told him my budget, and he went to work. I am looking forward to see what he finds. Yeah, you ask, “don’t you have a company car?” Those days are numbered!
I have been following Dave Ramsey for years now. If you don’t know who that is, he’s a Christian financial guru. I took his advice last year on low job security in these economic times. I stockpiled the cash, rather than pay down the debt. Then in times of job security again, pay down the debt and use your safety net. Well, secure times are not far away, Praise God, and I play to buy an inexpensive vehicle in cash and use the rest to pay down the debt. (I want to make clear emphasis on the inexpensive transportation vehicle--the pile is not very big to work with-dont want to sound braggy) I hate to owe people. Honestly, we have never lived beyond our means, but we have made some real dumb decisions. Someday, SOMEDAY, I am going to call Dave Ramsey’s radio show and scream, “We’re Debt Free!!” I would love to teach the Financial Peace University he offers. Wonder if anyone in Macomb offers that? I know The Crossing did at the Quincy location. Speaking of The Crossing..we have to get back into the routine of going to church. Seems like life gets in the way and we always find some reason why we don’t go. I get “fed” my Christian fire on the radio. I love Family Life Today and the Mid-Day Connections. When you drive as much as I do, you know exactly when and where to tune the radio, depending on what part of the territory your working. Still, need to worship at church. Bottom line.
Well, taking the boys to the doctor today. Yeah, Cameron is 3 months late for his 6 month visit. Not busy, eh? And Justice has his pre-school physical. He asked me today, “Do I have to get a shot?” I told him, yeah, I think you do. He said, “Does every kid whose name is from A to Z have to get a pre-school shot?” I told him, yep. Justice looks at me and says, “Well, I guess J is in there…so I am screwed!” HAHA! Little does he know we are going to this dentist this week too.
Lastly, a Fun Fact—A new study showed that helpful dads may hurt a working mothers self esteem. That so funny, because an unhelpful dad make moms want to hurt the dad, period! I will leave that up to you to decide which is worse! XOXO Coach, keep up the help, it takes a team to clean up after our boys..
1-Every Cup holder is occupied by a Sippy cup or juice box
2-You have told your friends it not a minivan, it’s an SUV with sliding doors
3-If pressed; you could feed, diaper and clothe your entire family from head to toe with the contents of your floor board.
4-There are sticky finger prints all over the inside windows.
We are in the market to buy a new family car. As much as my cool factor SUCKS in the minivan, boy is it ever handy. I went to see my favorite car man, Justice Elbe—little plug there—told him my budget, and he went to work. I am looking forward to see what he finds. Yeah, you ask, “don’t you have a company car?” Those days are numbered!
I have been following Dave Ramsey for years now. If you don’t know who that is, he’s a Christian financial guru. I took his advice last year on low job security in these economic times. I stockpiled the cash, rather than pay down the debt. Then in times of job security again, pay down the debt and use your safety net. Well, secure times are not far away, Praise God, and I play to buy an inexpensive vehicle in cash and use the rest to pay down the debt. (I want to make clear emphasis on the inexpensive transportation vehicle--the pile is not very big to work with-dont want to sound braggy) I hate to owe people. Honestly, we have never lived beyond our means, but we have made some real dumb decisions. Someday, SOMEDAY, I am going to call Dave Ramsey’s radio show and scream, “We’re Debt Free!!” I would love to teach the Financial Peace University he offers. Wonder if anyone in Macomb offers that? I know The Crossing did at the Quincy location. Speaking of The Crossing..we have to get back into the routine of going to church. Seems like life gets in the way and we always find some reason why we don’t go. I get “fed” my Christian fire on the radio. I love Family Life Today and the Mid-Day Connections. When you drive as much as I do, you know exactly when and where to tune the radio, depending on what part of the territory your working. Still, need to worship at church. Bottom line.
Well, taking the boys to the doctor today. Yeah, Cameron is 3 months late for his 6 month visit. Not busy, eh? And Justice has his pre-school physical. He asked me today, “Do I have to get a shot?” I told him, yeah, I think you do. He said, “Does every kid whose name is from A to Z have to get a pre-school shot?” I told him, yep. Justice looks at me and says, “Well, I guess J is in there…so I am screwed!” HAHA! Little does he know we are going to this dentist this week too.
Lastly, a Fun Fact—A new study showed that helpful dads may hurt a working mothers self esteem. That so funny, because an unhelpful dad make moms want to hurt the dad, period! I will leave that up to you to decide which is worse! XOXO Coach, keep up the help, it takes a team to clean up after our boys..
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Congrats to Melanie!!

Promising Future...

Gotta love Hertiage Days, brings out the BEST of Macomb. From the bottom feeders of society to the people who "think" they are the elite. Kinda funny in a way. Almost as good of an evening at the Schuyler County Fair. While walking around in this sweat-fest, I was thinking, here are a few promises you can take to the bank with the Keenes.....
1-No matter how successful or unsuccessful we are, we are going to look you in the eye and speak, even if you don't like us. Its amazing to me how many people in Macomb, who walk around with a swagger of snotty. Its MACOMB people, not Beverly Hills. I dont care where you live, what you do, how many vacation pictures you have posted on facebook or how much money you make...be friendly to people. Believe it or not, it's even good for business! Karma comes back!
2-We are going to travel in a herd. Yes, Aunt Ashley, Gan-pa Dana, Grandma Bev, myself, Cameron and Justice took this years carnival rides. Justice was scared at first, then decided he was born to ride. He loved the little kids roller coaster. And even the slide. Cameron just waved at him each time he would go around. 20 riding tickets, corn dogs, cotton candy, lemonade shake up and a sno-cone it was time to say good-bye till 2011.
3-We are gonna cause a commotion. We decided to cool off in the Sports Corner. Justice learned to play shuffle board. VERY LOUD shuffleboard. He was causing a little scene with this clanking of the pieces and eating his dinner under the table?! Needed his dad there, I think..
4-Lastly, we are always going to miss daddy the last week of June. Yep, until the college coaching days begin, I am sure Coach Keene will always travel the last week of June, somewhere in the country, to a basketball camp. I had to laugh. Him and Coach Hughes were in bed asleep at 7:50 last night and didnt wake up till the alarm went off at 7am. Poor guys. 23 girls are exhausting...
Well, Cameron is taking a little cat nap and Justice is jumping from one piece of furniture to another. I better get myself set up for tonight while I have "some" piece. Come QUICK Tuesday...for more reasons than one!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Night One
Night One without Coach...two kids to bed before 9:00. Pretty proud of me! Gold Stickers for the chart!! Justice cried three times tonight because he misses daddy already. I have a feeling its going to be A LONG 6 days. My dad is spending the night tonight. Yeah, I get alittle freaked out here alone. My dad would scare any intruder away---he kinda snores loud--runs in the family...I come from a long line of snorers. Justice must have my gift too. You can hear him snore a mile away!
Plan to sugar Justice up tomorrow night at Heritage Days. We drove by the rides today and Justice spotted the BIG YELLOW SLIDE. He has informed me HE is going down that thing ALONE. He said, "Mommy, I already know what to do. You put a sack on your butt--your legs fit in too--then you just slide!" I am sure pictures will follow this bold statement from Justice Carter.
I am on day 62 of a massive headache. Think my blood pressure is REALLY high these days. I know just enough about health care to be dangerous. Plan to visit the chiropractor tomorrow. Between driving to many miles in my cool mini-van and holding myself tense all the time, yes I worry 24/7, I have so much pressure in my neck--like anyone cares. Sorry for that. Its the Roudebush in me talking about my health...
Got some really great news today. Cant disclose YET, but I cant wait to blog about it.....Stay Tuned!
I am on day 62 of a massive headache. Think my blood pressure is REALLY high these days. I know just enough about health care to be dangerous. Plan to visit the chiropractor tomorrow. Between driving to many miles in my cool mini-van and holding myself tense all the time, yes I worry 24/7, I have so much pressure in my neck--like anyone cares. Sorry for that. Its the Roudebush in me talking about my health...
Got some really great news today. Cant disclose YET, but I cant wait to blog about it.....Stay Tuned!
Night and Safe Travels to the Chargers!!! XOXO
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
A Good Friendship Is More Important Than A Passionate Romance...
My fortune cookie today said, "A good friendship is more important than a passionate romance." For the first time, I actually kinda agree with the old Chinese proverb. Thank goodness I married my best friend. :) Anyhoo. Coach made his last Wal-Mart trip tonight before his trip to North Carolina. I am not sure who is more excited Coach or the girls. He stresses about this for WEEKS!! Calls to confirm at least 4 times for the camp, hotels, charter bus and all. Actually, learned a very valuable lesson about 4 years ago when the camp lost their reservation 2 days before leaving. But, Mrs. Coach Keene, used her talented sales skills and persuasiveness to let them allow the team to attend and finagled a hotel to work out a deal for 1 night before the camp started.....this night marked one of the most stressful nights in Coach Keene history....Wow, I could sweat just remembering!
Yep, snapped this when no one was looking, well, except the lady at the Pharmacy. She thinks I am weird. Well, guess what lady, I AM weird! Cameron is screaming, "Daaaa" at the top of his lungs and Justice is "chillin", as he says, waiting to make a scene at the check out counter for a Reese's Cup....
Well, short post tonight. Its like mission control here at the Keene Compound and I am getting everything set up to be a single mother for the next 6 days. I am sure someday a 6 day trip will seem like one of the short ones. I am pretty sure college coaches spend the entire month of July recruiting....Better be recruiting in Jamaica--Have wife will travel :) Night!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Toy Story 3--Justice's First Movie!
"Psst, mommy.... Is this like the starting line up?" You know your a coaches kid when the lights go off at your first movie, you ask if this is the starting line up before tip-off. So, I must give the quick inventory of all the snacks Justice ate.
1-Popcorn--1-Twizzler--1-KitKat--2-Cherry Cokes--1-Fruit Snack--1-Cookie Dough Bites--1/2 Root Beer
Justice Carter Keene is not a cheap date!! What a fun night...tummy ache and all :)
Team Keene--6 Months Later
The Keene's are goal setters. Do you remember one of the first pictures I posted on this blog? It was our 2010 Family Goals Board. Today, while driving--where I do my best thinking--I was evaluating the goals set back in January, since we are truly on the eve of 6 months.
I am proud to report---
1-Justice no longer uses his binkie
2-We found a babysitter, who is outside of the family, that we plan to continue to develop our children's relationship with...
3-We have did an excellent job at eating all family meals at the kitchen table. Even Justice starts, "How was your day?"
4-First and foremost--We will always serve our Lord!
5-Saturday is family day--no cleaning, only time together
Still working on---
1-Getting that date night once a month...hummm
2-Cant win that tip to Paris now that I am laid off from Sanofi-Aventis. Now, I am just searching for a job to sleep in my own bed every night---odd how things change so quickly
3-Coach Keene needs to market himself more on heading to the college ranks in the next 5 years
Stay tuned on the goals...I think I am going to re-do the board for the next 6 months. Not only are we "re-inventing" my career, but Coach and I have something brewing that both of us are very passionate about. The question is, "Can both Keene's survive a business together?" Time will tell....To Be Continued...
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Asking For The Business
Pharmaceutical companies have spent mega bucks on studying how many calls it takes, per physician, for them to remember what you asked for and get the business. As a parent, I could have saved them TONS of money. Justice Carter Keene--Salesman of many creative ideas. Justice asked from the time we left Astoria tonight until we arrived back to Macomb if he could sit on just 1, JUST 1 mom, John Deere mower or tractor. If you can tell by this picture, its dark, 9:17 pm to be exact. Justice got his wish after asking and asking for the "business" of driving 1, JUST 1, John Deere piece of equipment. Yep--we are suckers! We justified it by, your only little once.....Pathetic.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Defensive Driving...

What a ritualistic society we live in. Today, I had to stop my mighty-minivan on four, yes four, funeral processions. Being the nosey little monster I am--I was looking into all the car seats as the grievers passed by. Some were sitting silent, some were throwing their hands up in the air surly telling a story of, “Can you believe she did that at the funeral?”, and some had a tissue looking into the mirror. I had to wonder who the deceased were and how were they connected to life. Ironically, I worked in the Oncology unit today in Springfield. That’s a place that will make you think! In my hour and nineteen minutes of waiting--but who’s counting right—I witnessed one lady given a clean bill of health who cried and jumped up and down with the nurse, a family bringing a dozen pink roses to sit with their loved one while she had Chemo, and two patients that embraced and said, “I am so glad to see you, how are you?” Glad to see you can mean a thousand words on 6th street. It means you are beating that monster. I must also mention that one lady in a pink sundress leaned over to her husband and said, “she’s the reason why drugs are so high!” On a side bar..I get lots of feedback via dirty looks and “friendly” comments while sitting in the lobby. I have guts of steel I tell you! After oncology, I rode the elevator with two little boys, probably 2 and 4, that had their tonsils out a few hours earlier. One was holding Buzz Light Year and Woody. I patted him on the back and said, “To Infinity and Beyond!” He smiled, but I think his parents needed the laugh of relief the most. Met a retired nurse on the 4th floor who is now taking the role of patient. She told me—vividly—about all 6 of her last surgeries. Yikes, I feel sick now. The second floor introduced me to a Health Care Lawyer. We chatted about his recent 3 week trip to China and how health care in the US is going to change our lives, not for the better. (Super interesting man--38 years of practicing law, he specialized in neurological issues with babies born while their mother was on a pharmaceutical product. Yeah, he has went after many pharma companies and WON--good for him) Walking back out to the parking lot, I saw two familiar faces from Rushville. She is starting her fight on 6th street. I put the key into ignition and it hit me. Big tears and all. (Beginning to think I need some drugs) Seeing the people from Rushville put names to the faces waiting in the lobby and even the four white limos. Life is short. Even if you are being a defensive driver, sometimes cars run the red light and hit you with an evil monster like cancer. I am just a Pharmaceutical Rep who cares about people, cares about family and thinks everyday is precious. Even the bad ones. Just like Tim McGraw sings, “live like you were dying.” What would you change? I am making a list today, on my next hour and nineteen minute wait….
Just a day in the life of a rep....or at least Andrea Keene, who pretty much has a sign on her head that says, "Hey, talk to me, because I will listen."
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Standing Your Ground
Just finished the master schedule, the next 4 weeks of the Keene Kingdom are a mess. Geeze, there are more arrows and helpers than Tiger Woods has girlfriends. Honestly, I am excited for Coach to take the team to North Carolina, but inside I am scared to death. The new job, the kids and all the extra things that go along with motherhood have me alittle shaken to think my super partner is gonna be gone for 6 days. Yeah, alittle selfish, but still...
Speaking of not so perfect. In the last 60 days my hair is falling out in clumps, I lost all my eye lashes over my left eye, I have literally had a headache everyday and now my tooth broke off. If I have ever gave the impression that I know what I am in doing in life, please forgive me. Life is kickin this coach's wife's butt. Anyone seen the new Sex and the City movie? On a side bar--got Coach to sit through that...yeah he took one for the team--There is a scene when Charlotte, super mother of 2 young children, locks herself in the pantry and has a good cry while her children are in the kitchen. Not just a few tears, like full out cry--ugly face and all. THAT is exact ally how I feel 83.6% of the time I am pretending to smile. I am exhausted. I need ONE full nights sleep. Just one...or maybe two in a row would be like a lottery win. While I am being greedy, Coach and I a vacation...
Justice has been SUPER EXTRA hyper this weekend. If you know JC, he is already like a tall cup of Kool-aid, but this weekend takes the sugar! I am pretty sure Hy-Vee wanted to kick our family out today. Justice was touching all the produce, in and out of the freezer section and talking at the TOP OF HIS LUNGS the entire time. I have never thought of Coach as violent, but today he may have been one step away from jail time.
Here's one for ya. I have been walking on the treadmill for a few weeks. Its in our basement. I told Justice a few weeks ago, "I needed some serious magic to downsize this body." Justice yells at me today from downstairs, "Mommy, come quick. Can I go into the mancave OR is it still full of magic?" Pretty sure the magic is has only begun....
Speaking of magic, how time flies. Cameron is already pulling himself up. Coach spent today lowering the crib since last night I went to give him a bottle at 2am and here is Cameron...standing up in his crib and bouncing with a huge smile. Oh the places you will go little man...
(deep breath) I need to slow down. And Enjoy....Its important to stand on your own two feet, BUT sometimes its okay to be held up by someone else......
Friday, June 11, 2010

If you are going to all the trouble of learning the song and performing it, then SING IT! Sing it loud and with feeling and like you mean it. Deliver it, don't just hand it over like a bank teller. When you answer the phone or greet someone in a office or guard someone on defense, don't bother to come if all you are going to do is do it. Sing it or stay home. Adding more cowbell, even to a bad situation, is pretty much your only choice. Play the cowbell....and play it loud.
If you happen to be passed by a beat up mini-van with Virgina plates and the driver is giving herself a mini-pep talk, its probably Mrs. Coach Keene. I have some serious cowbell going in my work life right now. I have very little work/life balance and for that situation I wont even go there, other than....I am giving all the cowbell I can possibly give without passing out on a daily basis. Seriously.
As for Coach Keene's cowbell of life, he is wearing many hats right now. Between basketball camps and shootouts and his very involved role as daddy he is stretched to the max too. I am so lucky not to have one of those husbands who likes the idea of being a dad, but when it comes to the daily grind of daddy-hood heads to the golf course or the wood shed. Coach Keene does everything from cooking to clean up to bedtime, and still finds time to research the latest drill for tomorrows practice. I am ringing some serious cowbell for Coach today!!
Justice, well, Justice needed a cowbell the other night when he accidentally shut himself in a locker at school. Where was Coach Keene you ask? Yea, I asked that too. He was in the gym with the Jr. High girls and Justice was riding a trike down the hallway. Coach said they heard a faint scream coming from the hall and there was the empty trike. Yep, it was traumatic. Justice tells me the story like it was a battle tale. Poor guy.
Cameron, yes Cameron, needs his own little cowbell right now. Cameron has a new babysitter coming two nights a week for three hours while daddy goes to camp with Justice and mommy is overnight in Springfield. It always breaks my heart when I hear, "well, Cameron didn't cry the WHOLE time today." Poor baby...
I actually went into Farm King and bought a cowbell. I have it in my vehicle. When I think I am going to pass out I will just give it a ring.....remember, no matter what the situation, if you are going to show up....show up with COWBELL!!
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