Monday, April 26, 2010

Study Buddy

Thinking about college days today. My "study buddy" was Jennifer back then, my BFF. Honestly, not much studyin going on around Hattiesburg in those days. We had more crazy times in her brown thunder bird than I can count on my fingers and toes. Sure miss that gal! Well, my "study buddy" today is Emma, our cat. She has helped me be MUCH more productive than Jennifer. :) Focus, Andrea....Focus.

Thinking about leaving my boys tomorrow, makes be tear up pretty quickly. Seems like there is never an easy time for a mom to leave. Zach is busy with work (thank God we are not in the heart of basketball season, BUT he does have a after school camp all next week), Grandpa Terry had surgery last week-colon cancer, My mom is helping with my grandma who is battling Lou Gerghics, My dad is leaving town for a few days on business, Marsha and Dick are busy with plans to bring home George and in every ones "off time" they have my kids to take care. Geeze, how's a mom to concentrate. I am sure everything will be fine, just have to take things one day at a time.
Tonight is Donkey Basketball at Illini West. If my husband breaks his leg....I may need to be committed. Justice keeps asking me if, "Daddy will be riding a turkey.." No Justice, a donkey...He cant seem to grasp the concept. Donkeys IN THE GYM. I think he plans to bring his stat book. Wonder how he will react when the donkeys poo on the gym floor...I bet he freaks. Justice thinks the Gym is like Church and you must respect the hardwood...
Well, see you in NJ! Can you believe that only 3 weeks ago I was presenting for Sanofi-Aventis...thank goodness I am flexible!
On a side bar---Thinking about giving Coach Keene my password to the blog kingdom while I am gone...maybe he can write about life, as Coach Keene...without Mrs. Coach Keene these next two weeks. I would love to be a fly on the wall... ;) Be strong Coach! When in doubt, TEXT ME!!