Friday, April 9, 2010

Be-Heading The Bunny..One Day After Easter....

Note to self--Whenever a conference call starts with, "You have been affected by Transformation...", its not gonna be pretty. As of Tuesday morning, I was officially laid off from Sanofi-Aventis. Once the shock wore off, 3 minutes later, the stages of grief began. I have experienced a plethora of emotions this week, some I didn't know I even had in me. Yeah, Yeah, when one door closes another one opens...I know. Our company set up interview for 100 of the 800 let go, with the company that purchased the drugs we currently sold. So, Mrs. Coach Keene is flying to New Jersey on Monday, resume and 64 page brag book and all, to try to get the Keene family back on its feet again. No Pressure. I am the worrier of this dynamic duo. I am the one who pays the bills and pretty much keeps the house running smooth. I am pretty sure if you asked Coach how much we paid for cable or what our property tax was, he would just says, "ask my wife." As Dave Ramsey says, "there is always a nerd and always a free thinker in a relationship." Guess that makes me the nerd...anyhoo. This is the first time in my life I am scared to death. We enjoy living in Macomb, but when it comes to opportunity for a career driven momma, l-i-m-i-t-e-d is the word! I have applied for 43 jobs in 4 days now. My resume would knock anyone socks off. Now, the waiting game. I don't wait well...
I must point out, during this horrific time, I cannot believe how many advocates I have in the world. My phone has not stopped ringing in 4 days. I thank God for all the wonderful people he has put in my path over the last 12 years. Coach sent me a text on Tuesday afternoon that said, "Imagine you are only one big break away from all of your dreams coming true, Approach everything as if it was your BIG BREAK!" If you would have told me 6 years ago I would be selling pharmaceuticals, I wouldn't have believed you. I am sure, 6 years from now, I wont believe where the Lord placed me yet again. Sanofi-Aventis made me a great sales person. I grew professionally and personally at their company. Its hard to feel bitter. I always felt like the job was to good to be true. I am very marketable, but it all goes back to living in Macomb. Coach wants to make the move to the college ranks, maybe this is HIS big break. Nothing holding us back now....
Just when you think you can let your guard down, boom, something like this happens. Its almost like be-heading the bunny one day after Easter. I will never look at hunting eggs the same way. Send some good vibes to New Jersey...Mrs. Coach Keene is not ready to uproot the family. Plan to knock em dead...