This blog is SUPPOSED to be about the life of a basketball coach's wife. I think I have swerved off target lately. Back on the interstate of basketball life, I am in total confusion.
Let's just say you were taking a field trip. The school was not funding any part of this continuing education and fundamental opportunity. No transportation fee. No hotel fee. No Meal responsibility. Not even chaperone's. And it was occurring in the summer, so missing school is not an issue. The entire event was fund raised by the kids going, to teach ownership in the opportunity. On a side bar the school funds other opportunities like the band marching at Disney World and the FFA going to judge animals in Kentucky.
Then, you are on the agenda for the school board meeting to gain approval. What do you think the reaction would be of the school board members when this crosses the agenda? .....guess what, I think someone is not telling the truth. What is the deal? Papa Dick Keene gets "let go" and all of a sudden Coach Keene's not doing a good enough job to leave the state. How do you fire a volunteer coach? Wow. How about football, dont you think that the more experience the "voulnteer" coaches bring to the table the better the program? Could be two of the dumbest moves in Illini West history. "Papa Keene has to much experience and Coach Keene is a torn in their side right now." Ya know, the Keene's were not born yesterday. We know who is behind all this scuttle. I have witnessed it first hand. Ya know, people in the community bad mouthing on the other side of the asile of the store and then, super nice to your face. I am embarrassed for them...not the Keene's. Approach everything as if it were your BIG BREAK. Maybe its time for a break?
We really like Illini West, let me say that first!~ I just find it a mega double standard at this school. One minute they don't want you to say the word, "Carthage", the next minute they want "Carthage Standards". One second, "Coach Keene is practicing to much and pushed the girls to hard", the next second, "Coach Keene should never lose a game." You CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS! One day, "the team spends to much time in the summer on basketball", the next day, "if the fundamentals don't get better..." Players are made in the off season. Not the first day of the basketball season. It was also discussed that traveling to a destination, outside of Illinois, is ridiculous when you can play games right here in Hancock County. WOW, the brains behind that statement sure needs some education. Its been studied that 67% of all employees that leave their job location for 3 days to team build, train and work on the basics of their job, that their productivity triples once they have returned. Shouldn't the same theory be applied to Girls Basketball?
Once again, I think there is much more to the story. Much more than people are willing to say face to face, yet they save the slander for behind closed doors AND the gas station. Yes, can you tell I am ticked? So what next, the players want Coach Keene to present at the next school board meeting on the value of going to basketball camp. Very Sad. I better stop now, before I say something to unprofessional.....The joys of Behind the Bench. Wonder what bench I will sit behind next? and how quickly that might be.....