One of our current family favorite shows is Jaime Oliver's Food Revolution. In case you have not watched it..
Jamie has made a new series for American TV about food – how families eat, what kids get at school and why, like the UK, the diet of processed food and snacks is causing so many health and obesity problems. The series was filmed in Huntington, West Virginia. Jamie's challenge was to see if he can get a whole community cooking again. He worked with the school lunch ladies and local families to get everyone back in the kitchen and making tasty meals with fresh ingredients – no packets, no cheating. He's started a Food Revolution: to get people all over America to reconnect with their food and change the way they eat.....WOW, talk about a rude awakening!
Since Coach Keene teaches Health, he is also showing the program to his classes. The kids are really into it too! Seriously, if you think about it, how many chicken nuggets do we feed our kids a month? or how many times do you go to McDonald's (especially during the basketball season!) or how many box juice drinks do we let our kids drink in a day. Yes, guilty as charged! Coach and I cleaned out the cabinets last weekend at our house. High fructose corn syrup party was going on in the snack drawer! Yikes, it was scary.
So, we made a deal, to do our best-realistically, to cook from scratch and not feed our child so many processed foods. This requires planning ahead. The Keene's LOVE organization and for Coach Keene to hear me use the words, "plan ahead", its like music to his ears. Snacks will be more fresh fruit, smoothies, veggie, chips/salsa, and much less of the crap we were letting JC eat. Being the child of two coaches, (poor kids does not have a chance) we decided to give Justice ownership in his treats at the grocery store. He loved it! Drove this little cart all over the store filling it with sugar free jello/pudding, bananas, grapes, granola bars, raisins, yogurt, crackers and many more lovely choices! He was totally in the moment, and Momma Keene was very proud of him. He didn't even throw a fit for oreos! :) but, we did let him have some peanut butter and chocolate ice cream, not bad for our FIRST week of the food revolution....So the real tests starts now.
And, on a side bar--people must think I am weird. Yes, I carry my camera around in my purse hoping to document a creative picture for a blog topic. I got a REALLY weird look from the lady shopping beside us in County Market. Justice informed her, "this picture is for the blog or facebook or something like that crap.." as he drove off to the produce section in his mini-me cart....I was rolling laughing on the inside, but pretended I didn't hear him as the lady stared while be walked away...just a day in the life of Mrs. Coach Keene, AND the REVOLTION, of course!