Monday, April 26, 2010

IW Donkey Ball, I swore if Coach broke his leg before I left for two weeks there would be hell to pay!!

Sweet Justice Keene cried through all of Donkey Ball. I had no idea he would have a reaction like that. It was so sad. He was worried Coach would get hurt. I am talking like big crocodile tears...He even had to leave with Michala while Zach rode his donkey. I had no idea my little scorekeeper was so sensitive. Just like his dad. He is a closet worrier...

Justice Keene playing Donkey Basketball in his room....Bonus points for Creativity!!

Study Buddy

Thinking about college days today. My "study buddy" was Jennifer back then, my BFF. Honestly, not much studyin going on around Hattiesburg in those days. We had more crazy times in her brown thunder bird than I can count on my fingers and toes. Sure miss that gal! Well, my "study buddy" today is Emma, our cat. She has helped me be MUCH more productive than Jennifer. :) Focus, Andrea....Focus.

Thinking about leaving my boys tomorrow, makes be tear up pretty quickly. Seems like there is never an easy time for a mom to leave. Zach is busy with work (thank God we are not in the heart of basketball season, BUT he does have a after school camp all next week), Grandpa Terry had surgery last week-colon cancer, My mom is helping with my grandma who is battling Lou Gerghics, My dad is leaving town for a few days on business, Marsha and Dick are busy with plans to bring home George and in every ones "off time" they have my kids to take care. Geeze, how's a mom to concentrate. I am sure everything will be fine, just have to take things one day at a time.
Tonight is Donkey Basketball at Illini West. If my husband breaks his leg....I may need to be committed. Justice keeps asking me if, "Daddy will be riding a turkey.." No Justice, a donkey...He cant seem to grasp the concept. Donkeys IN THE GYM. I think he plans to bring his stat book. Wonder how he will react when the donkeys poo on the gym floor...I bet he freaks. Justice thinks the Gym is like Church and you must respect the hardwood...
Well, see you in NJ! Can you believe that only 3 weeks ago I was presenting for Sanofi-Aventis...thank goodness I am flexible!
On a side bar---Thinking about giving Coach Keene my password to the blog kingdom while I am gone...maybe he can write about life, as Coach Keene...without Mrs. Coach Keene these next two weeks. I would love to be a fly on the wall... ;) Be strong Coach! When in doubt, TEXT ME!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Food Revolution, Keene Style!

One of our current family favorite shows is Jaime Oliver's Food Revolution. In case you have not watched it..
Jamie has made a new series for American TV about food – how families eat, what kids get at school and why, like the UK, the diet of processed food and snacks is causing so many health and obesity problems. The series was filmed in Huntington, West Virginia. Jamie's challenge was to see if he can get a whole community cooking again. He worked with the school lunch ladies and local families to get everyone back in the kitchen and making tasty meals with fresh ingredients – no packets, no cheating. He's started a Food Revolution: to get people all over America to reconnect with their food and change the way they eat.....WOW, talk about a rude awakening!
Since Coach Keene teaches Health, he is also showing the program to his classes. The kids are really into it too! Seriously, if you think about it, how many chicken nuggets do we feed our kids a month? or how many times do you go to McDonald's (especially during the basketball season!) or how many box juice drinks do we let our kids drink in a day. Yes, guilty as charged! Coach and I cleaned out the cabinets last weekend at our house. High fructose corn syrup party was going on in the snack drawer! Yikes, it was scary.
So, we made a deal, to do our best-realistically, to cook from scratch and not feed our child so many processed foods. This requires planning ahead. The Keene's LOVE organization and for Coach Keene to hear me use the words, "plan ahead", its like music to his ears. Snacks will be more fresh fruit, smoothies, veggie, chips/salsa, and much less of the crap we were letting JC eat. Being the child of two coaches, (poor kids does not have a chance) we decided to give Justice ownership in his treats at the grocery store. He loved it! Drove this little cart all over the store filling it with sugar free jello/pudding, bananas, grapes, granola bars, raisins, yogurt, crackers and many more lovely choices! He was totally in the moment, and Momma Keene was very proud of him. He didn't even throw a fit for oreos! :) but, we did let him have some peanut butter and chocolate ice cream, not bad for our FIRST week of the food revolution....So the real tests starts now.
And, on a side bar--people must think I am weird. Yes, I carry my camera around in my purse hoping to document a creative picture for a blog topic. I got a REALLY weird look from the lady shopping beside us in County Market. Justice informed her, "this picture is for the blog or facebook or something like that crap.." as he drove off to the produce section in his mini-me cart....I was rolling laughing on the inside, but pretended I didn't hear him as the lady stared while be walked away...just a day in the life of Mrs. Coach Keene, AND the REVOLTION, of course!

Cameron and I Playing Outside

Working Mom MUST Read...

Kristin van Ogtrop knows she's lucky--fulfilling career, great husband, three healthy kids, and, depending on the hamster count, an impressive roster of pets. She also knows she is tired. Always. Using stories and insights from her own life, she provides a lexicon for the half-insane working mom. Anyone who has left a meeting to race to the Halloween parade immediately understands van Ogtrop's definition of "Kill the messenger" as "The action you must take in order to forget about the office for a time--that is, to remove your Blackberry/Treo/iPhone/whatever from your person and store it as far away as your neurotic self will allow.

LOVE this book. Kristin and I could be BFF's at heart. I checked this book out at our library...yep, I am cheap these days! I think getting laid off and the fear of only living on one teachers salary has taught be a valuable lesson. No more frills for the Keene's. Coupons, yard sales, "kids eat free" restuarants, and much "less" are in our future as I bank the savings account for the next 365 days. Doing more with less in 2010, and still happy!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Double Standards

This blog is SUPPOSED to be about the life of a basketball coach's wife. I think I have swerved off target lately. Back on the interstate of basketball life, I am in total confusion.
Let's just say you were taking a field trip. The school was not funding any part of this continuing education and fundamental opportunity. No transportation fee. No hotel fee. No Meal responsibility. Not even chaperone's. And it was occurring in the summer, so missing school is not an issue. The entire event was fund raised by the kids going, to teach ownership in the opportunity. On a side bar the school funds other opportunities like the band marching at Disney World and the FFA going to judge animals in Kentucky.
Then, you are on the agenda for the school board meeting to gain approval. What do you think the reaction would be of the school board members when this crosses the agenda? .....guess what, I think someone is not telling the truth. What is the deal? Papa Dick Keene gets "let go" and all of a sudden Coach Keene's not doing a good enough job to leave the state. How do you fire a volunteer coach? Wow. How about football, dont you think that the more experience the "voulnteer" coaches bring to the table the better the program? Could be two of the dumbest moves in Illini West history. "Papa Keene has to much experience and Coach Keene is a torn in their side right now." Ya know, the Keene's were not born yesterday. We know who is behind all this scuttle. I have witnessed it first hand. Ya know, people in the community bad mouthing on the other side of the asile of the store and then, super nice to your face. I am embarrassed for them...not the Keene's. Approach everything as if it were your BIG BREAK. Maybe its time for a break?
We really like Illini West, let me say that first!~ I just find it a mega double standard at this school. One minute they don't want you to say the word, "Carthage", the next minute they want "Carthage Standards". One second, "Coach Keene is practicing to much and pushed the girls to hard", the next second, "Coach Keene should never lose a game." You CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS! One day, "the team spends to much time in the summer on basketball", the next day, "if the fundamentals don't get better..." Players are made in the off season. Not the first day of the basketball season. It was also discussed that traveling to a destination, outside of Illinois, is ridiculous when you can play games right here in Hancock County. WOW, the brains behind that statement sure needs some education. Its been studied that 67% of all employees that leave their job location for 3 days to team build, train and work on the basics of their job, that their productivity triples once they have returned. Shouldn't the same theory be applied to Girls Basketball?
Once again, I think there is much more to the story. Much more than people are willing to say face to face, yet they save the slander for behind closed doors AND the gas station. Yes, can you tell I am ticked? So what next, the players want Coach Keene to present at the next school board meeting on the value of going to basketball camp. Very Sad. I better stop now, before I say something to unprofessional.....The joys of Behind the Bench. Wonder what bench I will sit behind next? and how quickly that might be.....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cameron was helping me cook lunch today..No need for a hair net, this kid needs a drool bucket!

Movin On Up...

A big E-X-H-A-L-E!! Trip to New Jersey was a success. I was offered the position and also got a little ego booster, I was ranked 2 of 92 candidates! Not only was this a blessing in disguise, but financially, I came out of this even better! I am just really thankful we have a God who guides our path. This career move was definitely supernatural. Moved to the General Therapeutics side of Sanofi-Aventis in January. Learned 6 new products. Became a full line rep in the territory alone. Gets laid off in April due to the company selling one of my products off. The new company need a sales rep in my territory because the lady who worked my geography had retired in January...WOW, S-U-P-E-R natural!
So Mrs. Coach Keene will leave the nest next week for 10, yes, 10 LONG days to train with the new company. The next few days I will spend packing AND putting together a master plan of grandmas, grandpas, Aunts, great-grandparents...and of course, Coach. I hate to be gone. Yes, it's not only the control freak in me, but I will miss my guys. Cameron is a momma's boy...yep, and I love that he loves me! I miss this little cuddle bug already. Justice told me today, "Mom, just go, nobody really cares. I have Dana to come golf with me at night." Well, Justice...Super!
Mrs. Keene is going to take the afternoon off today and do alittle retail therapy. I need some clothes for this LONG trip and some time to exhale from the last 14 days alone. The Keene's are MOVIN' ON UP..... ;) Now, if coach could just catch a break at school, things would be perfect. AND..I could lose 40 pounds...Okay, enough! And I'm Off...

Friday, April 16, 2010

I got a performance today by this amazing chef, he looks just like the guy at the stir fry place ;) FYI-Memory cards make for great cut veggies!

HOW is it possible that my husband can eat THIS MUCH candy at 10pm and stay so skinny.....RRRRR

Greener Pastures....

So, here I am waiting. I am pretty sure I mentioned I don't wait well...

Wow, time off sure gives you the opportunity to reflect. About 2 months ago I was working over by Canton, my lunch was canceled, I decided to sit in my car and get some work done. I was listening to Family Life Radio. The sermon hit home. It was about letting our Shepard lead us to greener pastures. Sheep eat and eat, till the grass is all gone. The sheep have no doubts that once the last piece of grass is swallowed, the Shepard will lead them to an even greener pasture. Its like in the field of life, we need to let Christ place us where we are supposed to be, even when the grass is almost gone. Yes, I know, as humans fear plays a big role in our "waiting to be led." Its only natural to let the fear set in. That is why we are to trust, we are right where God has our plan placed. Wait, be patient. Greener pastures are right around the corner. This verse sat next to my bed for a month while I was in training in New Jersery five years ago. It was the first thing I saw everyday, and the last thing I read before I feel asleep...For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Still waiting....the grass is almost gone.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Creative lil Stinker-Golf Balls in this Menards Apron, he would drop the shag balls out; hit, pick them up and do it again-"Short game night" he said!

Inventory, One Last Time....

The past cannot change what is to come. The work you do each day is the only true way to improve and prepare yourself for what is to come. You cannot change the past, and you can only influence the future. Ability may get you to the top, but character keeps you there...

Feelin a lil' blue tonight. Starting to set in...laid off. Don't feel like I have had a chance to grieve yet....This is the burial site for my products waiting for tomorrows pick up. I think a good cry is scheduled for Friday at 5:00pm. Anyone want to join me?

Justice fell asleep at 3:30 waiting for me in the doorway...Is this too funny. He wanted to know if I brought him a prize, After he woke up, of course

I was told in my interview yesterday I was a very innovative canidate...I sat down at the airport, looked up, only to see this on the wall....FATE!

PERSPECTIVES---IS The Journey The Reward?

Isn't if funny how your perspectives changes when you are flying? The world looks so small and really, come on, when you are flying at 35,000 feet, the only thing you care about is a safe return. I had some time in the last 24 hours to think about my layoff. Everyone around me has a different "perspective" on dealing with this news.
1st Justice....This kid is smart. I think he is alittle to young to understand transformation and downsizing, so I have not told him any of the drama. Once again, this kid is smart. Last week started off with, "Mom, your NOT in your work clothes?" Followed by, "Umm, you gonna be the tortoise or the hare today, DON'T look ready!" Later in the week randomly, at least 20 times a day, Justice would say, "Mom, I love you." And he is NOT really vocal with those words normally. When I left for New Jersey on Monday at 6:30am, yep he was up. He wanted to carry my bags to the car. What a little trooper. He bid ed me farewell with a big hug and a "knock em dead at that meeting or whatever it is!" Once again, Smart kid. He knows....
2nd Coach Keene.....Zach has been awesome. We honestly feed off each other for motivation, especially when the chips are down. In our 7 years of marriage, never a dull moment, I am not kidding. "Fear is short term, Pride lasts forever." "Adversity offers opportunity, but you must first recognize it." What would I ever do without Coach Keene. He is my rock. Seems like whenever one of us is up, the other down. And when one of our careers are off the charts, the other is at the bottom of the barrel. God has a plan. I must be patient. And FYI-Thank you God for a patient husband, I have not been easy to live with lately.
3rd Co-Workers.....I cannot believe how much support I have at Sanofi-Aventis. I fielded 17 phone calls in 24 hours of my layoff. So many advocates to help me find a new opportunity. I wish my co-workers left courage, including the courage to change. I have experiences more fear this week, than I want to wish on anyone. Another round of layoffs is set for June 1st. Again, November 25. More good people will go. I hate this economy.
4th Family.....Love is the greatest word in the English language. Balance is the second greatest word. I thank the Lord for a family that pulls together in this uncertain time. Grandpa Dana spent the night Monday and Grams Marsha spent the night Tuesday night to help with the kids. And my mother stayed days...Its takes a village to raise these Keene boys...and Coach
5th Christ.....Why do we use our faith sometimes like the emergency brake in the car, rather than the steering wheel of life. I consider my self to have a personal relationship with the Lord, but this week...OVERDRIVE. I mentioned fear factor times, I have been praying for peace and guidance like a mad woman. And yes, he is delivering, maybe not on Andrea Keene time, but on His time.
As I flew into Chicago today, I thought IS the journey the reward? We spend so much time concentrating on the destination of life, that we often forget the part of getting there. Where ever you are in life, maybe its just a "layover" in Chicago before your plane leave for the next stop. Coach has goals, I have goals. I want it all, Family, Career and Macomb right now. Maybe my plane will land on Friday....or maybe its just grounded for mechanical difficulties. Time will tell...I will continue to wait for my flight information. Wonder what I should pack?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Cameron and one of his happy smiles....

Be-Heading The Bunny..One Day After Easter....

Note to self--Whenever a conference call starts with, "You have been affected by Transformation...", its not gonna be pretty. As of Tuesday morning, I was officially laid off from Sanofi-Aventis. Once the shock wore off, 3 minutes later, the stages of grief began. I have experienced a plethora of emotions this week, some I didn't know I even had in me. Yeah, Yeah, when one door closes another one opens...I know. Our company set up interview for 100 of the 800 let go, with the company that purchased the drugs we currently sold. So, Mrs. Coach Keene is flying to New Jersey on Monday, resume and 64 page brag book and all, to try to get the Keene family back on its feet again. No Pressure. I am the worrier of this dynamic duo. I am the one who pays the bills and pretty much keeps the house running smooth. I am pretty sure if you asked Coach how much we paid for cable or what our property tax was, he would just says, "ask my wife." As Dave Ramsey says, "there is always a nerd and always a free thinker in a relationship." Guess that makes me the nerd...anyhoo. This is the first time in my life I am scared to death. We enjoy living in Macomb, but when it comes to opportunity for a career driven momma, l-i-m-i-t-e-d is the word! I have applied for 43 jobs in 4 days now. My resume would knock anyone socks off. Now, the waiting game. I don't wait well...
I must point out, during this horrific time, I cannot believe how many advocates I have in the world. My phone has not stopped ringing in 4 days. I thank God for all the wonderful people he has put in my path over the last 12 years. Coach sent me a text on Tuesday afternoon that said, "Imagine you are only one big break away from all of your dreams coming true, Approach everything as if it was your BIG BREAK!" If you would have told me 6 years ago I would be selling pharmaceuticals, I wouldn't have believed you. I am sure, 6 years from now, I wont believe where the Lord placed me yet again. Sanofi-Aventis made me a great sales person. I grew professionally and personally at their company. Its hard to feel bitter. I always felt like the job was to good to be true. I am very marketable, but it all goes back to living in Macomb. Coach wants to make the move to the college ranks, maybe this is HIS big break. Nothing holding us back now....
Just when you think you can let your guard down, boom, something like this happens. Its almost like be-heading the bunny one day after Easter. I will never look at hunting eggs the same way. Send some good vibes to New Jersey...Mrs. Coach Keene is not ready to uproot the family. Plan to knock em dead...

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail....Justice hunted over 55 eggs at our house Easter Morning

How Did The Bunny Get Up There?? FYI--Its 6AM!

Justice Racing to Fill His this IN ACTION...Always On The Move..

That One Is MINE....

And their OFF....Can you tell Justice is on a mission? He was sneaking looks out the window the entire time the Easter eggs were being hid. Kept telling me, "I know what ones looked the best." Everything is a competition with this kid. There were 12 cousins and it only took all of 7 minutes to hunt over 200 eggs...ahhh to be young again. The best part was watching the kids crack them open in the porch. "Wow, this one is mine! WOW, gummy crabby patties, Yeah, Chocolate Reese's!" It was a dentists nightmare. My teeth kinda hurt watching them. Its funny how 5 years ago we didn't have enough kids in our extended family to have a hunt, now its a chocolate hyper hay-day when they all get together. Time flies when your having fun...

Grams made Justice a mud cake equipped with gummy worms and all...he LOVE it! Dirty cake, he called it..

Cameron and Great Grandpa Terry and Great Grandma Ann...and the Easter Bunny

Ashley and Tyler....First love and last love...I love a storybook ending!

Friday, April 2, 2010

THIS IS MY HOUSE! (CLAP, CLAP, clap-clap--clap) Driven & Motivated- I want to WIN a pic on this wall! Dare me?

The 18th hole of the competition was a par three with water encompassing the entire green. I heard that little voice in my head saying “don’t hit the ball in the water!” Trembling within, I stepped away from my Titleist to refocus my mental approach. As a student of sports psychology, I know the value the mind can play on each and every shot. What if I told you the mind is the most powerful weapon we own in our arsenal of sales tactics? The mind can take us places our heart has only dreamed about, if we only believe!

If we reflect today on our sales fears, there are some we can control and uncertainties we cannot control. Knowing the difference helps to put the circumstances into perspective. Common fears we cannot control in our business are office protocols, customer attitude, samples, budget, management, managed care and the list goes on and on. Why does our mind gravitate first, to the negative things, we have no control over when analyzing our business? This is where we must train our minds to reflect on what we can control. You are the only one who can control your attitude, preparation, work ethic, heart and smile, drive to succeed, and character. This exercise takes solid practice and a surrender to face your internal negativity. Shift your mindset to determining success, not by what happens to you, but rather how you react to the situation. No matter the circumstance, preparing for a positive interaction the moment you walk through the door sets your call up for a positive chain of events. Face your fears of what others might think and tap into your own self confidence.

The secret to success is simple, it’s being you! In sales we should be capitalizing on ourselves daily. When you energize yourself, you energize everyone around you. Passion is the perfection in your mental attitude. Positive attitudes are contagious, even in an office with irritable staff! Believe you are the expert and your mind will follow. If you have failed in the past, step forward. Speak words of positive praise to yourself everyday. Surround yourself with positive people and dig deeper into your disease state by networking. It’s important to feel like the expert who can tackle any situation and that self assurance will shine through to the customer.

After re-focusing my thoughts away from the water and gearing those feelings to the large green waiting for my ball; I stepped up to take the shot. No longer did I hear that voice inside reminding me of the “splash.” I had taken control of my fears and let my swing take action. I am sure you realize by now, successful selling reaches far beyond the technical understanding of your product. Your attitude is the supreme test as you clear the path to greatness. When setting your individual and team goals, don’t forget the important component of the mind-set. Positive Selling!

Anyone Need a Fire Put Out? This is what happens when JC eats to much Easter Candy and its ONLY Friday~

Lil' Deputy Fireman..

A Little Tangled Up!!

Ever had a day like this? Poor Buzz and Woody! Justice said, "Mom, they just realized I BEAT them in the NCAA Bracket. They both decided to jump!" Justice, gotta tell...the last 2 weeks have been murder for mommy, I, like Buzz and Woody was one Toy Story short of losing my marbles....I decided to take a four day weekend...Hope to recover after our trip to Fun City, Well....TO INFINITY AND BEYOND everyone!

Justice had Cameron swinging--JUST A LITTLE TO FAST this day!

Such a FUN DINNER!!!

Being Silly...and notice his choice of standing locations :)

Cameron even got in on the ACTION...

Justice SUPRISED by the water splash...

Justice waiting for the HUGE BUCKET of water to S-P-L-A-S-H on him...

The Keene's take FUN CITY!!!

“Hey there pretty lady, I am four!” Yep, Justice is going to be a ladies man. The Keene clan spent the night at Fun City and Justice was mackin on the girls in the pool. Over heard this little remark, from our fabulous four year old, while he was waiting for his turn on the water slide. Honestly, Fun City does live up to its name. We needed some time away from home and this was close enough to cure the itch. Dinner was at a hibachi grill and JUST like I had anticipated, Justice was totally in to it after the first five minutes of bewilderment. “Dad, you done with that fork?” Chef Justice wanted to chop the two forks onto his plate for a finale. He loved it, and so did Coach Keene! Cameron, not so much. After dinner Justice and Daddy went to the water park and Cameron and I headed out for some retail therapy. Cameron usually only has about 1-1/2 hours of shopping patience in him. Upon our return to the hotel, I found the boys splashing and playing. Looked pretty fun, so I geared up Cameron, little swimmers and all, and took him to the pool. Yet, another Keene who attracts all the pretty ladies. Cameron just smiled at everyone who walked by as he splashed around. The family left the water park, after 2 hours and hit the games for awhile, along with a late night snack! BOTH KIDS fell fast asleep swiftly, not to mention Coach and I passed out just as rapid. I had pictured in my mind Cameron’s ear-piercing scream waking up the entire hotel. Thank goodness Cameron surprised me! Breakfast and back to the water park, followed by a quick trip to Tar-get and home. Totally need to get our friends on board and go back. I need to hit that Spa and Coach was foaming at the mouth to hit a table or two at the casino. Isn’t it funny how our trips change as children enter the picture? Wonder where we would be if we didn’t have two little ones nipping at our feet? I think a tropical Easter would a nice change of pace…Wait, I am dreaming. Coach informed me today that this year’s summer trip to North Carolina would be 7 days long, Yeah; I better get something “tropical” out of being home, for an entire week alone, with the chit-lin! I won’t hold my breath…

Cameron and Gan-pa

Who IS that baby?? This little trick he helped me get ready the last 2 working AM's...