Where are all these cars going? It's two in the afternoon on a Tuesday. I've counted sixty-three cars in twelve minutes fly up and down West Adams? Seriously? I have stationed myself, recovering from my 3rd case of pnemonia in the last year, on the front porch to get some sun and fresh air. And here comes the Schwan's man. Don't even think about....phew. Dodged that. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. Last year I would have went to work today. A year older and now wiser I stayed home to truly get more rest. That's why God made sick days, right?
Speaking of traffic, remember last years stray cat that showed up? Well, she's obviously had a little traffic of her own. She's "with kitties". This is her second litter since she has became a regular outside. One is left from her first litter, Leo. The other two went on "vacation". I told Cameron, "See Bombers belly, shes gonna have more kitties!" Cameron says, "She's just like Aunt Ashley. She keeps waking up pregnant." Boy, I could't wait to tell my sister this one.
Speaking of traffic, the kid across the street is home. Again, Tuesday---two in the afternoon. He's standing on the curb by the mailbox. I finally figured out what hes up to. He's tapping into our internet. That lil sneak. I have a notion to walk over and give him some guidelines of what is off limits to search! My eight year old is looking at golf highlights. Gotta think our teenage neighbor might not be into searching golf. Let this be the disclaimer--if the FBI shows up at the Keene ranch---send them across the street!
Traffic will be high in Rushville this week. Smile's Day. Floats. High School Bands. And don't forget the horses at the end of the parade. This year is my twenty year class reunion. (Note to self---spend birthday money on botox and a facial) I had a great time at my ten year. Honestly, I think Coach had a greater time. I don't have any plans to drive south this year for the reunion. Am I weird? Am I the only Schuyler County girl that does not mark her calendar for Smiles Day? Maybe so. Coach taught and coached at Rushville for a few years when we were first married. I got a do-over at being a Rushville Rocket--as a coaches wife. This time around I didn't have the popular girls making fun of me. No one to sit with in the lunch room. I was not "weird" because I played golf on a boys golf team. I won't list all of my high school nightmares; this time around I just got to be me. Coach and I went to football games and bonfires. We ate at Pizza Unlimited after games. He rode on a float at Smiles Day. Heck, we even chaproned prom. BEST. TIME. EVER. I think this short sabatical made up for my crappy high school memories and I moved on. Don't get me wrong the traffic in my heart will always pound when I see the Schuyler County sign, just in a different lane of life now.
My goal is to add a yellow light to my personal lane of traffic for the next few months. I need to slow down. And maybe, not care so much. Passion can suck the living life out of a gal. I could be their poster child. As I type my house is a mess. Don't care. We live here. As I type I don't have a clue what we will eat for supper. Don't care. We will work it out. As I type I WISH I could do over my birthday healthy. I DO care. So for now I am just sitting, at the red light, for the rest of the day. Or at least till my kids get out of school and wonder why the house is a mess and their is nothing to eat for supper.