Sunday, September 28, 2014


This picture is one of my favorites. It speaks to me and almost brings tears to my eyes. It says in a very soft whisper, "Shhhhh, theirs peace in Jesus. Just sit quiet and rest my little one. I am here. Let your attention gaze on me and I will throw you a rope. You are safe. Don't hold the remote too tight, I have already picked your program."

Spending some time getting quiet can really be the best remedy for a tangled situations. Taking a step back from all the emotion, frustration, and exhaustion to sit quietly with Jesus will do more to untangle a mess than anything else I’ve ever found. I can honestly say, I've been tangled into the best knot tied this summer. After my warrior-like determination took a long look in the mirror and a few exhales I realized---after all those hurts, scars and bruises, after all those trials, I really made it though. I did it. I survived what was supposed to eat me alive. This picture reminds me I can't do it alone. Rather than use God as my emergency break, he needs to be my steering wheel. In the hustle of 2014 even the best leader can lose sight of the journey and try to use their own remote to pick the program.

Now, back to this picture. Sweet Tristan, my nephew. I love him. He looks so peaceful. In order to find my peace I'm going to set my alarm thirty minutes early for thirty days. I may just sit in my PJ's on the porch and read. Get my mind untangled before I start the day. Maybe someone will whisper to me, "Shhhh, theirs peace in Jesus. Just sit quiet and rest my little one. I am here. Let your attention gaze on me and I will throw you a rope. You are safe. Don't hold the remote too tight, I have already picked your program."



One negative fifty-four degree night in January this fluffy little cat showed up on our porch. Coach kept telling me NO, but did I listen? I could not let her freeze to death; Heck we were cold in the house. The boys and I made her a bed in our laundry room and gave her a name. Bomber---she was black and orange. Perfect! She really is a nice cat. As soon as it warmed up Bomber went back outside. A few months later, she had three kittens. "Are we keeping them mom? Mom, we can't give her babies away." Again, didnt say NO. Leo, Buttercup and Scaredy-Cat now became my grandchildren. (On a side bar--Cameron named them) Buttercup and Scaredy-Cat went on "vacation"--yikes, it was sad. Cameron says they went to Florida. Leo is still hanging around. Well--here we are--a few more months later. Bomber gave birth on Thursday night to six, yes six, kitties. Two went to heaven. Cameron, the official cat-namer has decided on Sunshine, Scout, Hershey and Tooties Roll. Just think if we just would have said NO that very cold night all the fun we would have missed.

Speaking of saying NO--Justice has no problem with it. This often gets him a spanking or a trip to time out. I showed him a house I really liked on the internet this weekend. His response was, "Woman, do you have any idea what the property tax will be--geesh!" Unfortunately, he's probably right. I guess I'll say NO.

Cameron told me he has tons of friends at school. I asked him, "how do you have so many friends?" He looked at me like I was nuts and said, "I never tell anyone NO when they want to play with me. duh." This seems to work in pre-school, not so much on the adult play ground. I praised him for always being a friend and left it at that. I was to tired for a life lesson. Why you ask, because I had said yes for to many requests that day. Shocker.

Another shocker in Keeneville is we lost Coach two months early this season. Why you ask? Well, he can't say no either. When he says yes, there's a ripple effect. And most of that ripple floods on good ole mom. More weekends cooking, cleaning and schedules preparing for the next week. More running kids places and dinners alone. More feelings like I am carrying the burden and it kinda makes me sad. Less time to relax, take a long walk or maybe do something just for me. It's very hurtful that everyone wants mom to have the big job and make the big money; but everyone see's Coach as the hero. Most people say NO to giving me any empathy. And that's all I'm looking for, empathy. (Kudos to my sister and my business manger for being my support) Anyhoo, I'll save it for my therapist and say NO to sharing more thoughts.

I am convinced that one of the main reasons our lives get out of balance is because of that dirty word NO. It just comes natural for us to be multi-taskers and people-pleasers. We Keene's don’t want to disappoint anybody. But the truth is, we can't do it all. So, I’m learning to say NO to a lot of requests for my time, especially now. That way I’ll have the energy and emotion I need to give to those closest to me. I know I’ll disappoint someone but I won’t be as likely to disappoint those I love most, which includes God and my family. For now, I'm going to say NO to a Sunday afternoon nap and finish my six meals ready for this crazy week, the 4 loads of laundry and our dirty house. I'm saying YES to interviewing a housekeeper...



Happy Birthday Cameron!

Times flies when your always on the go. You love Ninja Turtles, Power rangers and riding your bike. You and Justice fight like cats and dogs, but by the end of the night you cuddle to sleep together. Purple used to be your favorite color, now its blue. Wonder what it will be next week? Your a very picky lil eater. Grilled Cheese, chicken strips, mac and cheese and hotdogs are your favs. You beg to eat in the living room every night, but rarely win. Mom kinda likes us all around the table, darn it. You love pre-school and Ms. Wendy is best. You have friends and play well with others. Your an artist. You love to paint. You will sit for hours to get all the pieces of the puzzle perfectly in their place. You like to wrestle with daddy. You carry all the outside kitties around in your truck, and I think they kinda like it. Your my love bean. My lamma lamma blue pajama. My snuggle puppy. You always want mommy at night. Your three blue blankets go everywhere with you. Not to mention that one secret item we don't talk about. Oh yeah, don't forget Pepper. FIVE will be a big year, kindergarten, that big yellow bus and new routines. I know you will be great. Your super smart and impress me everyday. Your the finale to our Keene foursome. (thank goodness) I can't wait to see what life has in store for you Cameron. Your a winner and God has big plans. Until then, we'll just eat cookies, go to the park and watch Ninja Turtles.

I love you,

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Where are all these cars going? It's two in the afternoon on a Tuesday. I've counted sixty-three cars in twelve minutes fly up and down West Adams? Seriously? I have stationed myself, recovering from my 3rd case of pnemonia in the last year, on the front porch to get some sun and fresh air. And here comes the Schwan's man. Don't even think about....phew. Dodged that. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. Last year I would have went to work today. A year older and now wiser I stayed home to truly get more rest. That's why God made sick days, right?

Speaking of traffic, remember last years stray cat that showed up? Well, she's obviously had a little traffic of her own. She's "with kitties". This is her second litter since she has became a regular outside. One is left from her first litter, Leo. The other two went on "vacation". I told Cameron, "See Bombers belly, shes gonna have more kitties!" Cameron says, "She's just like Aunt Ashley. She keeps waking up pregnant." Boy, I could't wait to tell my sister this one.

Speaking of traffic, the kid across the street is home. Again, Tuesday---two in the afternoon. He's standing on the curb by the mailbox. I finally figured out what hes up to. He's tapping into our internet. That lil sneak. I have a notion to walk over and give him some guidelines of what is off limits to search! My eight year old is looking at golf highlights. Gotta think our teenage neighbor might not be into searching golf. Let this be the disclaimer--if the FBI shows up at the Keene ranch---send them across the street!

Traffic will be high in Rushville this week. Smile's Day. Floats. High School Bands. And don't forget the horses at the end of the parade. This year is my twenty year class reunion. (Note to self---spend birthday money on botox and a facial) I had a great time at my ten year. Honestly, I think Coach had a greater time. I don't have any plans to drive south this year for the reunion. Am I weird? Am I the only Schuyler County girl that does not mark her calendar for Smiles Day? Maybe so. Coach taught and coached at Rushville for a few years when we were first married. I got a do-over at being a Rushville Rocket--as a coaches wife. This time around I didn't have the popular girls making fun of me. No one to sit with in the lunch room. I was not "weird" because I played golf on a boys golf team. I won't list all of my high school nightmares; this time around I just got to be me. Coach and I went to football games and bonfires. We ate at Pizza Unlimited after games. He rode on a float at Smiles Day. Heck, we even chaproned prom. BEST. TIME. EVER. I think this short sabatical made up for my crappy high school memories and I moved on. Don't get me wrong the traffic in my heart will always pound when I see the Schuyler County sign, just in a different lane of life now.

My goal is to add a yellow light to my personal lane of traffic for the next few months. I need to slow down. And maybe, not care so much. Passion can suck the living life out of a gal. I could be their poster child. As I type my house is a mess. Don't care. We live here. As I type I don't have a clue what we will eat for supper. Don't care. We will work it out. As I type I WISH I could do over my birthday healthy. I DO care. So for now I am just sitting, at the red light, for the rest of the day. Or at least till my kids get out of school and wonder why the house is a mess and their is nothing to eat for supper.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

38---Permission To Be...

Happy Birthday to me....

Thirty-eight is right smack in the middle of life. Thirty-eight is realizing there are just as many years ahead of you, as behind you. Its realizing that decisions made now, most were learning lessons. Its realizing that certain doors are closed for good. Thirty-eight answers those burning childhood questions about life. Blonde, blue eyes, two boys, house, and a cat.

Thirty-eight are those lines around my eyes. The dark circles under my eyes. Thirty-eight is responsbility and less fun. Thirty-eight is being the boss. Thirty-eight is more about making the best decision, rather than the most popular decision. Thirty-eight is realizing that bad things happen for a reason, even when you were wrongly fired. Thirty-eight professionally stands your ground when you believe in the cause.

Thirty-eight is wearing my wedding ring. Thirty-eight is not knowing which ring was my wedding ring and which one was my five year anniversary gift because they are identical.

Thirty-eight is realizing what shorts are to short. Thirty-eight is moving from a bikini to a tankini or even a one piece. Thirty-eight is about working out, not eating like a cow and still gaining weight. Thirty-eight is about trying to embrace the baby body left behind.

Thirty-eight is taking an all inclusive vacation for 3 nights just to sleep and read all day. Thirty-eight is a mini vacation to the grocery store. Thirty-eight is making a trip to the movie theater only to see a kids flick.

Thirty-eight is eleven years of marriage. Its knowing that marriage is less about keeping score, less candlelight dinners, less drama, more forgiveness, more teamwork and more empathy. Fewer flowers, but more cups of tea made exactally how I like them without being asked and brought to the bathroom while I get ready for work. Everyday. Yep, everyday.

Thirty-eight is losing your grandparents. Going to more funerals and hearing about someones newly diagnosed illness. Thirty-eight is the middle place. Its when you see your parents changing and turning grey.

Thirty-eight is knowing who your friends are, for real. Thirty-eight is realizing that not everyone will like you and its okay. Thirty-eight is becoming more sensitive and more aware of lifes beauty and pain. Thirty-eight knows my sister is my best friend. Thirty-eight looks forward to our ten min talks before work. Thirty-eight still thinks of her in those pink jelly shoes waiting at the front door after school to greet me. Thirty-eight is knowing how to be emotionally mature on social media when others are not nice. Thirty-eight is making people speak to you when you know it killed them to acknowledge your presence.

Thirty-eight is a love affair with motherhood. Thirty-eight is watching these little teeny people bloom and grown into big kids. Thirty-eight is about pre-school and third grade, putting kids on a bus and praying they get off at the right stop. Thirty-eight is about tiny peoples questions after questions and trying to keep your patience while you answer over and over. Thirty-eight is comparing yourself to all the other moms at school, ugh. Thirty-eight is still cool to kiss your mom good-bye and cheer when you pick them up.

Thirty-eight is not afraid to pray in a crowd. Thirty-eight allows you to share your faith and not worry about what others might think. Thirty-eight realizes the power of God, the healing of his peace and trusting him is vital. Thirty-eight listens to christian talk radio all the way to work and home, just to get a nugget of hope for the day.

Thirty-eight is going to be my year of change. The year I put myself first and realize if I'm not healthy, how can I take care of others? Thirty-eight is going to leave the laundry for another day to play Ninja turtles in the living room. Thirty-eight will rebound for Justice in the drive. Thirty-eight is loving my nephew so much it hurts; and becoming an Aunt again. Thirty-eight; I finally get that little girl we have all dreamed about. (whoa, my sister is having a girl, not me) Thirty-eight is going to take more days off. Thirty-eight just might start golfing again. Thirty-eight is okay with a long weekend just sitting on the porch. My birthday gift to myself today is permission. Permission to just take a deep breath and be. Just be...

Monday, September 8, 2014

Never Give Up---EVER.

I love the message on Cameron's shirt tonight, not to mention the pose. Never Give Up! Coaches kids are trained everyday to keep on keeping on--no matter what. It's easy for parents to push this life lesson, but living it ourselves is sometimes the hardest part.

This week has been a career three-peat for Momma K. Our community got a perfect on their health inspection. Perfect on our State Survey inspection and reached the mark of 100% occupied with a wait list. This tri-factor is very rare, let alone all three in the same week. People go their entire career and don't see results like this.

Never Give Up! I have spent everyday, every weekend, every hour since March of 2013 trying to figure out ways to reach this goal. My kids have asked nightly at the dinner table, "Are you full mom?" Heck, Justice even tries to move people in. My team has lived it and owned it. We have been so close and taken six steps backward to heartache. We have cheered. We have cried. We have pushed each other. We have lost employees, but we never gave up. Ever. These eighteen months have taught us more about adversity and character than any assignment before. I am so proud to call these people my team. The victory feels so sweet and now we start the next chapter.

Today's morning huddle speech I gave was about Duke Basketball. (Yep--Love me some Coach K) Why do people hate Duke? They win; and continue to win. I asked who loves winning at this board room table? If you don't answer yes--then you might re-think your seat. We are now Duke. You have won the NCAA Championship, but guess what? The hardest part to staying a winner is the continued struggle. The continued push to excellence. Anyone can win, but can you stay a winner? Enjoy today; but never give up. Never.

Justice and Coach got an "up close" look at the traveling Heisman Trophy

Justice is a HUGE fan of Chris Duerr. He got a backstage pass this summer as a guest on KHQA---He was in heaven!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Front Porch-itis

Life is much better on the front porch.

If your headed west to the outskirts of Macomb there's a pretty good chance our foursome will be outside. Justice will be golfing, or working on his swing, as he likes to say. Cameron will be sitting in a tree. The one in the front yard is best. He says its magic. And you will find mom and dad sitting on the front porch. Feet up--on these awesome cushions from Kohl's. Normally, ice tea with a slice of lemon in hand, solving the worlds problems---or snoring with our mouth open wide. Whichever comes first. Our front porch is like an extension of our house when the temperatures hit 55. All winter we have no place to hide from each other inside, literally. When the weather breaks we can't wait to escape to porch.

Sitting on the porch tonight, sipping some H20 with lemon out of my favorite glass, I was thinking about the Leadership Lessons I've learned out here---

1- To catch a breeze (really inhale the air, take in the freshness) Even on the hottest days, we have a breeze on our front porch; it amazing. I have to think, even in the most difficult leadership moments, we all need to just step away....deep breath.

2-Watching my kiddos play in the yard. What? They’re not out in the yard? Bring 'em out. When I engage in watching my kids use their imagination it makes me more creative. When I engage in my staff and ask questions I learn more about their reality. Win/Win

3-It’s a great place to converse with your spouse at the end of the day. I am a better leader when I have a balance. Spending time with my favorite coach helps ground me in a more productive way. It lifts my spirits and calms my mind. Don't forget to have a life...

4- There’s no TV out there. (Thank God.) I really don't like TV. Enough said.

5- To pray. In the quiet of being alone in my rocker, prayer keeps me from falling off my rocker, literally. Quiet time outside makes me look around and realize I don't have to live in crazy, I can just be. Be one with him on the porch. When I am one with God on the porch, I have a better perspective in the office.

6-You see the house from the outside in, giving you a fresh ideal. Thinking outside of the box is creative, but thinking inside of the box is innovative.

7-It reminds me of my college home--Mississippi and Southern Traditions. Can't forget our manners in leadership. Sometimes its more important to be quiet, than to be right.

8-If you need a quick break, the kids probably won’t look there. My door is always open at work. When I give myself permission to shut the door, the kids think I'm out to a meeting. It's okay to take some quiet time and focus.

9-To read. Leaders ARE readers. You must be a student of life in order to keep your edge.

10-It’s the perfect place to think. To question. To wonder. To contemplate--I've even did it in my winter coat and hat.

I really would like a house with more room. Yea, I look on all the time for the "perfect" new listing. Just when I think, hey--hey, this could be THE ONE; I find myself getting suckered back by the tranquility of our front porch. AND the fact that Coach refuses to move. Anyhoo, if you need me afterwork hours, just drive by and honk. Chances are we're on the front porch. Justice is golfing. And Cameron is in the front tree.

Monday, September 1, 2014

I Fed This LIl Swimmer Cookies ALL Day--Can You See The Leftovers On His Chin--- :)

Justice and Tristan Watching Cameron Jump In The Pool!

Cameron Went Swimming With Tristan and Justice! Can You Tell He's Reeeeaaadddy!

Justice Spent Labor Day Weekend With A Club In His Hand---And My Feet Where Up On The Porch!

Cameron Spent Labor Day Weekend Climbing Trees

One Question

The memo is in---If your tired and you know it clap your hands. (clap, clap)

Admitting that I hate the direction of where my life is heading would have broken that secret pact I had made with myself somewhere between 25 and 30 that said: NEVER show vulnerability or weakness. Soul searching the last six months
have concluded, I have sacrificed myself and my well-being for who I thought I should be; hiding my edges, my truth, my uniqueness. Somewhere, in the middle of chaos, I had lost myself while trying to please the world. I can no longer deny the shittiness that my life has become, the obvious imbalances, the denial of my femininity and softness, the pain I am feeling on the inside. For the record, no, I'm not having marriage problems. I am having an identity crisis.

As I type, my kids are both sitting on the couch watching a movie. They deserve to get my best; all the time. On a normal day of rushing to school and rushing home and rushing to make dinner and rushing to clean up and rushing the get ready for the next day--they are changing. It's going fast. I'm to busy being a slave to the chimes of my phone to look up and realize. That feeling sucks. It makes me angry. Like punch someone in the face angry. My dad was always a slave to his job, I guess I thought that was normal. I see where that's got him 40 years later. (no, disrespect to my dad--just working for the man) At 37 3/4 I declare I don't want that to be my normal anymore! On a side bar--the kids are now on both side of me with their blankets. I'm elbow to elbow in our small blue chair and I can hardly type; and I could care less. We all just want to be close. Close makes us feel safe. I long for a safe feeling in this three hundred mile per hour world I seem to be directing. Listen up everyone, my bucket is empty. Not my monkeys, not my circus--stay away.

I've interviewed for six new careers in the last six months--ironically---got them all. Each interview has lasted 2-4 hours. I have enjoyed the experiences. Kinda weird, can I be a professional interviewer? I've met some really cool executives. Evidently, in the middle of my killer black suit and brag book, none of these careers felt right. What the hell am I searching for? What did I want to GET? BOOM---right there---it hit me.

I think the real question to answer is, "What do I want to give?" Just a few small requests----Soul healing. A fair and safe, warm, beautiful environment for others. Reflection. Deep experiences. Aha-moments. Gratitude. Balance. Centeredness. A happy body that hosts a sharp mind. My whole authentic self. Love.---Ya know, just your basic wants, right? I think these answers are changing my path; my life. Now What? That's the new question to ponder for the next six months.