Cameron and I spent Friday just monkeying around! We went to the park, made a stop at Mommy's work, ate lunch, played with purple play dough, farmed with our tractors, danced to Mickey Mouse, took a nap and we still have 2 hours left before Justice arrives. This is one of the hand fulls of times I have ever been alone with Cameron. He is a good listener. He is happy. Gives lots of hugs during the day. He has also told me "I wuv ew" more times than I could count. Zach normally puts Cameron to bed. Last night he wanted mommy. I wonder if he has felt alittle left out with all the kindergarten talk. Cameron is special in his own way. He is so much like Justice, yet so different. Hard to believe he will be two in just a few weeks. I am so glad I still have his little toes to tickle and his kisses to steal. Well, off to enjoy playing in the jungle with Cameron while we are still alone today! Before long that yellow bus will be picking him up too...
While searching for my joy; God spoke. In trusting his timing I learned he is not the author of confusion but the leader of peace and rest. Today, I am compelled to share my story. Offer hope in troubled times. We must be courageous in Christ and realize their is a "set time" for everything. God is my joy and IN-COURAGE is my legacy. How will I lead with joy in Christ? IN-COURAGE others. It took a career earthquake for me to stop and listen.
Friday, August 26, 2011
One Little Monkey
Cameron and I spent Friday just monkeying around! We went to the park, made a stop at Mommy's work, ate lunch, played with purple play dough, farmed with our tractors, danced to Mickey Mouse, took a nap and we still have 2 hours left before Justice arrives. This is one of the hand fulls of times I have ever been alone with Cameron. He is a good listener. He is happy. Gives lots of hugs during the day. He has also told me "I wuv ew" more times than I could count. Zach normally puts Cameron to bed. Last night he wanted mommy. I wonder if he has felt alittle left out with all the kindergarten talk. Cameron is special in his own way. He is so much like Justice, yet so different. Hard to believe he will be two in just a few weeks. I am so glad I still have his little toes to tickle and his kisses to steal. Well, off to enjoy playing in the jungle with Cameron while we are still alone today! Before long that yellow bus will be picking him up too...
Not So Much
Second day, not so much. Coach Keene prides himself on 32 minutes of hell defense. No kidding, I spent a solid 67 minutes of defensive hell getting Justice into Kindergarten today. Holy Cow! This is the first morning of his entire life I have ever had to wake him up. The kid is a real life farmer, gets up at the crack of dawn DAILY. Today, not so much.
Today he was hysterical from the moment his eyes were peeled open. This is not the leader from yesterday. I think he was exhausted. I had to literally dress him. I did everything but chew up his breakfast and spit it into his mouth like a mother bird. I had to cheer him into the car--but funny story about this picture!
As we were walking out of the house, full tears and all, Justice says, "My gosh, aren't you gonna take my picture today?" Thinking, okay--maybe this will get him to feel better. I walked back in the house, grabbed my camera, snapped the picture...AND back to crying. Not so much. We played I Spy all the way to school. When it was my turn he cried, his turn he was fine. Fun game making him happy, not so much.
Justice got braver the closer we got to his classroom door. We said our good-byes....AND Cameron started crying. "Me stay." I had snot on the left shoulder on the way into school from Justice's tears. Once we go back into the car I had Cameron's snot on my right shoulder. OMG--Glad I took Friday off. I am one hot emotional mess!
Just in case you see me in Wal-mart today, no Coach is not beating me--my eyes have been through 48 hours of parental hell this week. Who would have known I needed my defensive stance for kindergarten. (DEEP BREATH) Sure hope the homemade chocolate chip cookies, Orange slices and cheese wedges make for a happy camper snack once the yellow bus arrives today. As for mom pulling her self together today---not so much!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Getting Off The Bus...I recieved a SPECIAL NOTE via email from Mrs. Clark.
Dear Zach and Andrea---
Hi there. I just wanted to let you know that Justice had a great first day of Kindergarten! He was our leader today. He was sitting so nicely when we were getting ready to line up for Art, I asked him to lead. He really seems like a great kid!!! He made some new friends and followed directions all day! We practiced the routine, learned about the classroom and practiced the things we learned! I hope he enjoys Kindergarten and if you ever have any questions, please let me know!
Jennifer Clark
WOW--Justice's teacher takes the time the first day of school to send an email. What a great surprise. And as for Justice being a leader---I told you he walked in like he owned the place! :)
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Kindergarten Or Bust
In the bathroom, the living room, the front porch while taking the pictures, in the car on the way to school, in the parking lot, at work in front of my employees and again before bed---yep, this is the list of all the places I lost my composure today. AND ITS NOT THE FIRST FULL DAY YET---wow, I need meds. How does a strong business lady lose it all over McDonough County. I guess I am just a mom.
Justice was raring to go today. Coach and I both took him to Lincoln Elementary to 'meet and greet" his new teacher and classroom. Kindermat and all, we loaded up in the car. Before departing for school Justice ran down the stairs with his train whistle--which he used as a microphone and pulled up his favorite song on you tube. Yes, the 5 year old sang at the TOP of his lungs, into his train whistle/microphone, "Don't STOP BELIEVING...." Seriously. I love this song but the kid has sang it so much this summer I despise Journey. He can tell more facts about Steve Perry than most 55 year olds.
Anyhoo, once we found the class and his cubbie Justice was comfortable. He wanted his picture taken all over the classroom, the library, the gym and the front sign. It was hilarious. I am pretty sure this will be the only time its ever cool for his mother to be snapping those first day of school pics.
Speaking of first day of school pictures Cameron had to have his picture taken with Justice today too. He is really gonna miss Justice. He has been saying, "" No little buddy, time will go fast. I wish I could stop the clock.
Well, my BIG prayer tonight is to keep the full ugly cry inside until I get out of Lincoln Elementary tomorrow. I keep thinking about not being in control of his situations....PE, Lunch trays, Rest time, and of course the bus ride home. Justice told me tonight while laying in bed, "mommy, don't worry, Jesus, Grandma Barb and Dr. Seuss will protect me." Love this kid. Kindergarten or bust. Wish us luck!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Lovin My People

True leaders will never tell you it’s lonely at the top. If you are at the top all alone, then no one is following you. Get off the mountain, and go find your people and connect. When leaders lose touch with people, they become ineffective. You need to walk slowly through the crowd, listen to your people and open your ears to what they are telling you.
Do you know the difference between a dream and a fantasy? A dream is a big idea with a strategy. A fantasy is a big idea without a strategy.
Value people. They are your only appreciable asset. Do this by avoiding positional thinking. Leadership has nothing to do with what your position is. It has everything to do with what your influence is. The more insecure a leader is the more titles they want.
You must understand the law of significance: One is too small a number to achieve greatness. So love the people you lead. Remember that people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Kleenex, Check!
All Good things must come to an end, including summer. We played in the pool, the sprinkler, had picnics on the deck, bike rides down Adams, mower rides to Meadow brook, golfing at the Keene links, made tents in the living room, trips to Bonkers and the Children's Museum and a few vacations to boot. Jammed packed fun, but man time flies.
Kleenex, check. Justice starts kindergarten on Thursday. Coach and I are both taking some time off that morning to take him into class and look around. Not sure who will need the moral support, me or Justice? Definitely, me. More details to come...
Kleenex, double check. Friday will be the first time Cameron will be alone during the day. He's gonna love some of the extra attention from the Grandma's, but when that bus drops Justice back home at 3:20 I bet he will be pumped!
Well, wish us well this week. Its gonna be a tear jerker....
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Chapter 9
Some vacationers just write their name in the sand. This is more of a declaration. It's here, season 9!
Its amazing what some quiet time will do for the soul. Coach and I had time to think alone. And time to think together. Some people choose their path in life because it pays the bills and its just something to do. Sure those types of careers allow for free time after 5 and the weekends to go golfing. Our journey in life isn't really for the paycheck, its WHO we are. We both want to lead, yes--in different ways. Even Justice and Cameron at early stages are showing signs of leadership. Don't misunderstand, leading is not easy. Its exhausting. It's 24/7 planning. Its a job that never stops. Its a job that all eyes are looking to see how you react. Its a job where the media and bystanders can be vicious. Its risky. Risk is the t-bone steak and the leader is the tiger. Not sure where we both got it. I don't really see those characterics in our parents.
Needless to say, I want my boys to always be willing to take a chance. You can't control life, don't miss out on experiences because you are comfortable. Be willing to step out. Put your faith in Christ who controls the situation. No matter how hard some might try to keep everything "controled" in life its about the journey God has created for us. Not man has molded.
Next time you get an opportunity to take a new job, invest in a new idea, see a different country or maybe just get on a plane--do it. You might be missing the ride of your life. The vacationer who inscribed this picture has taken a few risks and lived to tell a great story. Turn the pages to the next chapter!
One word to sum up our trip to The Riviera, PERFECTION. Zach and I had such a great time. Our flight, perfect. Our suite over looking the ocean equipped with a hot tub, perfect. The dining experience, perfect. The pool and sightseeing, perfect. Relaxing and reading, perfect. Cold tropical drinks in my hand hourly, perfect. And of course, my company--perfect. I am making myself take a break from life more often. This was the best medicine an overworked executive could ever take. Big Shout out to the grandparents for watching the kids. Lord knows that's not any easy job.
On the eve of my last day off I am pretty sure my shoulders have not been this relaxed in years. Gonna make myself handle the crazy this year with a "smaller" grain of salt. Try to stop and smell the roses alittle more often. Maybe even realize I don't have to be perfect. Gonna proclaim to not get my feelings hurt when I am left out. Spend my time with people who actually value my time. I am also gonna have more fun. That three lettered word has been missing from my vocabulary for a few years now.
Well, we are working on our family goals tonight for this school year. I can't wait to see the ideas the boys come up with. Justice has already bounced a few ideas off me today. No matter what, as long as we have each other, it will be another hectic year of PERFECTION!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Two Tickets To Paradise
I've got two tickets to paradise....yep we leave at 2:30AM for Lambert Airport. Riviera Maya, here we come with our exhausted dark circles under our eyes. We can't wait to step out of the little safari vehicle, be greeted by the Now resort with a cold towel and a Bahama Mama drink in hand. (This ain't our first rodeo!) Mexican sun you must rejuvenate our minds and our spirits to tackle season nine. I dont have high hopes, do I? :)
Two tickets to paradise also means four people going in three different directions. It's like mission control tonight packing for two little people. Not to mention Coach Keene is alittle diva-licious when it comes to packing. We agreed only two carry ons so our luggage has no way of getting lost. He's been on the "runway" trying to decide what outfit will offset his cigars and tropical drinks while basking in the Mexican moonlight. Other than my bathing suit, 3 good books to read, and no digital technology to interrupt my relaxation--I could careless what I look like. "Casual elegance" that's my theme. Just throw it in the bag and fire up the car!
The boys are super excited about their vacation to the grandparents. No rules at Grandma's. Once we return next week Coach and I are taking the boys to Starved Rock Indoor waterpark for a few days. Its like 12 days of not being responsible! And mountains of laundry upon return...
When my sister and I were little my mom and dad didn't travel a ton. But when they did we stayed at our grandparents. My mom always packed little presents for us to open each night before bedtime to let us know we were on their mind. I packed JC and Cameron little presents this trip too. Nothing big, just fun little items to unwrap. Justice spotted my surprise the day before we left. He's made it miserable waiting to rip them open. Geeze, the kid has no patience. Wonder where he got that?
Well, last minute details are calling. Relaxation---here we come!
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