Friday, March 12, 2010

Magic Fairy Dust

Coach and I have been running two different directions this week. Hence, very little time to blog. We both have had night meetings, afterschool meetings and in-between meetings. I am exhausted. Between busting my butt at home and work, I am just thankful the season is over. I need a magic fairy to sprinkle some dust over my life right now. We have yet to have a down weekend since October.

So in light of the stress, I am PRETENDING to grant myself 26 WISHES this week…Yes, kinda a quick mommy fantasy-land. And not the one in Peoria...

A—an AVALANCHE of extra time with my kids

B—BETTER customer service, given and recieved

C—emma our CAT some extra lovin—and a haircut

D—pre-made DINNER'S ready when I get home from work

E—EXERCISE, everyday

F—a FACEBOOK photo I actually want to share

G—the GUTS to say what I think

H—one HOUR of peace and quiet

I---IMMORTALITY of fresh painted nails, a sassy color for spring

J--love my JOB, but for how long is the question

K—good KARMA

L—already married to the LOVE of my life

M—MONEY and a MAID, its my wish, right

N--NO-MORE dirty clothes, ever

O—the OUTSIDE temperature stayed 65 degrees

P—Wish I had my PRE-PREGNANCY body

Q--more QUALITY time with friends

R—a ROMANTIC getaway

S—SIESTAS after lunch for everyone, mexico's on to something there

T—love, love, love TALK radio in the car

U— an UMBRELLA in my car ready for a rainy day

V—a prepaid VACATION to disney—the happiest place on earth!

W—WOOD floors that gleam, my always look dull

X—no X-RATED diapers to clean


Z—uninterrupted ZZZZZ’s