Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Golden Arches

You know your a coach's kid when you can document the McDonalds breakfast hours by heart. Justice says last Saturday morning, "Yeah, I'm gonna need a McGriddle, but we need to hurry up, is it 10:30 yet?" That's when I knew....the golden arches need to fall!
Coach and I, every season, say, "we MUST plan our meals ahead because our kid is NOT going to eat McDonalds before every game this year!" Yeah, I was rushed a few times and JC ate a Happy Meal or two on the way to Carthage, but for the most part, we did well. The Keeneville "best practice" I have officially adopted came from Coach himself. FYI-Coach Keene is the organizer of our family. He is the only man in America that sorts his socks from black to blue to tan to white in perfect order.....geeze. Who has the time for that? I am lucky to even find a pair that match in the morning. Back to my best practice...After every trip to the grocery store, as we put everything away, we cut all the veggies, fruit, and snacks up, place them each into their own rubber maid tub for easy access. We Keene's complain about no time, I swear this has saved me hours per week. If I am cooking a meal or fixing an "on the go" snack for Justice...boom...already done! L-o-v-e it....
So back to McDonald's, have you seen the movie Super Size me? Coach shows it every year to his health classes. What a movie, but we Americana's continue to Drive through....or what about the Sweet Tea? Have you tried that?? Did you know THAT drink is the WORST thing for a diabetic. I swear after one sip I went into high fructose corn syrup overload...
So speaking of McDonalds...I also feel compelled to share the new bill the State of Illinois is trying to pass. Eliminating Physical Education from the Illinois school curriculum. Did you know that currently, Illinois is the ONLY state that requires k-12 PE? Very sad. Could be a reason American children are overweight. Obama's got a BIG push for Health care, his wife has a platform for childhood obesity, but lets take the early prevention of physical education OUT of our schools. If you run into Senator John Sullivan, give him a shout about voting against this bill...
Well, not much bloggin this week but LOTS of sellin'....I have been super busy with my job and I hope to get some more time this weekend to share the in's and out's of the Keene Clan...I have some FUNNY stories banked up....stay tuned my friends...Good night for now ...