While searching for my joy; God spoke. In trusting his timing I learned he is not the author of confusion but the leader of peace and rest. Today, I am compelled to share my story. Offer hope in troubled times. We must be courageous in Christ and realize their is a "set time" for everything. God is my joy and IN-COURAGE is my legacy. How will I lead with joy in Christ? IN-COURAGE others. It took a career earthquake for me to stop and listen.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Is It Friday Yet?
The kids refuse to sleep at the same time during the night right now. Coach and I are like two ships in the night, we just high five each other, going back and forth. Cameron is eating two bottles during the night and Justice, well; Justice will probably never sleep through the entire night. I guess I should treasure this time, it will be over before I can blink my eyes.
Monday, March 22, 2010
No Place Like Home...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The Golden Arches
Friday, March 12, 2010
Magic Fairy Dust
A—an AVALANCHE of extra time with my kids
B—BETTER customer service, given and recieved
C—emma our CAT some extra lovin—and a haircut
D—pre-made DINNER'S ready when I get home from work
E—EXERCISE, everyday
F—a FACEBOOK photo I actually want to share
G—the GUTS to say what I think
H—one HOUR of peace and quiet
I---IMMORTALITY of fresh painted nails, a sassy color for spring
J--love my JOB, but for how long is the question
K—good KARMA
L—already married to the LOVE of my life
M—MONEY and a MAID, its my wish, right
N--NO-MORE dirty clothes, ever
O—the OUTSIDE temperature stayed 65 degrees
P—Wish I had my PRE-PREGNANCY body
Q--more QUALITY time with friends
R—a ROMANTIC getaway
S—SIESTAS after lunch for everyone, mexico's on to something there
T—love, love, love TALK radio in the car
U— an UMBRELLA in my car ready for a rainy day
V—a prepaid VACATION to disney—the happiest place on earth!
W—WOOD floors that gleam, my always look dull
X—no X-RATED diapers to clean
Z—uninterrupted ZZZZZ’s
Tick Tock
LOVE FOR THE PLAYERS....... A coach has to really love his players. A coach spends more time with the gals on his team than with his own family. If a coach doesn't care for his players, he will not care what happens to them. He will not make the best choices for them as players and students to insure their health. He will expect their best on and off the court. He will want them to succeed in all their future endeavors too.
Justice Carter Quotes of the Week
"Well, good morning little cookie monster. How did you sleep. Lets see that beautiful smile of yours. Yeah, tell me all about your dreams Cammi..Did any dogs bark at you?" I overheard Justice saying to Cameron one morning over the monitor when he woke up.
"Cameron, can you be quiet like a mouse, You are killing me...I am trying to hear what Spongebob wants Patrick to do...geeze!"
"Mom, so really, how do you pee? I just don't get it!"
"Mom, whats a Cemetery. Oh, I remember what it is...its where people take their dead flowers when they aren't pretty anymore."
"Mom, girls aren't allowed in Wrigley field, well, that's what daddy said."
"Is that what your wearing....(thumbs down)." Happened to be the day I was riding with my boss...great self esteem boost.
"Mom, if dads a coach, what are you, the janitor" ---My favorite from the week
"Mom now that I am 4, I can probably pump your gas. Well, only if I can run in and get some M&M's"