Another wild Saturday night. After visiting my mom tonight I bundled the boys up for a drive around Macomb to look at Christmas lights. Coach had a game in Quincy, to late for two lil' ones to attend. It was almost like fourth of July in the 3rd row of our new vehicle. Justice says the third row is HIS! On a side bar--I have named our new SUV "Air Force One". I am terrible at driving. I wont even pull it in our garage. Thank God its equipped with a beeper when I get close to something. Yeah, its the little things that make me love it, and the fact I can go to Sams, get groceries AND still fit my family back in the car. Anyhoo--back to fourth of July. Justice was "oooooohhh and ahhhhhh" as we drove by each decorated house. (Is it just me or do alot of people not decorate anymore?) Cameron would take his pappy out and wave it around when he liked the lights. Justice serenaded me with his version of We Wish You A Merry Christmas song every other block. He should get points for creativity. Also he threw out a few fun facts about Hanukkah. Said he was learning about it in school.
Breaking news--HOT OFF THE TEXT--Chargers are now 11-1. I must say that in my eight years of being a coaches wife, this year takes the cake. Coach is much more relaxed and I must also mention alittle easier to live with. Life lesson #14 Winning takes some of the pressure off. Go figure.
On another note of breaking news--I AM STILL not even close to finished with my Christmas shopping. Normally in total organization of my list I have this finished before Thanksgiving. This year---there is nothing normal about this year for me. Bottom line. So tomorrow my mother and I are going to battle the retail shopping madness while Coach tackles the madness of two boys at home. I am not sure which will be more exhausting...May the force be with us all!