Not only are we official in Keene Country, but we are officially nuts. Aunt Ashley surprised Justice with a score table for Christmas. (pictures soon to come) You should have saw him jump up and down, run over and pet it like a puppy when the wrapping came off. Papa purchased a small PA system for him too. Score table--Check. Possession Arrow--Check. Microphone--Check. Coach Keene Bag--Check. Logo and all, WE ARE CHARGERS on West Adams. Highly doubt we will ever be a bomber....
This holiday season was alittle rough on Mrs. Coach Keene. I am embarrassed to say I only got one short Christmas shopping trip in, and it was a marathon. Cold hard cash was the gift of choice this year for practically everyone! Normally, Coach takes a day off. We enjoy making our list and checking it twice all the way to our shopping destination. Shop till we drop and have a nice quiet dinner. Not this year! Nothing has been normal about 2010. Good ridden 20-10! Sorry, I am alittle bitter. Not to mention a few basketball enthusiasts trying to steal our joy on Christmas Eve. And yes, we almost let them win. Idiots.
You know the saying, "You dont know what you have until its gone." The Keenes are doing some serious soul searching this week on the brink of a new year. In the early stages of my 2011 goals board, exciting! Keene's are weird about goals. They are kinda like a road map for us. We just MUST have them to drive the family. Coach and I are even planning a little retreat for us to have some quiet time and really focus on where we are going in the years to come. Of course, his lovely assistant will be planning the trip. Thinking about a cabin in the woods. Not really Cabin people, maybe a nice spa in the country. :)
On a normal year I love the holidays. Christmas, decorating, family, basketball, this year takes the cake. I took our tree down on Christmas day? I need an attitude adjusting. Honest. I took a few days off work and now both boys have the flu. I just cant catch a break. And a break for Coach Keene this time of year is a far off dream. What I wouldn't give for a week in the sand and sun with my husband and 10 good books! Sorry, dazed off for a second.
2010--good ridden! Adversity has strengthened me. I thank the ones who struggled with me in the uncharted times and let go of the grudge from the people who didn't call. I am thankful for the chaos, it has brought me to stability. 2011 I anticipate the beauty you have instore for the Keenes!