The only thing Coach Keene and I have in common this week is his suit bag. He hangs it on the dresser and I fill it with a suit that screams a win! The longest discussion we have faced this week was, "pin striped or solid?" We Keene's have a theory, "Dress for the job you want, not the one you have." Fans will always see him dressed to impress on the sidelines. Between a week jam packed with games and seed meetings for the upcoming tournament, I am going to have to hire someone to do our Christmas shopping. Real personal, don't ya think! Speaking of shopping--11 days till the man in the big red suit arrives and I am not even close to finished. Thank goodness for the Internet. I purchased, I just pray for a ship date before Christmas! I have a handy man hired waiting in the wings for UPS to arrive with all the toys that require directions. Coach Keene + tools = big trouble. Although, I hope Justice is not disappointed when "Pink Barbie Veterinarian Center" is not waiting at the fireplace Christmas morning. One--Come on, Barbie? Two--It was $92!! Hes been talking about it for weeks. Lately, not so much. Just hope it stays that way...
Speaking of staying that way, my children have been electrified this week. I am not sure if its the Christmas excitement or a simple sugar high. While Justice has been super hyper, poor little Cameron has had double ear infection. Then, the poor thing is allergic to his antibiotic! We spent the weekend at Prompt Care. Tonight he has a rash all over his entire body, hence, I am home from the game. Grandpa Dana rescued Justice from the Keene sick bay and they went to the game. Justice just packed two stat books for tonight. He thought two would get him through...
Just confirmed in a text message, "Charger are now 9-1!" Better get a few personal days booked for February. I feel a run to Redbird Arena in our future...