Doing alittle reminiscing tonight in a quiet house. Coach and Justice gone to a game, Cameron snoring in my bed. AHHH, Silent Night--literally.
Opened my mail tonight to have received a renewed subscription to my Family Circle. That magazine is kinda an inside joke in our family. When you got married my Grandma Barb always bought you a subscription to that magazine. She would says, "its full of helpful hints for any wife." Actually do enjoy it! When mine came today, it was renewed by Alvin Hamilton. Yes, I cried quietly in the kitchen.
My first Christmas without my Grandma. Just thinking about how much my grandma liked Christmas. When we were little she would make our family reenact the Christmas story in their barn. I remember Ashley as a baby laying in her hand build manger while our family read the Christmas story. We were alittle dis functional, but who isn't these days? She used to want to sing Christmas songs before we opened gifts every holiday season too. Our family, including me, would roll our eyes. She always wanted me to lead the song. What I wouldn't give to lead one more stanza of Silent Night with her.
I believe we don't find the path in life, the path finds us. In 2011, I am going to take more risks and enjoy the path because before we know it the path changes before our eyes. Well, off to sleep in heavenly peace---or at least till Cameron/Justice cries! Praying for a silent night...