"Look at me mom, I am heading to the clothes pin!" Justice squealed this EARLY this morning while wheeling my small blue suitcase through the house. "Justice, don't you mean the hanger?" "Yeah, whatever. The place where the planes sleep, geeze, get with the program." Ever since I came home, Justice has been playing airport, pilot, shuttle bus driver, air traffic control, traveler, and anything else he can think of that is seen in or around the terminal.
Have I mentioned my coolness factor also hit an all time low a week ago today? Give up...My "new" company car is a beat up 2008 mini-van fully equipped with dents, scratches and stains all over the inside. Its a real treat. I am only 15,000 miles away from something new, I will hit that in no time! On the other hand, Justice loves it! When I leave for work every morning he asks, "Are you coming home with the van?" and every night when I get home, "Can we go play airplane in the van?". Tonight, while I was the pilot, he served box juices to his doll, Sally Mae and Bear, Mo Mo in the back seat of the van and reminded them to buckle up the plane may hit a bird!
Saturday will be a busy day at Keene-ville. I have tons of laundry, need to clean up the house-get organized for another week and Coach has a basketball fundraiser. Coach Keene + 15 high school basketball players +20 grade school girls + 1 overnight camp = no sleep for Coach Keene and an extremely grouchy husband on Sunday. Honestly, I hate this event. Justice will cry because he cant spend the night in the gym. I will have both kids alone. I hate being home alone, little noises freak me out! BUT--The girls love it. A sleep over in the gym with games, snacks, movies and lots of laughs, but as for Coach Keene, I think he loses more hair every year once this thing is over...and he swears he could never have girls! Good thing, because he would have to talk that over with his next wife :)
Well, Friday Night Lights is on....time for me to chill on the couch and let the weekend begin! Its been a rough week.....to say the least....