Speechless…Very rarely am I at a loss for words. The moment my anticipated birthday weekend surprise arrived---I couldn’t breathe.
For three months my husband had a secret. He was very strategic. The man knows I am snoopy. From deleting his text messages to the history on the computer searches; I almost got a complex. I got a card on my birthday telling me how to pack and that was it.
We checked in at the Embassy Suites in St. Louis and primped for the night. Zach and I went down to the bar for a drink. He was more nervous than I was. As I was sipping my drink trying to be calm and collect waiting for the night to begin Zach says very casually, “Ready for your surprise?” I looked over my shoulder and standing in my presence was my best friend from Southern Miss—Jen and her husband Ryan. OMG—I couldn’t breathe. My husband had ONCE AGAIN pulled off a surprise of the century. The plan was put into action three months ago and the planning has not stopped since. After our emotional hellos and OMG’s we fixed our make up and hit the town. Dinner was perfect on Main Street of St. Charles and drinks at the Q.
It’s AMAZING how Jennifer and I can be apart for minutes, days, weeks or years; we always pick up right where we left off. Jennifer and I are the true meaning of best friends. We have laughed, cried, been through a near death experience together, broken hearts, fairy tale endings, motherhood, and so much more. One thing never changes, our connection. We met on a double date, neither of us kept the relationship of our male companions, but as for us—inseparable since. Actually pretty funny when you think about it…We were crazy at Southern Miss and I have a GPA to prove it a few semesters. Yikes…
Saturday was perfection. My husband got tickets for him and Ryan to cheer on the Cubs at Busch Stadium behind home plate. How can you beat seats like that? Unfortunately the Cubbies didn’t win, but I heard the BBQ Nachos eased the pain. While the boys were double fisting it at the stadium Jen and I had a morning of shopping and an afternoon of the spa. Yes, all coordinated by Mr. Coach Keene. The spa was incredible. The price tag was a little incredible too, but who puts a price tag on THIS weekend. It was priceless. Jen and I laughed and cried. I think the spa thought we were nuts. Well, we are nuts that’s a fact. After a little Starbucks and a rest; we met back up with the guys for dinner at the landing.
When I tell you the weekend was flawless, it was with no doubt planned with heart. The worst part was goodbye. I hate goodbyes. I used to experience goodbye so much when I lived in Mississippi. I was a professional at it. Yes, in the middle of the total ugly cry I promised to my BFF would make this visit a yearly thing. I am already planning a trip to the Big Easy next year so we can hit a Southern Miss football game. There is NOTHING like the eagle walk and a date at The Rock cheering on those golden eagles. I might have to pack my dad in my suitcase; he loves the eagles more than me.
Big shout out to Ryan for putting up with Jen and my crazy. I wish Southern Miss would have brought you into our circle. Everything happens for a reason and I’m just glad Jen’s fairytale began again out of terrible circumstances. You are her rock and she is a better person for you as her partner. I always knew something was missing back then. Jen didn’t sparkle like she does now. Thank you for giving her that light. I will always love you for that…
As for my husband….you did it again. Jen might be Cinderella (inside joke) but I am definitely married to Prince Charming. How many husbands go to THIS much trouble just to see their spouse smile? Less than two percent I am sure. As for Southern Miss, it was a grand time in my life, but the moment I met you MY lifetime experience began. Anyone who has been around us knows--from day one--we have had something pretty special. It’s visible in our connection, obvious in our support of one another and lived through our kids. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You always have a way of reminding me to take a deep breath. Exhaling>>>>>great friendships and husbands only come once in a lifetime.