I don’t do well with surprises. I guess it’s because I am a control freak and I need to know how to plan. For my birthday Coach is surprising me with a three day getaway WITH no details. Although he did give me an itinery of attire for each segment of the day. On a side bar one of my coworkers pointed out to me, "Only Keene's set an agenda for a relaxing getaway. He knows us to well! Immediately my pulse was thrown into overdrive and I started to stress. Ridiculous, right? All I could think about was being gone for three days and how would I get everything caught up for another week if I was off lallygagging around where ever the destination was. Pathetic, I know.
I got a real smack in the face when listening to a radio program yesterday. This young preacher’s wife and mother of 5 little ones got a gift from her husband. The story started out sharing that the preacher’s best friend was a salesman. The Salesman had won a trip for 6 to Italy. The salesman met with the preacher and invited him and his wife along on the expense paid trip. It was going to be fabulous. The minister was so excited to tell his wife. That day also happened to be Valentine’s Day. The preacher constructed a homemade card with the vacation declaration inside. He waited for just the right moment to give his wife the card that Valentines evening. As she was reading the thoughtful lines he had formulated; he was waiting for her to squeal in excitement. And—waiting—waiting--it never came. The preachers wife stood up, closed the card and said, “Absolutely, not!” He was heartbroken. She said, “I have way too much to do. I would fall so far behind. What would we do with the kids? I would rather stay home!”
BOOM---it hit me. My crazy working mother mind can only think about how far behind I will be from being gone all weekend---- that I forgot about the thoughtful gesture my husband planned for me. So TODAY, I have declared- I WILL BE EXCITED about my trip to the unknown. I even bought a new outfit and scheduled a spray tan. How’s THAT for being on board... Ladies, eat your heart out!