Dear Cameron,
Happy 2nd Birthday!! Rooaarrrr. We celebrated with a dinosaur party equipped with a cute chocolate dinosaur cake and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. You and your brother entertained the thousands with a few encores of Journey's--Don't Stop Believing. You are as sweet as the fudge Grandma Bev brought to the party. Year two has made you a talker and one of your favorite activities is to brush your teefff (that's how you say it)--which you do 12 times a day. You can hold your own when you wrestle with big brother. You love John Deere mowers and being outside. Justice is your hero, you do EVERYTHING he does. You love to color and are very strategic. You have patients when helping in the kitchen, especially when we make cookies. You always ask for a towel to, "cwean." AKA: Clean..and you are actually very helpful. You shoot hoops and play t-ball with daddy every night. You love to swim in the bath and do the spider man before you get dressed. You teach your brother to share and that lesson is priceless. You always kiss mommy good-bye and want everyone who comes over to honk when they leave. You run down the front porch like you are chasing the car every time, and yes, you learned that from your brother. The best part of my day is coming home to your big bear hugs and eating dinner around the table. You sit quietly and set a good example of cleaning your plate. You rarely complain, but you do have mind of your own. Terrible two's here we come...but nothing about you is terrible. I love your surprise face. You keep us all guessing...I cant wait to see whats next to come.
Happy BIG TWO little love. It only gets better from here on out...
Love, Mommy